Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2783: Yuangu killed

The prison area collapsed and the impact was huge. Even the saint woman of the Snow Domain Heavenly Palace was alarmed. The saint woman was extremely powerful and possessed a heaven-defying technique, conquered a phoenix bird, and then left.

The existence of other sage-levels has also been reaped, taking advantage of the great damage of the great evil spirits who have escaped, and then conquering them.

The Sovereign Jinyang conquered a black flood and left with satisfaction, while some Sovereigns did not get anything, and did not conquer any ancient evil.

Some people are even unlucky enough to be killed by the big murderers who escaped from the trap, and then swallowed, and become the blood food of the ancient big murderers.

You know, not all of the ancient fiends who escaped from the prison area were badly damaged. Some fiends have secret methods to retain their peak combat power.

Just like the great savage of the ancients, some of the great savages are still in their peak state. In this way, it will be unlucky to encounter such a sage.

Gu Fei's gain is not small, he has subdued the outside powerhouse Mingqiang, even if it is in the outside world, it is also a hero-level existence.

Although this guy's vitality was severely injured and he was no longer as fierce as he was in the past, his physical body was extremely powerful and could contend with the extreme saints.

Gu Fei was still walking in the no man's land with Mingqiang and Heilin Tiger Emperor, he wanted to find Zhao Zirou.


When Gu Fei and the others arrived in front of a snow valley, a scream came from the snow valley, and a breath that made their heart palpitations enveloped the whole valley.

"Kirin Halberd."

Gu Fei sensed the breath in the snow valley, and couldn't help but shake his heart. This was the breath of a unicorn halberd. Could it be that mysterious woman was in the snow valley.

He didn't rush into the snow valley, but watched the changes outside the snow valley.

That kylin halberd is an extremely sacred artifact, a fierce halberd made by the supreme being sacrificed with the beast body of the emperor's sacred beast, unicorn. If this sacred artifact is out of control, it will be a disaster.


The Hei Lin Tiger Emperor turned into a black-clothed young man, following Ming Qiong.

"Kirin Halberd..."

Ming Qiong was talking to himself, he was also jealous at that fierce halberd.

The ultimate holy artifacts refined by the human race are really powerful, powerful enough to hurt his body, which is incredible in the extraterritorial world.

The extraterritorial world does not have such a powerful weapon, because the most powerful thing in the extraterritorial world is the flesh of the monk.

But with Gu Fei here, where's the turn to get him.

Gu Fei had no plans to enter the Snow Valley, and Underworld did not dare to act rashly. Once he annoyed Gu Fei, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Finally, Gu Fei boarded a snow peak near the snow valley and sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

At this time, in the snow valley, it was as if a terrifying beast had recovered from its deep sleep, and a huge unicorn phantom appeared above the valley and roared.

"There is a problem with the unicorn halberd."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, it seems that only this explanation can explain why the prison domain has undergone a sudden change. There has been nothing wrong in the endless years, but it happened at this time.

He felt that another force in the snow valley was suppressing the force of the unicorn. Someone drew a strong force to suppress the fierce halberd.

Ming Qiong and Hei Lin Tiger Emperor stood behind Gu Fei, they looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of puzzlement in each other's eyes.

Just when the ancient flying disc was sitting on the snow peak and watching the changes, the world was condensing in the extreme west, outside the forbidden area, Ximing.

The old turtle is still in the formation, he wants to be foolproof, but there is nothing foolproof in this world, especially the attack on the restricted area.

"If Gu Fei comes to help, the chance of success is at least 60 to 70%."

The old turtle stood on a mountain ridge outside Xi Ming, looking out the Xi Ming Sea in the distance. At this time, the Xi Ming Sea was very calm.

It was not ordinary peace, but absolute peace, calm enough to make people feel endless depression.

The ruler in Xi Minghai did not respond. The ruler allowed the old tortoise to be in the formation, and did not intervene, nor did he send out creatures in the restricted area to cause trouble.

At this time, Ximing gathered a lot of powerful people overseas, these people are powerful people who came from other parts of the heavens, and they are also very curious whether the old turtle can succeed.

If it succeeds, then Xi Minghai will be the first restricted area to be flattened throughout the ages, with a profound impact.

However, if it fails, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. You must know that through the ages, there have been more people who want to close the restricted area, but there is no one who can succeed.

Some people think that Laogui could not succeed, because even the ancient supreme could not close the restricted areas. One can imagine how difficult it is to close the restricted areas.

However, some people think that Laogui has a chance to close the restricted area, because he has the seal of the Emperor, that is the extreme demon soldier.

The old turtle is very careful. There are also powerful existences among the demon races in the heavens who have rushed to Xi Minghai. They will only listen to the old turtles, and only the old turtles are qualified to send them.

Gu Fei seemed to be a clone for the time being, unable to rush back to help him attack Xi Minghai.

However, Laogui didn't seem to be in such a hurry to attack Xi Minghai, so he still had time to wait, first to perfect the formation as much as possible.

