Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2806: Ancient Secret

The old turtle really closed the restricted area, which made everyone directly dumbfounded, because before that, no one was optimistic about the old turtle and thought it was an impossible thing.

However, Laogui succeeded.

Xi Minghai was flattened. This was a major event that shook the entire celestial realm, and it was also a major event that caused the entire human world to boil. This event had a profound impact.

The road to heaven was finally opened, and without the barrier of the forbidden area of ​​the celestial realm of Xi Minghai, the monks of the celestial realm and the earth could communicate freely.

The road to the sky has become a real road to the sky, and is no longer a dead end.

Of course, Laogui could not flatten Ximinghai alone. Without Gu Fei's full help, Laogui could not flatten Ximinghai.

At this time, the endless power of death condensed in the West Ming Sea was constantly being wiped out by the Ultimate Killing Array.

However, after the extreme supremacy fell, the fierce realm transformed by his inner world, it is not easy to completely obliterate this death force.

Gu Fei and the others beheaded the strongest necromancers in this area, just the first step to clear the restricted area.

At this time, the sea of ​​Ming had dried up, revealing countless bones that had been immersed in the seabed for endless years. Since the endless years, I don't know how many creatures have fallen here.

Among those skeletal bones, there are beast bones as huge as mountains, and there are ancient corpses whose flesh and blood have not yet melted away.

Some ancient corpses are very extraordinary, wearing ancient costumes, and the corpses are immortal. These existences, when they are alive, are definitely the extremely powerful existences in the world, but they have fallen here.

The Absolute Killing Array enveloped the entire Xi Minghai, stimulating the essence of the ten directions of heaven and earth, and continuously refining the death energy of Xi Minghai.

Anyone who wants to enter the heavenly realm, or go to the human realm, has to nod the head of the old turtle. You know, no one dares to easily break into the heavenly killing formation.

At this time, the three great Dao sage soldiers were still guarding the eyes of the three formations. Although the extreme Dao sage soldiers had fallen silent, they still exuded the aura of the extreme Dao.

Even if there is nothing, the extremely weak aura of the extreme Dao, is not the existence of ordinary holy ranks can withstand, even if the quasi-supreme comes, they dare not easily break into the formation.

"Do you want to go to the mortal world."

In the Heavenly Killing Array, a divine island is floating and sinking, and in a valley in the center of the divine island, towers, palaces, small bridges and flowing water are like a fairyland.

In a pavilion, Laogui was drinking with Gu Fei.

"Your proposal is very attractive."

Gu Fei smiled and picked up the wine glass and said.

"Don't you still have an extremely sacred artifact in the human world, where is the Emperor Jiang, you don't plan to get it back."

The old turtle looked at Gu Fei with profound meaning and said.

"Are you talking about Shanhe Ding."

Gu Fei smiled and said, then drank the fairy brew in the glass.


The old turtle also smiled, but did not speak, then he lifted the jug and filled the wine glass in front of Gu Fei, with a scent of wine lingering in the pavilion.

"Are you playing the idea of ​​Shanheding."

Gu Fei said, Laogui knows too well, this guy is definitely not profitable, but he doesn't know what this guy wants to do.

"Haha, depending on what you said, what do you and my brother share with each other, you say yes."

The old turtle smiled.

"Stop talking."

Gu Fei went solo, and Laogui was nothing but courteous. It seemed that something was not right. If things were as difficult as this time, he would not agree to help.

This time he almost confessed his life here.

"Actually, I know there is a place with great luck, but I don't know if you are interested."

The old turtle hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Hmph, if there is a great good fortune, you would have gone by yourself, why would you ask me to go with you."

Gu Fei said in disbelief.

"Haha, am I such a person."

Old Turtle blushed and said.

"That place is not easy to get in."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"You all know this, do you have the power of an unknown prophet?"

Old tortoise said in surprise.


Gu Fei said with a clear look that this guy really encountered a problem and couldn't figure it out by himself, so he thought of himself, this guy is really asshole.

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you."

Lao Gui sighed and said, he also knew that it was definitely not an easy thing to fool Gu Fei, this guy was not so easy to fool.

"Stop talking."

Gu Fei said.

"Then I said."

The old turtle then told a story, a true story, a place where great luck can be obtained, and it is a place in the legend.

The ancient legend, that legend is true, because he has been to that place.

When Taihuang was invincible in the world, Laogui had been to all the places between heaven and earth, even in those forbidding restricted areas, he came and went freely.

Tai Huang is the invincible powerhouse of an era, the supreme supreme, he can't go anywhere in the world.

