Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2858: The pinnacle of the Holy Emperor Realm

The Beitang family, the Central Plains Cultivator family, back then, when Gu Fei had just made his debut, on the way from the Eastern Region to the Southern Wilderness, he was conspired by Beitangao and Dongfanglong from the Beitang family to be poisoned and almost died.

But because of this, he also encountered Xiaoqing, who was still a small green snake, who had not yet transformed, and that Xiaoqing helped Gu Fei **** the strange poison from his body and saved his life.

It can be said that the Beitang family and Gu Fei also had an enmity, and many of the children of the Beitang family died at Gu Fei's hands.

Now that Gu Fei has really grown up, the senior members of the Beitang family are naturally fidgeting, for fear that one day Gu Fei will suddenly kill the Beitang family and commit murder.

The Beitang family has always been on guard, paying close attention to the movements of Gu Fei's master and apprentice. When Gu Zhong appeared on the ring, the people in the Beitang world were really taken aback.

At this time, on the ring, Gu Zhong and Zuo Qiandao fought fiercely. A pair of fists shook the starry sky, and the entire ring shook as his fists slammed out.

Zuo Qiandao knew that he had encountered a real opponent.


The starry sky shook, and the stars turned into peerless sword light, slashing towards the golden glowing figure in the starry sky.

The extreme star sword light split the void, showing the strongest power, but it was difficult to hurt that guy.

Gu Zhong is like a golden war **** who came from the ancient times. A pair of fists shattered the void and collided with the sword light of the stars that slashed, and the sword light shattered directly under his fist.


Zuo Qiandao gritted his teeth and used his full strength to use the Xingchen Sword Art. A more powerful sword aura surged from him immediately.


The entire starry sky was shaking violently. Although it was not a real starry sky, it was enough to be faked. In the starry sky, stars exploded and turned into a sword of destruction and went through the ancient hole.

"Haha, do you only have this level? It's really surprising to me that you can remain unbeaten for more than half a year."

Gu Zhong laughed and said as he shot, this Zuo Qiandao seems to be a man who has lost his reputation. With only this kind of cultivation and methods, he is really curious how this guy has remained undefeated in the past six months.

A blast of destruction sword light was blasted away by Gu Zhong's double fists. He was extremely powerful and directly slammed in front of Zuo Qiandao, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly towards the opponent's neck.


Zuo Qiandao was shocked and angry. He turned into a sword light and strangled towards the right hand grabbed by Gu Zhong. The cold sword aura spread, and the temperature in the entire world was rapidly dropping.


The strong star sword light slashed on Gu Zhong's arm, and there was a harsh metal rubbing sound, and the sleeve of Gu Zhong's right arm was instantly shattered by sword air.


Gu Zhong roared, his right arm shook, and a powerful martial arts force burst out from his arm instantly, directly stunning the star sword light.

There was not even a sword mark left on his arm.

Seeing this scene, those powerhouses above the Saint Emperor level were shocked. This Gu Zhong was indeed so powerful that he had cultivated his body to such a strong level.


The sword light that was shook away by Gu Zhong disappeared instantly, and a figure appeared in the void, and his body seemed to be a starry sky looming, and the stars flickered.

"It seems that immortality can't kill you."

Zuo Qiandao stared at Gu Zhong on the opposite side, and said coldly, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, his face was extremely cold.


Gu Zhong snorted coldly, then took a step forward, and instantly appeared in front of Zuo Qiandao, and slammed Zuo Qiandao's head and face with a punch.


Zuo Qiandao turned into a sword light and rose into the sky, avoiding Gu Zhong’s punch. Then, a little bit of starlight burst into his whole body, and the nine star avenue lines rushed out of him, intertwined into a simple but Xuan'ao's Tao map comes.

In the next moment, countless stars actually appeared on the sky, and a series of stars descended from the sky, was forcibly attracted by him, and sank into his body.

"There are stars in the day."

Seeing this scene, everyone who was watching the battle in the distance was stunned. It was daytime and the sun was shining brightly, but there was a star in the sky.


Zuo Qiandao used his great technique to attract the real power of the endless stars above the sky, and an extremely powerful force wave immediately blasted away from him.

Many big stars appeared around his body, and nine big stars appeared around him, revolving around him, just like real stars.


Zuo Qiandao roared and his hair flew, he directly urged the strongest nine-star power, and the nine big stars around him instantly turned into a peerless sword light, strangling towards Gu Zhong.

These nine sword lights were several times stronger than his previous star sword lights. In terms of the same day, the power displayed by each sword light was enough to cut down the real stars in the sky.

Everyone was extremely nervous, because many people were defeated by Zuo Qiandao's move.

