Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2857: Zuo Qiandao

The current Gu Zhong, in fact, is not really a holy emperor, because he has not yet crossed the calamity, only through the holy emperor's day can he be regarded as the true holy emperor.

Gu Zhong's heart is very big. He is now deliberately suppressing the cultivation base, and has not induced the catastrophe in the world. He has to return to the world to overcome the catastrophe. You must know that the world of heaven is lacking and incomplete. Although you can also become the Holy Emperor, and the chance of success is higher.

However, the troubles are not small, which will lead to the lack of one's own body, which is difficult to repair.

Of course, there are also many people who choose to cross the tribulation in the human world, because it is safer after all, and the chance of success is much greater.

In ancient times, it was important to cultivate perfect roads, even in the realm of the holy emperor, he did not want to have troubles that would affect his future training.

At this time, the sky and the earth were dim, and the distant sky was densely filled with human figures, and among them, there were huge figures like mountains occupying the sky.

Above the mountains in the distance, stood a figure taller than the mountains. It was a unicorn with a thick layer of red scale armor.

This is a pure-blooded unicorn beast, and its extremely powerful aura spreads from its body, like a sacred fire burning between the sky and the earth.

This time, Baron didn't come. Otherwise, maybe he could meet his brother. This beast is also a fire unicorn.

Among the five-element unicorn beasts, the fire unicorn is actually not common, but now, there is a fire unicorn here, and the cultivation base is extremely powerful.

Qinglong couldn't help but feel moved when he saw this fire unicorn.

In the other direction, a divine ape stood between the two peaks, and those two peaks only reached the waist of the divine ape.

That extraterritorial holy emperor Zuo Qiandao placed in the ring for more than half a year, attracting countless strong people, and also allowed him to defeat countless holy emperor-level strong men, even some old antiques were also defeated in his hands.

"Not Zhou Zuxing, you are from Antarctica Xianzun."

On the ring, Gu Zhong looked at the opponent opposite, and then calmly said that he was a disciple of Gu Fei, and he knew something about Gu Fei's presence on Fu Zhou Zuxing.

His master Gu Fei and the Antarctic Xianzun on the ancestral star of Bu Zhou had some grudges, and he killed the first **** general of Antarctic Xianfu and the disciple of Antarctic Xianzun Xuantong.

In the human world, there are really not many martial artists who have successfully trained. Except for Gu Fei, the Martial Ancestor line seems to have no inheritance left.

Zuo Qiandao saw that Gu Zhong was a warrior at a glance. He followed the endless years of Antarctic Xianzun and naturally knew that the warrior was unique.

"You guessed it, but there is no prize."

Zuo Qiandao said with a smile, he was full of immortal energy, a holy emperor's pressure spread from his body, and the heavens and stars seemed to be shaking.

On the arena, a series of ancient fairy patterns emerged, and a force enveloped the entire arena and protected this ancient arena.

On this ring, there are countless traces of swords, spears, swords and halberds, which are covered with traces of time, and there are even cracks in some places.

"Cut, who did I think it was? It turns out that the people of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable are doing a ghost, your hostile **** general, and the guy named Xuantong, all died in the hands of my teacher. You are unlucky."

Gu Zhong said disdainfully.

"is it."

Zuo Qiandao's gaze towards Gu Zhong became fierce, and his face became gloomy. Xuantong was his senior brother. If he hadn't died in Gu Fei's hands, he would have become Immortal Venerable now.

But unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

Zuo Qiandao's relationship with Xuantong is still good, and he wants to avenge his elder brother.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on if you want."

Gu Zhong said to the left Qiandao hooked his finger, he didn't care, he didn't put the direct disciple under the Antarctic Immortal Venerable in his eyes. The warriors are invincible at the same level. You must know that the invincible warriors at the same level is not a legend.

"Very well, since you want to die earlier, I will fulfill you."

Zuo Qiandao's face became colder, his eyes were like a poisonous snake, staring at Gu Zhong on the opposite side, wishing to slap this hateful guy to death like a fly.


The next moment, a sword blast came out of Zuo Qiandao's body, and a sword light flew from his body, shining like a star in the sky, directly piercing through to the opposite Gu Zhong.

This is a star sword. Around the sword light, a little bit of starlight flickers, as if there is a starry sky and universe looming, giving people a powerful and cold feeling.


Gu Zhong punched out, and his fist instantly turned golden yellow with bright golden light. The golden fist instantly slammed on the sword light of the stars that penetrated through the hole, making a sound of metal collision.


Seeing this scene, all the strong men who watched the battle in the distance were shocked. This person dared to use flesh and blood to counter the sword light of the outsider.

