Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2805: Close the restricted area

Laogui and Gu Fei joined forces to attack Xi Minghai, wanting to open the way to heaven.

However, this battle has shocked countless powerhouses in the two realms of heaven and earth. The terrifying power of the extreme path is majestic in the two realms. I don’t know how many super old antiques have been shocked to wake up from their deep sleep. come.

"What's the matter, the time is wrong, it shouldn't be."

A super old antique who woke up from a deep sleep was muttering to himself, the mighty power of the gods and the heavens and the world. Is this a sign that a big change is coming.

"Are those people coming back."

In the human world, deep in the Demon Territory of the North, a figure sitting on the yin and yang Tai Chi Dao map opened its eyes. This is a strong man who suppressed the Demon Cave of the North with its own strength.

This person is exactly the cruel person who reversed his life and death from the piece of yin and yang jade that Gu Fei had obtained and was reborn in the world.

"It's not time. Could it be that little guy made the movement again."

In the depths of an unknown mountain in the human world, the spirit of the ghost is powerful, and the entire area is shrouded in darkness. Even in the daytime, the sun cannot penetrate that layer of darkness.

In the depths of this area, above the mountains, there is a black hall suspended. On the throne in the middle of the hall, sits a man in white wearing an emperor crown.

This person is Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

And in other parts of the human world, there were also extremely powerful creatures roaring, and at the same time, a sigh came from the bottom of the fairy demon abyss.

In the heavens, the monks in the entire heavens could hardly sit still, the extremely divine might in the heavens, even those emperors, at this moment were shocked.

Many old antiques set off directly to Xi Minghai.


In Nanling, Yuan Hong, who was fighting against the incarnation of the Yuangu Tiandi in the mountains, could not help feeling shocked when he sensed the mighty power of the Supreme Dao.

The Yuan Gu Tiandi took advantage of Yuan Hong's moment of distraction, instantly distanced himself from Yuan Hong, and then directly crushed a jade talisman.

In the next moment, the ancient emperor of heaven instantly disappeared into the void.


When Yuan Hong saw it, he wanted to intercept, but it was too late.


Yuan Hong was muttering to himself, this ancient emperor of heaven was too cunning.

Then he did not go to the other courtyard of Luoxia City, but directly found a big city, and then with the help of the teleportation formation in the big city, he left Nanling and headed to Ximinghai.

With the recovery of extreme power, Yuan Hong was naturally curious what happened to Xi Minghai.

Just when the eyes of all the monks in the heavens were focused on Xi Minghai, Gu Fei and Laogui, who were the protagonists of the incident, were in big trouble.


The entire Absolute Killing Array was running frantically, motivating the aura of the ten directions of heaven and earth to gather frantically, and the three strongest figures exuded an extremely powerful aura.

These three figures are joining forces to fight a strong death figure.

That death figure showed the strongest combat power that made heaven and earth eclipse, and even under the combined attack and killing of the three great sacred artifacts, it still has offensive and defensive capabilities. Although it falls under the wind, it is always there. The possibility of a comeback.


The thin Taoist man transformed by the Zijin Divine Sword shot out with a palm, and directly flew the death figure out.


At the same time, a black light fell from the sky and directly slashed at the top of the death figure's head.

The death figure was taken aback, and quickly turned its head, the black light slashed on the death figure's shoulders, but there was no splash of blood.

The black light dissipated, and a **** knife slashed on the left shoulder of the death figure.

As soon as the most powerful creature in the restricted area stretched out his hand, he wanted to pull out the **** knife that had slashed on his shoulder, but at this moment, a wave broke out from the **** knife. The strongest domineering power comes.


The black knife shook, and the next moment, half of the strongest necromancer's body instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, and the right half of his body fell from the air, thumped, and fell into the sea of ​​darkness.

The power of the peerless sword is really terrifying.

At this time, the vague figure that the Emperor's Seal evolved from pounced down from the sky, and slapped a palm towards the depths of the Ximing Sea.


The heaven and the earth shook, and the big hand directly shattered everything below, shattering the void, and the chaotic energy was beaten out. This was the power of the Emperor's Seal.


Everything was shattered, an extreme level of destructive power came out from the depths of the West Minghai, and several black halls still hidden under the Minghai collapsed instantly under the big hands of the figure evolved from the seal of the Emperor. Broken, those peerless and powerful dead spirits in the Black Temple were directly destroyed.

Gu Fei and Laogui, as well as the Netherworld that Gu Fei had captured by Gu Fei, were desperately urging the Absolute Killing Array, gathering the essence of the ten directions of heaven and earth, and continuously reviving the power of the three extreme sacred artifacts.

At this time, even Heaven and Earth could not bear the mighty power of the Extreme Dao from the Three Great Dao Sacred Artifacts, and a series of huge black cracks like mountains burst out in the void.


A roar sounded, endless lifelessness, the strongest undead who was shattered by the peerless sword to the left of the body broke through the Minghai and rushed out of the Minghai.


The undead spirit seemed to be in madness, and it actually rushed towards the vague invincible emperor's figure transformed by the seal of the Emperor.


The phantom shadow transformed by the Emperor's Seal directly pointed out, and the strongest necromancer immediately exploded, and the flesh was shattered, and a cloud of black light wrapped a silhouette into the sky, trying to escape.

"Can you escape."

In the ultimate killing formation, Gu Fei happened to see this scene and couldn't help being moved. If the power of the Jidao holy artifact was restored, it would be too terrifying, it was as if the Jidao Supreme had come in person.

Sure enough, without any suspense, a black light slashed past, and the soul of the dead spirit was immediately slashed by the peerless sword.

Dead, a dead soul of Extreme Dao level, just like that, was killed by the peerless fierce knife.

As soon as the undead died, the whole Xi Minghai became a little different, but Gu Fei couldn't say what happened in this restricted area.

"Haha, well, finally succeeded."

The old turtle laughed excitedly. He had prepared for so long, and all his efforts were not in vain after all, and Xi Minghai was actually flattened by him.

When the news spread, everyone was directly stunned, but Xi Minghai was a restricted area that had existed since ancient times, so it was flattened by Gu Fei and the others.

Everyone seemed to be in a dream, because the news was too untrue. Some people thought it was a prank and deceit.

However, the fact is the fact that Gu Fei and Laogui really flattened Xi Minghai, which is the area where the exit of Dengtian Ancient Road is located.

It was Laogui's goal to get through the road to heaven and earth. For this purpose, he put a lot of effort into it. The Heavenly Killing Array was not so easy to arrange.

This day is of great significance to all the cultivators in the heavens and the human world, because the road to heaven and mortal finally passed.

Soon, a saint in the human world appeared at the exit of Dengtian Ancient Road. This was an old man. He was extremely excited and trembling.

I saw him take a step forward, leaving the ancient road of Dengtian in this way and entering the realm of heaven.

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