Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2804: Extreme war

The creatures in the restricted area are so powerful that it is unimaginable that the old man has become younger and restored to his strongest state. This is definitely not a good thing for the old turtle.


Laogui directly urged Taihuangyin to kill the old man who had become a middle-aged man, and the powerful fluctuation of power swept away from the Taihuangyin, causing a big collapse.

A series of pitch-black space cracks collapsed in the void, the void collapsed, and directly turned into nothingness, and even the chaotic energy was beaten out.

Although the middle-aged man was strong, he was not strong enough to compete with the extreme demon soldiers. He was directly shocked and flew thousands of miles away by the mighty power from the seal of the Supreme Emperor, constantly coughing. blood.

"The seal of the Emperor is indeed well-deserved."

The middle-aged man sighed, his hand holding the dragon's head cane tightened, and crazy gazes came out of his eyes.


The black hall behind him was shaking, and the power of death came out of the black hall, and was forcibly swallowed by the middle-aged man, and a terrifying breath of death erupted from his body.

"Go to death for me."

The middle-aged man roared, and directly sacrificed the dragon head crutch in his hand.


A earth-shattering dragon roar sounded between the sky and the earth, and the dragon roar shook the sky. The dragon head crutch turned into a huge real dragon and rushed towards the old turtle.


The old turtle sneered, and then shocked the Taihuang seal in his hand.

The real dragon that rushed toward him immediately collapsed into the void, and a strong demon power spread from the seal of the Emperor.


One thing shattered in the void, it was the dragon head crutch that was beaten back to its original shape, and it was a bone stick made from the spine of a real dragon.

At this time, the dragon head crutch made from the true dragon spine sacrifice was actually shattered by the seal of the Emperor, and the internal runes were wiped out, turned into bone meal, and dissipated in the void.


Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was finally moved, and the Extreme Demon Soldier was really unimaginable.

The wave of power that spread from the seal of the Supreme Emperor directly shattered everything. The middle-aged man flew upside down again, and numerous cracks appeared on the powerful flesh, like exquisite porcelain being smashed. The same.


Void vibrated, and the middle-aged man slammed into the black hall behind him, and shook the black hall, as if it might fall from the sky at any time.

The power that blasted out from above the Seal of the Supreme Emperor was infinitely close to the supreme level of the Extreme Dao, enough to sweep everything.


At this moment, in the depths of the restricted area, another black temple rushed out of the sea of ​​darkness, and the monstrous breath of death that came out of the black temple instantly enveloped the entire Xi Minghai.


From the depths of Xi Minghai, there were bursts of cold and creepy roars, like countless demons and ghosts roaring.


In the next moment, the black hall exploded directly, and a figure surrounded by black air walked out of it, and two **** eyes glanced at the old turtle.

"Hmph, this time you are dead, and the real master is finally shocked."

The middle-aged man was talking to himself. He received an unimaginable impact and immediately hid in the black hall, wanting to escape into the depths of the West Ming Sea.

However, at this moment, a big dark hand stretched out from a distance, grabbed the black temple directly, and then used force.


The black hall was caught by the **** hand, and the middle-aged man in the black hall screamed, which directly turned into a cloud of blood.

The extremely powerful force of death was directly swallowed by the **** hand that blasted the black palace.


The black shadow that swallowed the force of death looked up to the sky and roared, and the entire Xi Minghai shook violently under the roar, unpredictable.


Seeing this scene, Laogui and others couldn't help but numb their scalp.


Laogui directly placed Taihuang's seal in his hand and rushed into the Heavenly Killing Array.


At the same time, a black hand descended from the sky and directly patted it towards the Absolute Killing Array. The terrifying power of death fell from the black hand, and the whole Absolute Killing Array shook.


The Jidao Divine Weapon guarding the three major battles immediately shook. The sleeping gods in the three Great Divine Weapon showed signs of recovery, and the Jidao breath was mighty.

"Did the big guy finally come out."

Gu Fei was shocked in the ultimate killing formation, and the dark shadow in front made him feel like he was facing a real powerhouse.

This Xi Minghai is a terrifying forbidden place after the fall of a supreme existence, that supreme existence is definitely an extremely Dao-level creature.

"Could it be that the remnant soul of that supreme being has become a climate after re-cultivation."

Gu Fei was guessing.


At this time, there was a strange noise in the eyes of the underworld guard, and a huge dragon shadow rose up into the sky, exuding a breath of peerless ferocity, and greeted the black hand that fell from the sky.

That was the power of the peerless fierce sword being drawn out.


