Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2807: Preparations for returning to the human world

The arrival of Yuan Hong made Gu Fei very happy. You know, since he was separated from Yuan Hong, Yuan Hong has been in retreat, and they did not meet again until today.

On the island of God, Gu Fei and Yuan Hong drank freely. It was rare to get drunk, and they both fell into a pavilion.

With Gu Fei's cultivation base, wherever he could get drunk, he was already drunk in his heart, so he was drunk.

The next day, when he was sober, Yuan Hong had already left. This surprised Gu Fei. When he asked Laogui, he knew that Yuan Hong had already gone to the world.


Gu Fei was startled when he heard this. Yuan Hong went to the human world, what happened.

Soon, Gu Fei knew the reason from Laogui. It turned out that in ancient times, the strong man who once had the golden spirit ape went down to the human world and left his descendants in the human world.

The reason why Yuan Hong wanted the lower realm was to look for the blood of the golden spirit ape in the human realm.

There are very few people in the Golden Spirit Ape clan. In the entire heaven world, except for Yuan Hong, I am afraid that there is no second Golden Spirit Ape. He hopes to find his own clan in the human world.

"It looks like I really want to take a trip to the human world."

Gu Fei stood in the pavilion, watching the sky outside muttering to himself. On the dim sky, divine rainbows passed by from time to time, illuminating the sky and the earth.

The Absolute Killing Array is still constantly wiping out the death aura remaining in Xi Minghai.

This Xi Minghai is worthy of being a dead place after the fall of the supreme. The inherent death power is too huge. It is not an easy task to completely refine the dead energy here.

"It's time to go."

Laogui said on the side that he wished that Gu Fei would go to the human world soon and retrieve the mountain and river tripod, and then he could go to the place and get great luck.

The old turtle was very excited when he thought of the great fortune in that place. It was a great fortune against the sky. If he could get it, he might be able to take that step.

"I want to go back to Nanling."

Gu Fei said, his wife and daughter are still in Nanling, he can't keep them in Nanling, you know, he has many enemies in the heaven.

Especially the Proterozoic Dongtu Tiandi, of course, the current Proterozoic, but not worthy of being called Dongtu Tiandi, because the land of the Proterozoic has been occupied by Laogui.

"OK then."

Laogui immediately took out a formation. He had already prepared for it. He could travel between Ximinghai and Nanling. This is why Laogui was not in a hurry when Emperor Yen Gutian attacked the courtyard of Luoxiacheng. The reason for going back to help.


When Gu Fei stepped on the teleportation formation, the whole formation immediately radiated a dazzling divine light, and the whole person was instantly enveloped by the divine light, and instantly escaped into the void and crossed the domain.

Far away in the Luoxia City courtyard in the Nanling Mountains, a teleportation array suddenly radiated a bright divine light, and then the void above the teleportation array suddenly collapsed, and a figure directly walked out of the void.


Gu Ling, who was in the backyard of the other yard bored and stared at the lake in a daze, suddenly stood up, then took a step, and instantly came to the teleportation formation.


When Gu Ling saw the figure walking out of the void, he couldn't help being surprised and happy, and rushed into that person's arms.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the formation. This person was Yan'er. She also sensed the fluctuations here, and then rushed over immediately.

"Clean up, we are leaving."

Gu Fei patted Gu Ling and said, and then walked down from the formation with Gu Ling.

"where are we going."

Yan'er greeted her and said.

"Back to the world."

Gu Fei said.

"What, Old Turtle succeeded. He flattened Xi Minghai."

Gu Ling couldn't help exclaiming when she heard this. She had to say that she was really surprised. The heavenly restricted area has been in existence since ancient times, and even the Supreme can't be flattened.

"Ling'er, go and bring those two children."

Yan'er said to Gu Ling.

"Yes, mother."

Gu Ling hurried away.

"Is the road to heaven really opened up."

Yan'er looked at Gu Fei and said, she was still very calm, as if nothing could disturb her state of mind.

"Well, monks in the heavens and the world can communicate freely."

Gu Fei nodded and said, leveling Xi Minghai, he also made great efforts, but got a drop of Ancestral Dragon's true blood. This is nothing to Xiaoqing, but to his disciple Chilong, it is crucial. important.

However, when the Nantian God Emperor rebelled, Chilong and Yaoyue were both taken away by the Immortal Demon Tong and Ziyang Heavenly Emperor. They have not been where they are yet, and I don't know where they ended up.

However, Gu Fei believed that if he returned to the human world this time, there might be surprises.

You know, the water in the human world is equally deep. To a certain extent, the water in the human world is deeper than the heaven. The strong in the human world are not weaker than the strong in the heaven.

"Really, that would be great."

Yan'er said, a bright light flashed in her eyes, even if she was pure-hearted and unwilling to hear this, she finally had to move.

She knew very well that when Gu Fei wanted to enter the heavens to take the saint’s heavenly catastrophe, she also invited Emperor Jiang from the Jiang family to succeed. It would be difficult to say whether Gu Fei could enter the heavens without the help of Emperor Jiang. It.

At this time, Gu Ling had already brought Zhao Hao and Yan'er over.

"See Master."

"Meet Master."

When Zhao Hao and Yan'er saw Gu Fei, they quickly saluted.

"Well, you two have anything else to prepare. If not, we will rush to Xi Minghai immediately."

Gu Fei looked at Zhao Hao and Yan'er and said.

The physique of Zhao Hao and Yan'er did not mean that the improvement speed of the cultivation realm was not bad, and Zhao Hao's cultivation was about to break through to the immortal king realm.

And Yan'er's cultivation base is not much different from Zhao Hao, but Yan'er has a natural Dao pupil, even if her cultivation base is similar to Zhao Hao, Zhao Hao is far from Yan'er's opponent.

However, what makes Yan'er depressed is that she just wants to call a boy who is similar to her age to be her uncle.

"Master, I want to go back to Xiacheng."

Yan'er said.

"Do you want to say goodbye to your grandpa."

Gu Ling said.

"Yes, Master."

Yan'er looked at Gu Ling and said.

"Ling'er, then you can take Yan'er for a trip."

Gu Fei said to Gu Ling, so that Yan'er's grandfather can feel at ease, and it won't affect Yan'er's cultivation, so it can only be a trip.

But Zhao Hao's grandfather didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay in the Luoxia Courtyard and take care of the Luoxia Courtyard.

Gu Ling then took Yan'er to Luoxia City.

Half an hour later, Gu Ling returned with Yan'er.

Gu Fei then led everyone to board the teleportation formation, then activated the teleportation formation, fleeing directly into the void, and leaping away instantly.

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