Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2808: Gu Fei is back

Chaos in the human world has started, especially in the Eastern Region, because there are two forbidden areas in the Eastern Region, one is the Eastern Devil's Cave, and the other is the Tianxu. According to legend, a corner of the Proterozoic Heavenly Court fell from nine heavens.

Of course, this is just a legend. No one really knows the reason for the formation of the Tianxu, because it is too long to be studied. This may be a relic of the era of mythology.

The entire human world has experienced at least three eras, eras that can be studied, including the era of mythology and the prehistoric era after the era of mythology.

After the Great Era, it is now.

But among some ancient legends, there is an era that is older than the age of myths.

However, the human world, the Tenglong Continent, and the Tianxu of the Eastern Region have existed in the age of mythology. It is really very long ago. Now, this mythological relic has become lively, because the forbidden area of ​​the heavens, the West Minghai, has been It was flattened.

The news that Laogui had surpassed Xi Minghai reached the human world. The monks in the human world were so excited that they could finally ascend to the heavens and enter the heavens.

The current Eastern Region of the Tamron Continent is the most chaotic region of the entire Tamron Ancestral Star, because the ancient road to the sky is here, and the magic cave is also here.

The Eastern Territory is the territory of the Eastern Aristocratic Family and the Wild Ancient Zhao Family, and Gu Fei still occupies a place in the Eastern Territory.

With so many forces in the Eastern Region, friction is naturally indispensable, but no one dares to easily move Vientiane City. Although the Vientiane City in the Eastern Region is not a big city, its position in the Eastern Region is very detached.

Because the lord of Vientiane City was Gu Fei, after Gu Fei went to the sky, the person who managed Vientiane City was Zhuge Liang, the only one who survived among the Jagged Taoists and the thirteen bandits.

When the Nantian Godzun rebelled, the thirteen bandits except Zhugeliang were killed by the Nantian Godzun.

With Vientiane City as the center, the area of ​​30,000 miles around is Gu Fei's sphere of influence. With the cultivation base and ability of the iron-blooded Taoist, it is not easy to keep such a place.

Had it not been for the Fengdu Ghost Emperor back then, to let Gu Fei and the Eastern World temporarily let go of their personal grievances, and forbid the two major forces to fight each other, the Eastern family would have already dealt with the iron-blooded Taoist.

In fact, the major forces in the Eastern Region are not afraid of Fengdu Ghost Emperor, but Jiang Renhuang. When they learned that Gu Fei and Jiang Renhuang were irreverent acquaintances, all those who looked at Vientiane City would not dare at this time. Have any thoughts about Vientiane City.

You know, Human Sovereign, in this world, is absolutely invincible. Even the Eastern Territory Devil's Cave has scruples about Jiang Human Sovereign and dare not do anything against Vientiane City.

In the evening of that day, the Jagged Taoist stood on the head of Vientiane City, looking out into the distance, only to see a magical energy lingering in the mountains.

"What the **** are these **** doing."

The iron-blooded Taoist is talking to himself, such things have happened recently, he has a bad premonition, is it possible that those devilish boys are going to attack here.

"If the Lord is here, see who dares to make the idea of ​​Vientiane City."

The iron-blooded Taoist said that he thought of Gu Fei, but he still had no news of Gu Fei. Since the news came from the Tianxu that the restricted area of ​​the heavens Xi Minghai was flattened, he has been waiting.

He believed that the Lord would return soon.

"Boss, do you say that the Lord will come back soon."

At this time, Zhuge Liang also boarded the city wall and came to the side of the Jagged Taoist.

"I don't know. Since there is no danger on the way to the sky, the Lord should come back. He cannot forget us."

The Jagged Taoist looked at the sunset on the horizon and said.

Just as the Jagged Daoist and Zhuge Liang were talking on the city wall, an ancient formation behind the City Lord's Mansion of Vientiane City suddenly started operating without warning.

A powerful wave of power surged from the city lord's mansion.


Above the city wall, the iron-blooded Taoist face changed suddenly, and then he rushed out of the city wall and rushed towards the city lord mansion, and soon he returned to the city lord mansion.

"what's going on."

Zhuge Liang was shocked, and he rushed towards the city lord's mansion like burning ass.

When the iron-blooded Taoist came to the front of the ancient teleportation formation in the City Lord's Mansion, a figure was walking out of a dark whirlpool above the ancient teleportation formation.

When the Jie Xue Dao saw this person, he was immediately excited to the extreme.

And Zhuge Liang, who was a step slower than the iron-blooded Taoist, staggered at his feet when he saw the figure stepping out of the void and almost fell to the ground.