Could it be that this person's physical body is stronger than the opponent's tempered sword light.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the sword of stars was stunned by Gu Zhong's fist. At the same time, Gu Zhong took one step, showing eight steps of extreme speed, and suddenly approached Zuo Qiandao. , The golden fist slammed directly at Zuo Qiandao.

Simple and straightforward combat skills, it seems that there is no technical content at all, but it is this kind of common to the extreme combat skills, but it shows incredible power.

Zuo Qiandao was taken aback. With a movement of his feet, he instantly retreated like a phantom. At the same time, he waved his hand, and the sword light that had been shaken by Gu Zhong's fist immediately flew back.

"The Galaxy is upside down."

Zuo Qiandao shouted loudly, spurring the starlight sword aura with all his strength. The next moment, an extremely powerful star power erupted from his body. In the void around him, it seemed that a starry sky appeared. A little bit of starlight turned into stars, radiating a dazzling divine light.

The lights of countless stars are converging quickly, as if it really turned into a galaxy, hanging upside down from the sky, and smashing it towards the opposite Gu Zhong who attacked and killed.


At this moment, a group of bright golden glow burst out from Gu Zhong's fist, just like a round of golden sun suddenly appeared on the ring. The dazzling golden glow made everyone unable to open their eyes. .


Everyone watching the game was shocked.

At this time, Gu Zhong's fist strength exploded, directly shook the starry sky that Zuo Qiandao had evolved, and the golden fist collided with the starlight sword aura from the chopping.


With the mighty force coming, the entire arena is shaking, and ancient fairy patterns are emerging, intertwined with roads and pictures, and the whole arena is fixed.

This ring is very extraordinary, can withstand the impact of the power of the Holy Emperor.


The two figures moved quickly in the void, and Gu Zhong was so strong that he used a pair of fists to constantly collide with the sword light of the Zuo Qiandao stars.

"This guy's body is so powerful."

Many people were shocked to the extreme, especially those who didn't know Gu Zhong's identity. They were even more stunned. This person was too violent.

Even Zuo Qiandao himself felt a little weird. You must know that no one knows the power of his star sword light better than himself.

"Warriors can really be invincible at the same level. I don't believe in evil."

When Zuo Qiandao thought of this, the sword light of the stars bursting out of him became more dazzling, and more powerful sword energy fluctuations erupted from his body.

However, in the endless sword light, Gu Zhong shook his fist intently, unhurriedly punching out one after another, regardless of the sword light outside his body, it was difficult to get close.

"However, in half a year, this guy's cultivation level has risen to this level."

Standing above the sky and watching the battle, Qinglong couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the scene on the ring. You must know that Gu Zhong was not his opponent more than half a year ago. It seems that it will not be long before his cultivation The combat power will catch up with itself.

Xiaoqing in the distance was also surprised when he saw this scene. The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao were indeed against the sky, but it was only half a year, and Gu Zhong seemed to have changed.

In fact, what Xiaoqing doesn’t know is that to a certain extent, Gu Zhong is really like a person. You know, Gu Zhong, who has been reborn and reborn, has undergone a metamorphosis, breaking the cocoon and transforming into a butterfly. It's different from the past.

The Jagged Taoist came to Xiaoqing's side.

"Master Youth."

The Jagged Taoist saluted Xiaoqing.


Xiaoqing nodded, and then said to the Jagged Taoist: "Who do you think will win in the end."

"It's hard to say, after all, Gu Daren is not really a holy emperor, but it is not easy for that guy from outside the territory to defeat Gu Daren."

The Jagged Taoist groaned and said.

"You didn't say that."

Xiaoqing glanced at the Jagged Taoist and said.

"Ha ha."

The Jagged Daoist smiled awkwardly, and said nothing. He actually couldn't see who would win or lose. After all, the cultivation of these two people was not much different from his own.

"In my opinion, the guy from outside the domain is going to be unlucky."

Xiaoqing touched it and said, he looked at the two figures fighting together on the arena in the distance, and there were Dao patterns intertwined in his eyes.

The Jagged Daoist heard Xiaoqing's words and couldn't help feeling a move. He thought of a possibility. It seemed that it was really the case. The guy outside the domain was going to be unlucky.

At this time, the entire arena was shrouded by the star sword light from Zuo Qiandao's body. The entire arena seemed to float and sink in the starry sky. It is difficult for ordinary saints to see the situation inside, only above the holy emperor realm. Only the saints can see the battle situation inside.

"Gu Fei's disciple is not bad."

There are strong men of the older generation talking to themselves.

Among the countless strong men gathered in the nearby area, some of them had enemies with Gu Fei, such as the strong men of the Western Tu Buddhism and the members of the Eastern family.

Some people from the Beitang family are also in the crowd. The first release of this book is from 17K Novel. The first time you see the genuine content!

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