Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2793: Gu Fei shot

Underworld failed, it was impossible for him to refine the ancestor of the true demon, but instead allowed the ancestor of the true demon to refine a lot of his energy, which he never expected.

"What's the matter, this Demon Ancestor seems to have become stronger."

Someone said in shock.


The ancestor of the true demon was so powerful that he smashed the entire void with a single punch, blasting the Netherworld away thousands of feet away, and even the Black Lin Tiger Emperor who was next to it was also affected.


The tiger's roar shook the sky, and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor tried his best to contend with the strength of the real demon's ancestor, but everything was in vain. This extremely powerful Tiger Emperor also flew away.

Although the fist of the ancestor of the true demon was not aimed at the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor, the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor, who was still shocked by the power of his fist, kept coughing up blood and flew over nine thousand feet.

"I knew it would be like this."

Daxiaoqiongqi said, how easily the ancestor of the ancient true demons could be defeated, it was an existence that could compete with the ultimate saints.

Of course, the current cultivation base of this demon ancestor has long been wiped out by the great formation of the prison domain, but it is still boundless and powerful.

"I still want me to shoot, hey."

Gu Fei sighed and said, it is impossible for him to let this Demon Ancestor bring disaster to the world. If this Demon Ancestor leave alive, I don't know how many creatures will fall.

The ancient fierce bird and shadow crow also retreated far away, and did not intend to shoot.

"If you want to refine your ancestor to improve your cultivation, dream."

The ancestor of the true demon sneered and said, seeing him take a step, and disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, when he appeared again, he had already straddled the void and appeared on the opposite side of the sky.


With a roar of Nether Sky, he shot directly at the ancestor of the true demon, and the entire void exploded, turning into a strong destructive force to be wiped out towards the ancestor of true demon.

"Haha, you guy really knows what my ancestor wants."

The ancestor of the true demon laughed and took a breath, actually swallowing this terrifying and destructive force that was going to him mightily.

After swallowing this power, the aura on the true demon's ancestor became stronger again, and that destructive power was directly refined and absorbed by him and turned into a part of his power.

This is the horror of the devil, swallowing all the power that can be swallowed, and then refining these powers into their own power.


Ming Qiong couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this scene. How could this ancestor of the fierce demon be like himself, capable of refining all kinds of power between heaven and earth for his own use.

"come on."

The ancestor of the true demon stretched out his big hand, and a black hole emerged in his palm, and a force of swallowing the sky came out of the black hole and swallowed towards the sky.


The void in front of the palm of the true demon's ancestor collapsed, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks spread out in all directions, like black lightning, which made people palpitating.


Ming Qiong sneered, he rose directly into the sky, avoiding the big hand of the true demon's ancestor, and then waved his hands, the divine light like heavenly swords rushed out of his hand and slashed at the true demon's ancestor Away.

However, a stunned scene appeared. The ancestor of the true demon was like an invisible black hole, devouring all the surrounding energy.

The divine light from Nether Qiong couldn't even touch the clothes on the Ancestor of True Demon, and it disappeared into the void.

"Damn it."

Nether Sky's forehead was sweating, and the other party was almost invincible. This guy swallowed all his essence, naturally the more he fought.

And his energy was constantly being swallowed by this guy, and the more he fought, the weaker he became.

Under this situation, his fate was already doomed. He didn't want to be used by this guy and wanted to retreat, but it was too late at this time.

The ancestor of the true demon had already watched him and wanted to escape. This was definitely not an easy task. Only by fighting the ancestor of the demon could he have a chance to escape.

After all, Underworld was once a hero in the extraterritorial world, and it was not easy for the ancestor of true demons to completely defeat him.

The two powerhouses are moving fast above the sky, in constant battle, they both have the strongest physical bodies, and the realm of cultivation is not much different.

However, the ancestor of the true demon was a demon ancestor-level existence, and the extreme demon body was so powerful that ordinary people could not imagine it.


Underworld was blasted out again.

Hei Lin Tiger Emperor has not dared to make a move anymore, it has retreated far, this level of battle, if it intervenes, it may be in danger of falling.

"Everyone go together."

Someone said loudly.

However, no one responded, and no one would take action. All the creatures who watched the battle took their lives and did not want to face the ancestor of this true demon.

"Everyone goes together, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, otherwise, you will be killed by this fierce demon one by one, is it a death."

Someone continued to speak.

"Yes, this fierce demon has already locked me and waited, and sooner or later he will come to the door."

Someone agreed.

Some creatures were moved.

However, no one dared to stand up.

"Then why don't you do it."

Some people questioned those who spoke. These guys are hiding in the dark to speak, and they don't show their true colors. They seem to want to use everyone.

"Those who hide their heads and show their tails, isn't your purpose to want everyone to come forward and die?"

Someone sneered disdainfully.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Nether Sky was once again blasted out by the ancestor of the true demon. There was blood dripping in the air, and the strong body was injured.

"If you don't make a move, please wait."

Those people are still lobbying everyone to take action.

"They are all people who are greedy for life and fear of death, with fear in their hearts. These creatures have already lost the qualifications to become the strongest."

Gu Fei said in his heart, there are definitely a lot of powerful creatures watching the battle, this is a force that is powerful enough to make the ancestor of the true demon move.

"Master, help me."

The voice of Underworld suddenly rang in Gu Fei's heart. At this time, Underworld finally asked Gu Fei for help. Of all the creatures present, Gu Fei could only match the ancestor of the true demon.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort, then took one step, showing the eight-step extreme speed, and suddenly appeared in front of the ancestor of the true demon, intercepting it.

"You finally can't help it."

The ancestor of the true demon stopped. He stood in the void, with his hands on his back, calmly looking at the human race opposite.

All the creatures who watched the battle from a distance saw someone finally stepping forward, and they were shocked and inexplicably shocked. Some people really dared to jump out to fight the ancestor of the true demon.

In fact, the ancestor of the true demon had noticed Gu Fei a long time ago, because Gu Fei was the most powerful existence among all the powers present, and it was also an existence that was a great threat to the ancestor of the true demon.

After Gu Fei intercepted the ancestor of the true demon, Underworld could finally take a breath.

"Yes, a demon like you is rare, and it happens to be used to practice hands."

There was a smile on Gu Fei's face, and he looked at the ancestor of the true demons playfully.


Everyone who heard Gu Fei's words was shocked to the extreme. This guy actually asked the ancestor of the true demon to practice his hands, which was too arrogant.


After hearing Gu Fei's words, the ancestor of the true demon laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Well, let's warm up first."

As Gu Fei said, he slammed a punch at the ancestor of the true demon on the opposite side. This was an ordinary punch, simple and direct, without strong power fluctuations coming out of his fist, let alone nothing. Divine light.


The ancestor of the true demon couldn't help changing his color instantly when he saw that Gu Fei had hit such a punch.

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