Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2784: Hunt down

Yuan Gu Tiandi suddenly slammed into Nanling, trying to capture Yan'er and Gu Ling, so Gu Fei was not at his mercy.

The Emperor of Heaven, who had been silent for so long, finally jumped out, and the powerful aura of the Holy Dao leaped from his body, and the whole world was shaking.

"What's going on, is there an emperor coming."

In Luoxia City, the old Immortal Emperor of Luoxia City was shocked to the extreme, and the emperor's aura from Luoxia City's other courtyard was too powerful and terrifying.

The old immortal emperor felt bad, but he was powerless. With his cultivation base, without the protection of the great defense formation, he would not be able to withstand the prestige.

The coercion of the emperor is too strong, only a saint can bear it.

"Yuan Gu'er, you are really despicable enough to dare not go to my father, but you come to bully us female classmates, you are also worthy of being called the Emperor of Heaven."

A sound like a silver bell came from the courtyard of Luoxia City, and the figure of a young girl appeared above the courtyard, holding her hands and smiling while looking at the Yuangu Tiandi outside the courtyard.

"Girl Huang Mao, when the emperor crosses the heavens, even your parents don't know where they are, dare to be presumptuous in front of the emperor."

Yuan Gu Tiandi couldn't help being furious when he heard this.

"Relying on the old and selling old guy, if you have any kind, go to my father to fight, what kind of a hero to bully the weak female stream, you will lose your reputation if you spread it out."

Gu Ling said coldly.

"Haha, do you think anyone will know all this."

Yuan Gu Tiandi laughed.


At this moment, an ancient tripod rushed up from the other courtyard and hovered over the other courtyard, exuding an incomparably powerful aura of the Holy Path.

When that ancient tripod appeared, the ancient emperor of heaven was shocked, thinking it was a mountain and river tripod, but after a serious look, he knew that this ancient tripod was not a mountain and river tripod.

This ancient tripod is exactly Yan'er's universal tripod.


Void shook, and the eighteen black shadows rushed out from the Ten Thousand Medicine Qiankun Cauldron, just like a **** of death crawling out of hell, and a powerful aura of death exuded from each of them.

The Wanyao Qiankun Ding had been transformed into the Wanpo Qiankun Ding at this time.

This is the treasure left by the Yan'er Master's door, and it is the sacred tool refined by the ancient medicine sacred sacrifice. This ancient tripod has been refined into her natal sacred weapon by the Yaner sacrifice.

"It's just an incarnation, and I dare to come here to go wild."

A white figure came out of the other courtyard. This was a woman with a veil on her face. This person was Yan'er.

"Even if it is an incarnation, it is enough to capture you."

Yuan Gu Tiandi said coldly.

"Mother, why did you come out? Just let me deal with this guy."

Gu Ling said.

"Master, who is this person, so fierce."

At this time, a tender voice sounded, and then Yan'er and Zhao Hao also walked out.

Before Gu Fei left, he left them and gave them to Yan'er's mother and daughter to teach them, because he didn't have time to teach these two descendants.

"Oh, this guy is called Yuan Gu. He used to be the Emperor of Heaven, but he was driven out of the Eastern Region by your master ancestor and became a dog of the mourning family. He only dared to bark here."

Gu Ling said disdainfully.

"Oh, it turns out that this guy is a mad dog."

Yan'er said suddenly.

Yan'er smiled and watched this scene, letting Gu Ling and the others mock the ancients.

"Damn, I want to kill you."

Yuan Gu Tiandi was simply mad. He roared and shot, a ray of bright sword light rushed out of his hand, soaring, and directly falling towards the other courtyard.


The Great Formation in the other courtyard shook. The Proterozoic Fei Xian Sword Light was powerful enough to cut down the stars in the sky. However, although the Fei Xian Sword Light shook the great formation, it could not break it.

"Haha, don't waste your efforts, this is a big formation laid by the demon lord, let alone you are just an incarnation, even if the real body comes, it is useless."

Gu Ling said with a big smile.

"It's another good thing that old turtle did."

The Yuangu Tiandi couldn't help being shocked. He naturally knew the power of the old turtle. That was the son of the ancient supreme emperor. There were definitely not many people in the entire heaven who dared to challenge the old turtle.

The background of the old turtle is really too big, and the old turtle also controls the seal of the emperor made by the emperor's sacrifice, which is the extreme demon soldier.


At this moment, over the other courtyard, the eighteen dark shadows rushed out of the large array of the other courtyard directly, and headed towards the Yuangu Tiandi.

This is the phantom that evolved from the Ten Thousand Poison Qiankun Cauldron, but it contains the most powerful poison in the world. Once these phantoms rush to the body, even the saints will fall.

Although this incarnation of Yuangu Tiandi didn't have the cultivation base and combat power of the deity, the difference was not big, and the combat power displayed was enough to kill the saint.


A group of dazzling sword light spread from the body of the ancient emperor, and directly shattered the eighteen poisonous shadows.