The old turtle is the son of the Taihuang. He once followed the Taihuang to a place, a place that only Jidao Supreme could enter.

"Only the Supreme can go in, then it's useless if you find me, I am not the Supreme."

When Gu Fei heard this, he was very puzzled. He was not a supreme, nor was he qualified to enter the legendary place that Laogui said.

"Well, there is actually another way to enter that place."

The old turtle said.

"You mean Shanheding."

At this time, Gu Fei had come to understand, Laogui said so much, with only one purpose, and that was his idea of ​​hitting his mountain and river tripod.

"Not bad."

The old turtle nodded and said.

"It seems that this world of humanity, I have to take a trip."

Gu Fei said.


The old turtle nodded solemnly and said.

"You must be tall, you want to go, I won't go."

Gu Fei said very upset.

"This, brother, it's not that I don't want to go, but the Emperor Jiang will not give me face. I will definitely not get the Shanhe Ding."

The old turtle was a little anxious.

"Don't say anything, you guy will get the payment for this incident first, otherwise everything will not be discussed."

Gu Fei said, he almost died this time, and Laogui hadn't paid the promised reward yet. If it wasn't for himself, Laogui would not be able to flatten Xi Minghai.

"Give it to you, give it to you immediately."

Laogui took out a jade bottle and handed it to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei took the jade bottle, and then unplugged the cork. A powerful breath of life immediately rushed out of the jade bottle. The red aura turned into a **** dragon shadow, hovering over the bottle.

"Not bad."

Gu Fei stuffed the jade bottle and put it away.

"What do you want Zulong true blood for?"

Lao Gui said that he was very curious that for Gu Fei, the true blood of Ancestral Dragon couldn't improve his cultivation, and it was also difficult to use to temper his physical body, making his martial art more powerful.

Because Gu Fei's martial arts were already strong enough, even the true blood of Ancestral Dragon could not make his martial arts more powerful, unless it was Jidao true blood.

But Jidao true blood is not so easy to get, even if it is obtained, Gu Fei can't use it.

Because Ji Dao True Blood is too powerful and domineering, it contains the essence of Ji Dao Supreme, and not everyone can refine this blood.

The ancestor dragon is not the supreme ancestor, the ancestor dragon is still some distance away from the supreme ancestor. To some extent, the old turtle is also the ancestor dragon.

In fact, the jade bottle contained the real blood of the old tortoise.


Gu Fei said.

"Okay, Zulong's true blood is given to you, can you go to the mortal world for a trip."

The old tortoise said in an almost pleading tone.

"let me consider it."

Gu Fei said, he wouldn't agree so easily, you know, he doesn't know what the situation in the human world is now, whether Emperor Jiang is still in the world.

He actually wanted to take a trip, after all, his power was in the human world, and he had to gather those people, especially the life and death of Li Lingfeng.

Gu Fei never forgot what he wanted to do. He wanted to rebuild the Taixuan Sect and convene his former colleagues.

However, this is definitely not an easy task. However, for Gu Fei, no matter how difficult it is, this thing must be done.

Gu Fei and Laogui continued to drink.

Time was fading, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye. A visitor came from Xi Minghai, who claimed to be Gu Fei's brother.

The monsters did not dare to neglect, and soon Gu Fei got the news and greeted him personally.

"Brother Monkey, it turned out to be you."

When Gu Fei saw the man, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

"Brother, don't come here unharmed."

Yuan Hong walked up directly and gave Gu Fei a hug.

Gu Fei directly put Yuan Hongying into the Heavenly Killing Array.

"Monkey, what are you doing here."

When Lao Gui saw Yuan Hong, he didn't have a good face.

"Old tortoise, can't I see my brother."

Yuan Hong glared at Old Turtle and said.


The old turtle snorted coldly and said nothing.

"I just said, why this old tortoise is so fierce that it can flatten Xi Minghai, that's how it is."

Yuan Hong said suddenly.

"Monkey, what do you mean."

The old turtle was not happy anymore.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's a fact."

Yuan Hong shrugged and said.


The old turtle seemed to be angry.

"Okay, okay, the two of you are like two aggressive **** when you meet. Do you two fight each other?"

Gu Fei said irritably, the monkey and the tortoise really couldn't get along.

"Well, brother, for your face, I won't be as familiar with this old turtle."

Yuan Hong said.

"I don't know how to be familiar with a monkey."

The old turtle said.

"Haha, that's good, all good brothers, let's go have a drink."

Gu Fei said that he held Yuan Hong with one hand, and Laogui with the other, and walked towards the sacred island in the Heavenly Killing Array.

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