In a loud noise, the huge black dragon and the huge black hand like a mountain instantly collided together. Two strong forces directly shattered the void, and countless runes dissipated in the void, the **** hand Disappeared, Long Ying collapsed.

The two forces actually fought to match each other, which made Gu Fei and Laogui stunned to see this scene. You know, that is the power of the peerless fierce sword, that existence can actually compete with the peerless fierce sword.


The dragon roar echoed in the void, and the black dragon was looming in the eye guarded by the underworld.


At this moment, the strongest black shadow directly rushed into the Absolute Killing Array, and the whole killing Array immediately soared into the sky with no light on the sun and the moon.

The three Great Dao Divine Soldiers directly rushed out from the three array eyes, and attacked and killed the dark shadow. The Qi Dao aura swept across nine heavens and ten places.

At this moment, the aura of the extreme Dao swept away from the West Ming Sea, and the creatures in the entire heaven realm sensed this supreme and silent divine might, and they were terrified to the extreme.

"What's the matter, is there a supernatural soldier born?"

The old antiques in the heavens couldn't sit still, and they all jumped out.

"Xi Minghai, is it the movement made by the son of the Emperor?"

Someone said that it was no secret that the old turtle attacked the Xi Minghai. All the great religions and clans in the heavens knew this.

At this time, countless creatures gathered outside Ximing directly collapsed to the ground, even the creatures of the holy rank were no exception.

Extreme Dao aura came out from the West Ming Sea, and even the existence of the Saint-class level would be terrified, it was difficult to straighten up, and the arrogant head had to be lowered.

Even if it is as strong as the quasi-sovereign, under the extreme power of the Tao, it will tremble.


The Absolute Killing Array shook violently, and the three Great Dao Divine Soldiers emerged, facing the strongest death figure, and the gods in the Supreme Divine Soldier completely recovered from their deep sleep.

A black dragon exuded a terrifying and terrifying aura, and rushed towards the death figure with its teeth and claws. It was the ancient fierce dragon evolved from the peerless fierce sword.


The death figure directly punched out and fought the black dragon.

At the same time, the Zijin Divine Sword turned into a thin Taoist, using the supreme immortal way magic arts, attacking and killing the death figure.


An unpredictable immortal power instantly enveloped the death figure, and actually wiped out the death figure in the void.

However, the death figure was not really obliterated by the power of the Immortal Dao, and it reappeared in the next moment, slapped the thin Dao with a palm, and forced it away.

However, the seal of the Supreme Emperor turned into a vague figure of the Supreme Emperor, showing an extremely powerful offensive. One pointed it out, piercing the eyebrows of the death figure, and flew it hundreds of thousands of miles away. .


The strong death figure screamed in the sky, and the dark death aura swept away from it, covering the entire Xi Minghai, and the death power of the entire Xi Minghai was attracted by this strong existence.

It was like a real extreme evil demon awakening, and an unimaginable aura of horror emanated from the West Ming Sea.

Those monks who were not far from Xi Minghai suddenly felt that their essence was losing rapidly, and were forcibly detained by a strange force.

The cultivators were extremely frightened and wanted to escape, but they were too late. Only for an instant, these cultivators who were watching the battle outside Ximing turned into corpses, and their spirits and spirits were all forced by the strong death figure. Swallowed.

When the other monks saw this, they were shocked, and evaded further away in panic.

At this time, Gu Fei and the others fully controlled the Absolute Killing Array, trapping the strong death figure in the formation, and the three Great Dao Divine Soldiers simultaneously shot at that figure.

This is a supreme battle. The real supreme-level power is in a duel, and the horror is extremely extreme. Even the exit of the ancient Dengtian Road in the distance has been affected and is crumbling.

Had it not been for the Tongtian Daotai, the ancient Dengtian Road would have collapsed.

No one thought that the ruler in the restricted area would be so strong that even if the Emperor Jiang from the human world arrived, it would be difficult to clear the restricted area.

After awakening, the gods in the three extreme gods can exert the mighty power of the supreme level, but now, the combination of the three extreme gods seems to have only a slight advantage.

That strong death figure is really too powerful and terrifying. No wonder this Xi Minghai can last forever, and no one has ever cleared this restricted area.

At this time, through the ancient road of ascending the sky, the breath of the ultimate **** soldier and the breath of death emanating from the strong death figure appeared in the human world.

All the creatures in the human world were shocked, no one knew what happened in the heavens, and they were all panicked to the extreme.

"what happened."

In the ancestral land of the ancient Jiang family, a figure sitting on a spiritual peak suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong human emperor aura spread from his body.

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