Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2782: The world is falling apart

The prison area was collapsing, and the large formation that enveloped the entire prison area had lost the power to maintain its existence. The mysterious woman took the Qilin Halberd that guarded the formation. ()

Lines of formations are constantly exploding, dissipating in the void, and one area is being destroyed. Such a movement is so great that even the creatures outside the no man's land can sense it.


The sky and the earth are shaking, and even the void is falling apart. I don't know how many years this great formation has existed. Once it collapses, the damage it causes cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, all this happened in no man's land. If it were outside, more people would die.

At this time, the mysterious woman who took the unicorn halberd danced the unicorn halberd and rushed directly outwards. The power radiating from the unicorn halberd broke through the chaotic energy.

But the other woman was shooting at the mysterious woman, trying to take away the unicorn halberd from her hand.

The two women kept fighting, but at the same time they kept breaking out. At this time, a black hole appeared in the center of the prison area, devouring everything around.

All the ancient evil spirits who escaped from the trap are rushing outwards, even the underworld and Qiongqi are no exception, as powerful as Qiongqi, they all feel the threat of the black hole to them.

Gu Fei kept watching, as if everything that happened in the prison area had nothing to do with him.

The two women managed to break out of the prison area. They fought endless battles. Although the masked woman did not have the ultimate holy soldiers in her hands, she was able to contend with the mysterious woman holding a unicorn halberd, and did not fall under the wind.

I saw that masked woman waved her hands, and the power of the great avenue was so powerful that she could continuously collide with the unicorn.

"This woman is not easy..."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help being moved. On the woman's arm, Dao lines appeared constantly. Her two arms, like two saint soldiers, showed great power.

Of course, even the real holy soldiers can't compete with the real ultimate holy soldiers, but the power of the Qilin Halberd has been suppressed.

"Who are you and why can you take away the unicorn halberd."

The masked woman said in a deep voice while she shot.

The mysterious woman didn't speak, but directly danced the unicorn halberd to force the masked woman back, then turned around and left. She didn't want to pester the other party.

At this time, other powerful men also stared at the Kylin Halberd in the mysterious woman's hand. It was a peerless holy artifact. Even the Supreme Master would be jealous when they saw it, let alone other people?

"That is……"

When some strong men in the snowy region saw the masked woman, they were shocked. It was the saint of the snowy heavenly palace, and the saint of the snowy heavenly palace actually appeared here.

"It has been silent for endless years, is the Snowy Heavenly Palace finally born?"

Someone whispered, as if afraid of being heard by the masked woman.

"The saint of the snowy heaven?"

Gu Fei's ears are very good. He heard the words between the powerful people in the distance. He was also surprised that the masked woman turned out to be the saint of the Snowy Heavenly Palace.

There have been descendants of the Snowy Heavenly Palace walking in the snowy area before, and now the saint of the Snowy Heavenly Palace appears here, which is still shocking.

"Is the woman who took the unicorn halberd by Junior Sister Zhao?"

Gu Fei could hardly tell. After all, he had been separated from Junior Sister Zhao for so long, and since Junior Sister Zhao had successfully cultivated, her temperament had already changed.


Just when Gu Fei was in a daze, a muffled noise came, and some of the strong finally couldn't help but shoot, and saw a middle-aged Tsing Yi jump out directly and intercepted the mysterious woman.

"Go away!"

The mysterious woman roared, and the unicorn halberd in her hand swept towards the person at the same time.

Naturally, the man did not dare to receive the blow of the unicorn halberd, so he hurried up into the sky and avoided it. At the same time, the man raised his right hand, and a golden legal net immediately shrouded the mysterious woman.


The mysterious woman sneered, and directly danced the unicorn halberd, cutting the golden French net that was shrouded in it directly into an opening about ten feet long.


Just as the mysterious woman rushed out of the golden French net, a jade hand carved like a peerless **** jade slapped the mysterious woman's back.

The violent power shook the mysterious woman thousands of feet away and fell into a pile of ice and snow, but she still clung to the unicorn halberd and refused to let it go.

The mysterious woman stood up.


She directly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the masked scarf was shaken off, revealing a pale and beautiful face, and a little blood was splashed on her clothes.


When Gu Fei saw the face of this mysterious woman, she was taken aback. This woman was not his Junior Sister Zhao, but a woman she had never seen before.


At this moment, a group of divine light rushed out of the mysterious woman's hand, and instantly enveloped her. The next moment, the void was rippling like a transparent wave.

At the next moment, the group of divine light wrapped the mysterious woman holding the unicorn halberd, fled directly into the void, and disappeared in an instant.


That day the palace saint couldn't stop her, and she couldn't help but hate it. The snowy heavenly palace had guarded the things of endless years, but was taken away, which made her almost crazy.