Even with the Emperor's Seal and the Peerless Sword in his hands, Laogui still feels that it is not enough. Moreover, those people are not willing to do it. If those people are willing to do it, the matter will be easily solved.

Just when Laogui was about to wait for Gu Fei to return, in Nanling, the conflict between Nanling God Emperor Cang Xiao and Huo Emperor had already reached the point of breaking out.

The Nanling Divine Emperor wanted to regain his lost territory, but the Fire Emperor was so powerful that he did not intend to compromise at all, and the two great emperors were at war.

The Luoxia City in the mountains is still very peaceful. The people here are still returning home from sunrise to sunset, living a simple and peaceful life.

In the other courtyard, Yan'er was in retreat, Gu Ling was still fascinated, but Gu Ling's apprentice and Gu Fei's newly-acquired little boy were practicing hard.

They have to upgrade their cultivation as soon as possible.

When the chaos comes, only the strong can have a chance to survive, and the weak will only become cannon fodder.

The other courtyard is a forbidden place in Luoxia City. Except for the Old Immortal Emperor, no one in Luoxia City can enter here, even other important figures in Luoxia City.

After the old turtle left, the place became much quieter.

However, with the confrontation between the two major forces, Nanling continued to clashed. Fortunately, Luoxia City was in the mountains and has not been affected yet.

Moreover, those subordinates of the Fire Emperor had suffered a big loss here in Luoxia City, and they easily did not dare to attack Luoxia City again.

Although the Huo Clan is powerful, Laogui and Gu Fei are not vegetarians. The Huo Di didn't want to provoke these two ruthless people, because a Nanling Divine Emperor Cang Xiao had already caused him a headache.

If Gu Fei and Laogui were to be guilty again, and the existence of the three emperors would join forces to deal with him, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Although the fire emperor was powerful, he was not arrogant enough to contend with the three emperors at the same time, especially Gu Fei, who was a generation of wicked men, and even Yuangu Tiandi suffered a big loss in his hands.

Fire Emperor still knew who the Yuangu Tiandi was.

The Fire Emperor didn't want to provoke Gu Fei, but some people didn't put Gu Fei in their eyes. On this evening, a figure appeared outside the courtyard.


The man didn't say a word, and directly pressed his palm forward, and a huge palm immediately appeared in the void, covering the entire world, and falling toward the other courtyard.

"Enemy attack."

There was a loud shout from the other courtyard.

At this time, the big hand that had fallen from the sky had already blasted over the other courtyard, and it was about to fall.

At this moment, a group of divine light emerged from the void, covering the entire courtyard, and the big hand that fell from the sky directly blasted on that layer of divine light.

The entire courtyard shook, but that layer of divine light blocked the big hand.


The man couldn't help but moved his face when he saw this scene. He couldn't even break the guardian formation here. He was really embarrassed and lost his grandma's house.

"Who am I, it turns out to be you."

At this time, Yan'er, who was in the retreat, heard the movement, and then walked out of the retreat. When she saw the person, she was an acquaintance.

This person was actually Yuangu Tiandi.

The man dressed in white was standing outside the courtyard, very eye-catching, and there were nine immortals divine light lingering on his body, and the whole person was like a fairy lord coming from above the nine heavens.

The immortal aura was surging, and the ancient Emperor Tian made another move, and immediately, a bright sword light rushed out of him and fell towards the other courtyard, as if a divine rainbow from the sky fell from the sky.

A cold and fierce sword qi fluctuation spread to all directions, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped rapidly.

This is the ultimate move of the Proterozoic Emperor, the flying fairy sword light, one sword flying fairy, can cut down the stars in the sky, this kind of kendo is born from the supreme kendo.

Although the Yuangu Tiandi didn't get the complete inheritance of Zhutian Nine Swords, this flying immortal sword light was also fierce, with the shadow of supreme swordsmanship.

What Gu Fei got on that fast-old stone carving was Yuan Zheng's Nine Swords of Zhu Tian, ​​but Yuan Gu Tiandi only realized Feixian Sword Dao from ancient stone carvings.

The true and complete Nine Zhutian Swords were more powerful than the Flying Immortal Sword Dao that the Proterozoic Heavenly Emperor himself had realized, but he did not know how many times stronger.

Extreme Swordsmanship cannot be copied. The Sword Doctrine realized by the Proterozoic Emperor is specious, but it is not the real Extreme Swordsmanship.

At this time, Fei Xian's sword light fell, still being blocked by that layer of divine light, the fierce sword light was difficult to break through the large formation that enveloped the entire other courtyard.

"Hmph, don't waste your effort, this is the big formation under the big turtle cloth, you can't break it."

Yan'er said disdainfully.

At this time, everyone in the other courtyard was shocked and all ran out.


Yuan Gu Tiandi gritted his teeth, he wanted to go into the other courtyard, captured Gu Fei's wife and daughter, and then threatened Gu Fei to submit.

However, this is just his wishful thinking.

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