Yan'er was taken aback. The Primordial Emperor Tiandi was really extraordinary. It was just an incarnation, and even had such a powerful combat power. If the real body came, Luoxia House would be really dangerous.

However, the large formation guarding the other courtyard was personally arranged by the old turtle. It was from the hands of the old turtle. Even if the Yuangu Emperor really descended, it would not be possible to break this large formation for a while.

"But so."

Yuan Gu Tiandi said disdainfully.

"Let's talk about it if you can attack."

Gu Ling said disapprovingly.

"Well, you all go in."

Yaner greeted Zhao Hao and Yaner.

"Haha, let this guy toss outside."

Gu Ling said with a smile, this big formation under the old turtle cloth is definitely not simple, if the ancient emperor can really threaten this big formation, then he will have an unexpected surprise.

Facing the despise of Gu Ling and the others, the Emperor Yuangu was really going crazy, but he also knew that it was definitely not an easy task to break the formation.

"I don't believe that this big formation can't be broken."

The Yuangu Tiandi became fierce, and he began to imprint a series of formation patterns outside the Luoxia Courtyard. He wanted to break the formation. Only in this way could he have the opportunity to break through the big formation under the old turtle cloth.

"It's unreasonable. It's not just that old tortoise who can make formations, so can Lao Tzu. I want to see how long you can hide inside."

Yuangu Tiandi was really angry.

"Mother, what should I do? That guy actually wants to break the battle. It seems that Yuan Gu'er still has some skills."

In a pavilion in the other courtyard, Gu Ling said to Yan'er.

"If Yuan Gu really comes, I'm still a little worried, but the person outside is just an incarnation of him, don't worry, he will not be able to attack."

Yan'er said.

At this time, both Yan'er and Zhao Hao had entered the training ground that Gu Fei had arranged for them to continue practicing.

Yan'er was born with Dao pupil, and also a body of water. After practicing, she would get twice the result with half the effort. At a young age, she has already cultivated to the point where even some older monks can't match it.

As for Zhao Hao, he possesses the body of earth travel, and he is also a good seedling. Under the guidance of Gu Ling and Yan'er, his cultivation is also very fast.

Hearing Yan'er say this, Gu Ling was relieved.

At this time, the news that the incarnation of the Yuangu Tiandi appeared in Luoxia City was spread, which made all the forces in Nanling feel uneasy.

The Primordial Emperor is not a good bird. This guy is the most mysterious and unpredictable in the history of the heavens. It seems that no one has ever seen his true face.

This guy has always shown people as an avatar, even when Gu Fei broke through the nest, his real body did not jump out.

However, at this time, the Proterozoic Heavenly Emperor appeared again, and it had to make people wonder whether this guy lost the site of Dongtu and then came to Nanling to open up territory.

If this is true, Nanling will be completely chaotic, and countless creatures will be robbed.

In the history of cultivation in the heavens, only the most turbulent and dark years will appear in a region, and at the same time there will be situations where several great emperors are vying for battle.

But now, this is not the dark age.

However, soon, the major forces in Nanling learned why the ancient Emperor Tiandi suddenly appeared in Nanling. It turned out that the ancient Tiandi flew towards Gu.

Could this ancient emperor of heaven start to report for the retro flight?

Many people want to know the purpose of the ancient emperor, but the intent of the ancient emperor is not something anyone can guess.

When the Proterozoic Emperor Tiandi was in the formation and wanted to break the formation and break through the big formation under the old turtle cloth, the old turtle far away in Xi Minghai felt inwardly.

"Who dares to beat their mother and daughter's idea."

On a mountain peak outside Ximing, the old turtle was sitting on a large rock. He didn't know who was attacking the Luoxia City Courtyard.

However, the matter has not reached the most critical moment, how easily the big formation he has laid out is so easy to be breached, even if the big formation is breached, he still has a back hand.

Even if the last resort doesn't work, he can directly return to the Luoxia Courtyard through the cross-domain teleportation array.

Laogui didn't intend to go to Nanling himself. He was still waiting, but Gu Fei had never heard from him, and he didn't know if he found Zhao Zirou.

At this time, Gu Fei was still sitting on the mountain ridge outside the snow valley, sensing the movement in the snow valley.

The breath of the unicorn halberd from the snow valley gradually weakened, and the existence in the snow valley seemed to have successfully suppressed the power of the unicorn halberd.

At this time, Ming Qiong and Hei Lin Tiger Emperor didn't know where they went.

There is no peace in the no man’s land. There are peerless powerful men who are hunting down those ancient fiends who have escaped from the sky and devouring the essence of these ancient fiends.

"Good fellow, one step too late again."

In a valley, there was a huge bone lying down. It was a purple-gold unicorn beast. The unicorn beast, which was originally extremely powerful, was now skin and bones. All the essence of the body was swallowed up and died here.

When Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor rushed into the valley, they only saw the weird corpse of the purple-gold unicorn beast.

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