Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2792: Daohuo Burning Demon Ancestor

Underworld is really awesome, it actually swallowed a demon ancestor in one bite. It was a demon ancestor, not an ordinary creature, but the strongest among the demon race.

The strength of the ancestor of the true demon is beyond doubt, its demon body is even the ultimate demon body, this kind of strongest demon body cannot be easily refined.

I have to say that this underworld is really too bold. It seems that he doesn't consider the consequences of swallowing a demon ancestor. If he can't digest it, then he will be unlucky.


The ancestor of the true demon was swallowed by the underworld into the Chaos Magnificent Heaven and Earth in his belly, refining this fierce demon with the power of the Chaos Magnificent Heaven and Earth.

Once successful, the cultivation base of the underworld may be restored to its former peak state immediately.

However, if he fails, his vitality will be severely injured again. You must know that what he ate was a demon ancestor. There are definitely not many demon bodies that can refine the demon ancestor in the world.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, Ming Qiong sat down in the void, and all the creatures who saw this scene looked at Ming Qiong nervously.

No one intends to attack the Demon Qiong. You must know that the Demon Race is the deadly enemy of all living beings. Everyone hopes that the Demon Ancestor can successfully refine the Demon Ancestor.

However, Ming Qiong's body trembled very quickly, and he received a tremendous impact, and the Demon Ancestor wanted to rush out of his chaotic and magnificent world.

I have to say that although the Demon Ancestor lost his extreme power and fell from that invincible realm, he was still extremely powerful, especially the demon body, which was even more powerful to the point of abnormality.

In the chaotic cosmopolitan world of the underworld, the demon ancestor kept punching and punching. The powerful force shook the entire chaotic cosmopolitan world, and a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared in the void.

However, these spatial cracks blasted out by the fists of the demon ancestors existed for a very short time, just like black lightning, they disappeared in an instant.

This heaven and earth was very stable by the Nether Sky Sacrifice. Throughout the ages, only Gu Fei had ever broken this chaotic and magnificent world opened up by the Nether Sky.

However, today, there is another demon ancestor that has shaken the world.

"Come and help."

At this time, Nether Sky, who was sitting in the void, spoke to the Black Lin Tiger Emperor, and the power of this Demon Ancestor was getting stronger and stronger, and he was almost unable to suppress this Demon Ancestor.


A tiger roar sounded, and a black-haired young man rushed towards the Nether Vault, he came behind the Nether Vault, and then pressed his palm on the back of the Nether Vault, and transmitted his own power into the body of the Nether Vault to help Underworld suppressed the Demon Ancestor in his body.

After receiving the help of the Black Lin Tiger Emperor, the power emanating from Underworld's body has become more powerful. In his inner world, the original laws have turned into countless gods chains and entangled toward the devil ancestors in the deep. The Demon Ancestor became entangled.

Soon, the ancestor of the true demon was entangled by a chain of laws and gods into a huge "silkworm cocoon", and endless destructive powers gathered from all directions towards that "silkworm cocoon", and the things in the "silkworm cocoon" must be completely Obliteration, refining.


Things seemed to be developing as expected, refine the Demon Ancestor, restore the cultivation base, and then see if he could break the restriction that Gu Fei seeded on his soul.

At this time, everyone was watching, could it be that the dignified Demon Ancestor was destroyed like this.

Some people's faces are still solemn. You must know that the Demon Ancestor is not easy. If it is so easy to be destroyed, then it is not the true Demon Ancestor.

In the ancient years, since someone could capture the ancestor of the true demon and suppress it in the prison area, it was obvious that it was difficult for people in the world to kill it, so it was necessary to seal it up.

Some optimistic people don't think so much, because the ancestor of the true demon has been sealed in the prison for endless years, and it has long been not the invincible ancestor of the demon.

Maybe this so-called ancestor of true demons was really refined by that lunatic from outside the domain.

"Haha, the ancestor of the true devil, it's not the same."

Someone laughed.


There was a gust of wind and thunder from Nether Sky's body, as if a world of heaven and earth had evolved in his body, an incredibly powerful aura spread from his body.

"Maybe it can be successful."

Someone said.

At this time, Gu Fei laughed, the ancestor of the true demon would not die so easily, otherwise, he would have been beheaded in the ancient years.

The ancient fierce crow and Qiongqi were both staring at the underworld nervously.

"how is this possible……"

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Ming Qiong's forehead. In his inner world, the "silkworm cocoon" still exists. Although he tried his best, it was difficult to refine the demon ancestor.

"Sir, what should I do."

Hei Lin Tiger Emperor said that they seemed to be unable to refine that real demon at all and had to find another way.

"What else can I do, continue."

Underworld is getting fierce. Since Lao Tzu can swallow this demon ancestor, he will definitely be able to refine it. This is a shortcut to restore his peak cultivation.

The black-haired young man transformed into Tiger Emperor Hei Lin gave a wry smile, and continued desperately to transmit his power into the body of the underworld.

There was a clanging sound in the chaotic cosmopolitan heaven and earth in the underworld, and the countless **** chains entwining the ancestor of the true demon vibrated, making waves of gold and iron collisions.

Countless Dao patterns emerged from those **** chains, and then turned into Dao Fire, trying to refine the ancestors of the true demons entangled in them.

At this time, Nether Sky turned the entire Chaos and Magnificent Heaven and Earth into an oven, and used this heaven and earth oven to refine the ancestor of the true demon. He used the ancestor of the true demon as a holy medicine to sacrifice.

"Huh, don't waste your effort."

The ancestor of the true demon who was trapped in the oven spoke, with disdain in his tone. If this level of Dao fire could refine himself, he would have been caught by that person long ago. Killed, and spent the endless years of being sealed in this place.

I have to say that the lunatic from outside this domain is very strong, but in the end it is not strong enough to refine the extreme magic body.

"Damn it."

Ming Qiong was very unwilling. The fat was eaten into his mouth, but it was difficult to swallow, and he had to spit it out. Nothing made him feel more aggrieved than this.

At this time, the entire Chaos Harmony Heaven and Earth turned into an oven, and endless Dao Fire was burning. This is Dao Huo, not an ordinary sacred fire. Dao Huo can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and has the great power to burn everything.

But now, even with the addition of Ten Thousand Dao Fire, it still failed to make this true demon ancestor frown.

Many people have noticed the expression of Underworld, knowing that it is going to be bad, the ancestor of the true demon is indelible, which makes some people retreat, taking advantage of the ancestor of the true demon still trapped in the body of the underworld, and then leave here.

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