You know, those nine big stars have gathered the power of endless stars, and the sword light they have turned into is naturally terrifying to the extreme, which shocked Gu Zhongdu's heart.


Gu Zhong roared, and his fists smashed forward like two rounds of golden sun. "Om." The void shook, and two of the nine sword lights were blocked by his fists.

However, the other seven sword lights instantly smashed Gu Zhong's body, and the star sword light that was so fiercely slammed Gu Zhong into flight.

Little golden blood dripped from the air.


The ancient heavy back smashed into a huge stone pillar on the edge of the ring, and cracks appeared on the stone pillar. If it were not for the guardianship of the immortal rune, the stone pillar would have been crushed.

He fell to the ground, and the clothes on his body had been crushed by the opponent's sword aura, and blood stains were left in the place where the sword was on his body, with blood oozing out.


Gu Zhong's body shook, and the seven sword lights rushed out of his body immediately, and the sword energy that invaded his body was immediately forced out of his body by him.

He stretched out his hand to wipe off a blood stain on the corner of his mouth and stared at Zuo Qiandao who was walking towards him. He had to say that with Zuo Qiandao's kendo cultivation level, he was also invincible at the same level.

"Aren't you crazy just now? How are you now? You can't get crazy anymore, haha..."

Zuo Qiandao said with a sneer, nine dazzling sword lights hovering around him, revealing the strongest fluctuations in the power of stars, these nine sword lights are still swallowing the power of stars in the sky, and the stars are coming from the sky. The starry sky above fell down, submerged above the nine sword lights, and the surge of sword energy from above the nine sword lights became stronger and stronger.


Seeing this scene, Xiaoqing and the others couldn't help but feel shocked, in disbelief, could it be that Gu Zhong really lost.

Someone Gu Zhong was injured, but he was surprised and delighted. It would be best if Zuo Qiandao killed Gu Zhong. In this way, it would be equivalent to breaking Gu Fei's arm.

Among the people who watched the battle, there were quite a few people who had enemies with Gu Fei's master and apprentice. There were masters in the Buddhist monastery of the West, the family of the East, and the family of the Beitang.

At this time, no one noticed that a little monk like a powdered jade carving, holding a bowl in his hand, appeared above the sky, smiling and looking at the two figures on the ring.

"It's him."

When Xiaoqing saw the man, he couldn't help being surprised. This Bainen young monk was not someone else, but Gu Fei's deadly enemy, Fanxiu young monk in the Western Buddhist land.

This little monk seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, but he was a guy that Laogui was very scrupulous about. The arrival of this guy made Xiaoqing and others nervous.

The cultivation base of the young monk Fanxiu can be unfathomable. Even Xiaoqing and the iron-blooded Taoist asked themselves if they were not their opponents. Once the young monk attacked them, they would be unlucky.

"Let me take you on the road."

At this time, Zuo Qiandao directly drew the Nine Star Sword Light to penetrate towards Gu Zhongdong. The extremely powerful sword light turned into a heaven-shattering divine rainbow and rushed out.

"Just you want to kill me."

Gu Zhong's gaze changed sharply like a blade, and two gazes rushed out of his eyes. They were several meters long, and an extremely powerful golden force erupted from him.

Facing Zuo Qiandao's ultimate move, he directly operated the Ascension Secret Art, his combat power was soaring, and his whole body was full of golden light, and every sword light penetrated the void.


Feeling the powerful power that burst out of Gu Zhong's body, Zuo Qiandao couldn't help being taken aback. The feeling guy didn't try his best just now.

Moreover, he felt that the opponent's cultivation base seemed a little weird, and it didn't seem to be the true holy emperor, and the power of the saint emperor class was not complete.

How could it be so.

This made him puzzled, but at this time, he couldn't allow him to think too much, because the opponent's fist had already hit.


The golden light and starlight burst out in an instant, the whole ring was boiling, and the cracks in the dark space appeared like black lightning.

The mighty force that has spread has caused cracks in this ancient arena. This scene shocked everyone watching the battle to the extreme.

On the arena, the two powerhouses shot with all their strength. This was a duel between the fist and the sword light. Whether it was the fist or the sword light, no one knew for a while.

Because the power of the saint emperor class on the arena is chaotic to the extreme, at this time, even the existence of the holy emperor cannot see the situation on the arena, only the existence of the great saint, and the vaguely see that on the arena Two figures.


A dull voice was uploaded from the ring, and the whole world trembled violently. The two figures flew out of the ring under everyone’s shocked and inexplicable gaze. The book was first published from 17K Novel Network, and the original content was read for the first time. !

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