Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2803: The strongest creature in the restricted zone

The creatures in the restricted area are extremely powerful, and the body can still be reorganized in an instant to restore peak combat power after being smashed by the imperial seal in the hands of the old turtle.

"Haha, very good. If you are killed by my imperial seal like this, it would be too boring."

The old turtle laughed.

The white-haired middle-aged man didn't say anything. In his blood-colored pupils, fierce lights were constantly flickering, and the strongest death power was over his body.

He stretched out his right hand, and the demon halberd that was shaken by the Emperor's Seal flew back into his hand from a distance.


A more powerful force of death exploded from the white-haired middle-aged man, and runes appeared on his body, and the power contained in the devil halberd in his hand was completely aroused.


A ghost of the dragon rushed out from the halberd and screamed up to the sky. Although it was not a real flesh and blood body, the old turtle seemed to hear an extremely shocking dragon howl.


At this time, the Taihuang seal in the old turtle's hand also shook, and a series of ancient runes emerged from the ancient seal, intertwining a series of mysterious Taoist pictures.

The power of Tai Huang Yin is also recovering.

"Bring your horse here."

The old turtle hooked his fingers at the white-haired middle-aged man opposite and said, he still has a relaxed face, as if he didn't put this extremely powerful creature in the restricted area in his eyes.


The white-haired middle-aged man said in a deep voice, and then his whole person turned into a black light, merged with the demon halberd, and launched a strong blow at the old turtle.


The demon halberd shattered the void, and instantly smashed into the old turtle's body. The strong death power showed the terrifying power of destroying everything.


The old turtle directly sacrificed the seal of the Emperor, and an ancient seal flew up and collided with the demon halberd that slashed, and a loud noise broke out.

The energy storm exploded when the two strong forces collided and swept out in all directions, and the sea below was directly wiped out by this force, and countless dry bones in the sea also shattered into dust.


The earth quaked, the entire West Minghai became unstable, the water of the Minghai was constantly being wiped out, and some places had already exposed the water.

The demon halberd shattered, the inner magic lines were wiped out, the white-haired middle-aged man flew upside down, and his body broke into the void again.

This time, he still survived, quickly condensing a physical body in the void.

"It won't die like this."

In the great formation of Jue Tian, ​​Gu Fei and Ming Qiong couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene. You must know that Tai Huang Yin is an extremely powerful demon soldier, with great power.

The white-clothed middle-aged man had been smashed twice by the Emperor's seal, but he could still reorganize his body, which made Gu Fei couldn't help being moved.

Could this guy also practice the Eclosion Secret Art, one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and possess a nearly immortal body.


The Supreme Emperor's Seal flew again and smashed the middle-aged man once again. This time, the mighty power above the Supreme Emperor's Seal sealed the void and cut off all this guy's retreat.


The Taihuang seal kept shaking, and the mighty power coming out of the ancient seal directly shattered the middle-aged man's body, and then pulverized the shattered body into dust.

This is the destruction of form and spirit, and is one of the most thorough methods of death for monks.

The white-haired middle-aged man died in battle. There is no suspense. You know, Laogui is a descendant of the Emperor, and he has the seal of the Emperor.

As soon as the Jidao Demon Tool comes out, who will fight for it?

Just when the white-haired middle-aged man died in battle, the black hall suspended in front of him shook, and a powerful breath came out from the black hall.

"It's all waste."

An old voice came out of the black hall. Then, an old man walked out of the black hall. It was an old man with a hunchback, and his hair and beard were all white. The old teeth had fallen out, holding a dragon head. Crutches, staring at the old turtle opposite.

The old man swallowed the world directly, and the spirits of the world around him immediately gathered towards him like crazy.

The old tortoise didn't immediately make a move. He was waiting, waiting for the old man to restore his cultivation, before he defeated him and beat him up.

"You guys haven't shot yet."

Suddenly, a voice rang directly in Old Turtle's heart, and the owner of this voice was Gu Fei.

"Huh, what anxious."

The old turtle said, he was still watching the change of the old man opposite, and saw that the old man became younger after swallowing the endless power of death.


The old tortoise was also taken aback when he saw this. The old man was not simple, he actually wanted to adjust his body to the best unknown with a secret method.

Soon, the old man stopped hunchback, his eyes were no longer muddy, his white hair was rapidly turning black, and a tall middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone.

"This is your peak state."

The old turtle teased.

"Hmph, come here and die."

The middle-aged man in white said coldly, without a trace of emotion in his tone.


The old turtle laughed. This guy actually told him to suffer in the past. Does this guy think he is the Supreme Supreme?

"It seems I still have to do it myself."

The middle-aged man in white sighed and said, and then walked towards the old turtle.

The old man swallowed the world directly, and the spirits of the world around him immediately gathered towards him like crazy.

The old tortoise didn't immediately make a move. He was waiting, waiting for the old man to restore his cultivation, before he defeated him and beat him up.

"You guys haven't shot yet."

Suddenly, a voice rang directly in Old Turtle's heart, and the owner of this voice was Gu Fei.

"Huh, what anxious."

The old turtle said, he was still watching the change of the old man opposite, and saw that the old man became younger after swallowing the endless power of death.


The old tortoise was also taken aback when he saw this. The old man was not simple, he actually wanted to adjust his body to the best unknown with a secret method.

Soon, the old man stopped hunchback, his eyes were no longer muddy, his white hair was rapidly turning black, and a tall middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone.

"This is your peak state."

The old turtle teased.

"Hmph, come here and die."

The middle-aged man in white said coldly, without a trace of emotion in his tone.


The old turtle laughed. This guy actually told him to suffer in the past. Does this guy think he is the Supreme Supreme?

"It seems I still have to do it myself."

The middle-aged man in white sighed and said, and then walked towards the old turtle.

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