I saw that this person who walked straight out of the void was a handsome young man in black.

"Master, is it really you."

At this time, the voice of the Jagged Taoist trembled.

"It's not who I am."

The black-clothed youth said with a faint smile, he is finally here again, he is very curious how the Jagged Daoist and Zhuge Liang persisted.

You know, after you have gone to the heavens, those big forces in the Eastern Region want to capture the Vientiane City, it will not be easy.

But he immediately guessed the reason.


Zhuge Liang was about to cry with excitement. Gu Fei came back too in time, because the Eastern Region was very chaotic. If there was no strong presence in the Vientiane City, this city would be captured by other forces sooner or later.

"Okay, go in and talk about it."

Gu Fei said.

Immediately, under the leadership of the iron-blooded Taoist, he came to the main hall in front of the city lord's mansion. He was honest, and directly sat down on the throne in the middle of the main hall.

Afterwards, the Jagged Taoist passed the order, summoning all the important figures in the Vientiane City, and soon, the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion became lively.

Since Gu Fei left, the Jagged Daoist has been searching everywhere for those who have escaped, and at the same time absorbed some casual cultivators to work for themselves.

In this turbulent era, those casual cultivators who want to survive must rely on those powerful forces, and many casual cultivators have turned to Jagged Daoists.

Therefore, during the period of Gu Fei's absence, the Jagged Daoist really pulled up a powerful force.

In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are three powerful saints under the Jie Xue Daoist. At this time, the three saints also came to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

They were surprised to find that the iron-blooded Taoist who usually sat high on the throne was standing under the throne, but on the throne was a young man in black sitting.

The three saints couldn't help being shocked when they saw the respect of the Jagged Daoist towards this young man in Tsing Yi. They thought of a man, a murderous man.

"Could it be that he is back."

The three saints were all shocked. If that person came back, then he would follow this person, and perhaps do something big.

The origins of the Jagged Daoist, the three saints are very clear, in fact, the reason why they took refuge in the Jagged Daoist is largely because of that person.

The three saints' purpose for relying on their own, the Jagged Taoist also knew very well.

But there are some people who are not optimistic about that person, so they are still watching. However, as the situation gets worse and worse, even the saints have to work hard to survive.

Those saints who travel alone will either take refuge in those super powers or unite, but in the long run, the best choice is to take refuge in those super powers.

At this time, at the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion in Vientiane City, everyone was speculating about the origin of the black-clothed youth sitting on the throne.

Some people have vaguely guessed who this young man in black is.

"You have all come to meet the Lord, and he is your master."

The Jagged Daoist glanced across everyone's faces, and then said such words.


When everyone in the hall heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised and happy. Did that person finally come back? Then he has successfully overcome the calamity.

"See the Lord."

The three saints who stood at the front of the crowd glanced across, and then bowed down to the black-clothed young man sitting high on the throne.


Seeing these three people bow down to the black-clothed youth, everyone in the hall was shocked, because these three were powerful existences of the holy order.

With this kind of existence, it is impossible to salute someone who is weaker than himself. There is only one possibility, that is, this person's cultivation is much stronger than these three.

"See the Lord."

The others in the hall quickly followed and bowed down.

Even the three saints of heaven, earth and man worshipped before the throne. They are not saints. There is no reason not to worship.

"Very well, get up all."

Gu Fei sat high on the throne. He nodded. From the expressions of those who bowed to him, he knew that some people still didn't know who they were.

"This is a meeting ceremony, pick the one you like."

Gu Fei waved his hand directly, and a bunch of things fell out of the void immediately, and the great hall immediately rose to the sky, and the treasure rose.

Everything was suspended in the void, exuding fairy light and divine glory.

Among these things, there are divine swords with a palpable killing and cutting aura, fairy knives branded with ancient runes, and even a dozen divine medicines.

Every magical medicine is like a round of Shenyang, shrouded in a group of bright aura.

However, among the pile of things that Gu Fei threw out, a few of them were very ordinary, and they didn't reveal any divine brilliance, nor did they spread the wave of powerful divine power and immortal power.


Everyone was stunned by what they saw before them. This master is really a master, and he has given out so many good things. Those magic weapons are absolutely powerful immortals or divine tools.

Especially the dozens of magical medicines, which are rare things in the world, even if they are a saint, it is impossible to get so many magical medicines at once.

Just when everyone was stunned, the three saints moved. They were the first to come back to their senses and immediately took away the three antiquities without any special features.

Those dozen magical medicines were also divided by them.

At this time, other talents woke up and quickly took action to **** the remaining magical materials or magic weapons, and the hall suddenly became a mess.

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