The existence of the Snowy Heavenly Palace is not accidental, and the people of the Snowy Heavenly Palace are low-key and mysterious, and do not contact the outside world, and it is not without reason.

"That woman is not Junior Sister Zhao, where is Junior Sister Zhao now?"

Gu Fei felt that things were a bit complicated. He was here to find Junior Sister Zhao. He was jealous of the Qilin Ji, but he did not fight for it.

Although the Ji Dao sacred artifacts are good, too many Ji Dao sacred artifacts are not a good thing. At least for Gu Fei, it is not a good thing. People always think about it, and troubles continue.

The most important thing is that Yuanzheng's ultimate holy artifact has Yuanzheng's soldier soul. Once the soldier soul awakens and finds that the holder is not the original owner, then the current owner will be in danger.

You know, the ultimate holy artifact with the soul of a soldier is, in a sense, a kind of life, an alternative existence.

This kind of extreme sacred artifacts and autonomous consciousness and thinking can only be used by those who are approved by them, except for the powerful ones who have made them.

The power of the extremely sacred artifact is really too great, it can destroy the world and destroy everything.

People who have not been recognized by the sacred artifacts of the ultimate path, let alone use the sacred artifacts of the ultimate path, even close to the sacred artifacts of the ultimate path will not work.

At this time, there were constant primordial fiends rushing out of the collapsing prison area, and these fiends collided with the holy superiors who were guarding outside.

The war inevitably broke out.

Ming Qiong and Qiongqi rushed out of the prison area, and then fought together again. The Black Lin Tiger Emperor also shot, together with Ming Qiong, besieging Qiongqi.

"Do you need help?"

Gu Fei said to the underworld through a voice transmission.

"No need to!"

Ming Qiong spoke very simple and direct, he directly rejected Gu Fei.


At this moment, the wings on Qiongqi's back swept Nether Sky, and directly swept him out, but his body was extremely powerful, and he was not injured by the blow.

"Have you cultivated to a good body?"

Qiongqi was shocked. This extraterritorial powerhouse was simply a humanoid saint soldier, and his body was so powerful that Qiongqi had never encountered it before.

"What is not bad, such low-level things, I will go to practice?"

Ming Qiong said disdainfully, the cultivation techniques outside the territory focus on two aspects, one is the flesh, and how the cultivation techniques outside the territory have more powerful methods to practice the flesh.

On the one hand, it is swallowing, the underworld can swallow the heavens and the earth. This guy once swallowed the creatures of a whole city in one breath, and was regarded by the creatures of the heavens as being more terrifying than the evil spirits.

Underworld's body is like a black hole, constantly devouring the surrounding spiritual energy, and his cultivation and combat power are constantly improving.

In this way, the dark sky is stronger than the battle, and it seems that defeating Qiongqi is not an impossible thing.

However, Qiongqi also seemed to see the purpose of Underworld, and the current situation was definitely not a good thing for it.

The Hei Lin Tiger Emperor used soy sauce. Seeing that Qiongqi revealed a flaw, he immediately launched a crazy attack on Qiongqi, but when Qiongqi did not show any flaws, the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor retreated far away. go with.

The Black Lin Tiger Emperor’s style of play had a big impact on Qiongqi.

At this time, the palace saint did not leave that day, but instead intercepted a big murderer and fought with it. The big murderer was actually a phoenix bird.

The phoenix bird is a kind of divine bird that looks very similar to the phoenix. However, this kind of divine bird is not a real phoenix, but it has the blood of a real phoenix in its body.

The great fierce phoenix bird spread its wings, and feathers flew out from its wings, making a "clang" sound, turning into bright sword lights and slashing towards the heavenly lady.

"It's just a flat-haired beast, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

The Saintess of Heaven said coldly.


She saw her dancing with both hands, and a whirlpool appeared in front of her, revealing a terrifying power of swallowing the sky, and then all the sword light that had been slashed into the whirlpool.

At this time, the black vortex in the center of the prison area was expanding, and the power of swallowing sky came out of the black vortex, swallowing the surrounding void.

Some ancient fiends who couldn't evade were swallowed directly, and then there was no sound.

After all, there are not many ancient big evil spirits who can live to the present. As those big evil spirits continue to be subdued or beheaded, the outside of the prison area gradually calmed down.

That day the palace saint conquered the phoenix bird, and then left directly.

Not everyone can get something that satisfies them. Qiongqi ran away, Ming Qiong failed to subdue Qiongqi, and Gu Fei wanted to make a move, but this guy slipped faster than a rabbit.

Gu Fei took the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor to continue walking in the no man's land. He had a hunch that he would meet Junior Sister Zhao soon.

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