Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2888: The legendary flying fairyland

In the depths of the starry sky, the broken void was gradually being repaired by the power of heaven and earth, and Gu Fei's breath came out of the broken void, making everyone's heart palpitating.

"what happened."

Some saints were shocked and inexplicably, the breath of the old demon had disappeared for a while, why it hadn't appeared yet, could it be that Gu Fei really beheaded the murderous demon.

No one knows, in fact, at this time, Gu Fei was urging Shanhe Ding to refining that fierce demon.

At this time, everyone looked at the gradually shrinking and shattered void, wanting to know the outcome of this battle, as if there were countless ants crawling in their hearts, it was itchy.

However, does anyone dare to enter the chaos to check? All everyone can do is wait, only wait.

Some people couldn't help looking in the direction where Xiao Qing and Gu Zhong were. When they saw the relaxed faces of Xiao Qing and Gu Zhong, these people had guessed something.

"It seems that Gu Fei is out of luck again this time."

The small group of people in the Eastern aristocratic family and Huanggu Zhao’s family were a little disappointed with this result. They thought that such a powerful monster could make Gu Fei pay a little price, but in the end, the feelings of those ancient monsters are all Come to die.

Not long after, Gu Fei's breath also disappeared, and then a figure walked out of the broken void.

As soon as they saw the figure coming out of the broken void, everyone knew the result of the battle. Gu Fei had won, and the fierce demon would probably be unable to get out of the chaos anymore.

Knowing the result of this battle, the small group of people in the Eastern family and the ancient Zhao family were naturally very disappointed, and some of them turned around and left.

Most of the people who watched the battle had no grudges with Gu Fei. This kind of ending is what these people like to see. You must know that the devil is the enemy of all living things.

The Eastern Territory Devil's Cave is a threat to the entire Eastern Territory's forces. Sooner or later, the major forces of the Eastern Territory will fight against the demon in the Eastern Territory's Devil's Cave.

But now, Gu Fei alone has killed so many powerful demons, this kind of record makes everyone admire.

In the current Eastern Region, only Gu Fei dared to contend with the Eastern Territory Demon Cavern, and the demon powerhouses who would commit in the future beheaded one by one, without leaving one. This is really great.

Gu Fei is not like the Eastern aristocratic family and the ancient Zhao family. These families have too many concerns, fearful of their heads and tails, and don't want to start a fight with the fierce demons in the Eastern Demon Cavern.

Gu Fei didn't have so many worries.

"Big Brother..."


Xiaoqing and Gu Zhong hurriedly greeted them.

"Okay, let's go back."

Gu Fei immediately disappeared into the void as he spoke, and when he reappeared in the next moment, he had already rushed down from the stars.

Xiao Qing and Gu Zhong looked at each other and rushed down from the starry sky.

The three sages of heaven, earth, and man, as well as the Jagged Taoist, all quickly followed.

The war ended, some people were happy and some were worried, and Gu Fei's clone was so powerful, wouldn't his real body take that step?

Gu Feiyue was powerful, and it was originally a good thing for the entire human race, but for his enemies, it was a bad thing.

Whether in the human world or the heaven, there are his enemies, and of course his friends.

Some people don't necessarily have to be enemies, just like the blue dragon of the Southern Wilderness Blue Dragon clan, he just saw Gu Fei as an opponent worthy of respect and surpassing.

However, it is not easy to surpass Gu Fei.

The battle between Gu Fei and the old demon had a great impact, and naturally also shocked Qinglong. Qinglong was also among the crowd watching the battle. Seeing Gu Fei defeated the fierce demon, he couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

The opponent's avatar is so powerful, isn't the true body even more against the sky, it seems that he is not Gu Fei's opponent yet.

Qinglong sighed, then turned to leave, left the Eastern Region directly, and returned to the Southern Wilderness. He would continue to retreat and then go to the forbidden area of ​​the Qinglong clan.

There is a legend among the Qinglong clan, as long as someone passes the test set by the ancestor, they can get a powerful force.

As the Qinglong of the contemporary Qinglong clan, he naturally wanted to gain more powerful strength, but throughout the ages, no one had passed the test set by the ancestor of the Qinglong, and none of them.

It is conceivable how difficult this is, but it is precisely because of this difficulty that it even more shows that the things left by the ancestor of Qinglong are more against the sky.

Originally, Qinglong was still hesitating, but now, he has made up his mind to overcome all the tests set by the ancestor, and then obtain the strongest strength of the Qinglong clan and become the strongest existence of the Qinglong clan except the ancestor.

"Gu Fei, I will definitely come back to find you."

Qinglong left such a sentence, walked into the forbidden area of ​​the Qinglong clan, and disappeared inside.

"Finally made up your mind."

Next to the entrance of the Qinglong clan, there was an old man in black sitting cross-legged. At this time, the old man in black was watching the direction where the Qinglong disappeared and was talking to himself.

At this time, whether it is in the heavens or in the world, many people are preparing, maybe the chaos will really come, and the palpitation of the devil's aura from the Eastern Demon Cavern.

Since the death of the old demon general and a hundred ancient black armored demon soldiers, the Eastern Demon Cave has no follow-up actions, but everyone knows that the Eastern Demon Cave will not just leave it alone.

The atmosphere in the entire Eastern Region has become more tense.

Both the Eastern aristocratic family and the ancient Zhao family began to restrain the disciples of the disciples, and the entire Eastern Region looked like a storm.

At this time, the Vientiane City has returned to calm again.

The vision over Vientiane City has disappeared, and Gu Fei and Laogui are still in retreat. They are really taking that step, which surprised Xiaoqing and the others.

At this time, on Ziwei Ancestral Star, deep in the ruins where the legendary Flying Immortal Land is located, from time to time immortal light rushed out, which caused all major forces on Ziwei Ancestral Star to send masters to check.

Suddenly, the area where the ruins were located was quite lively.

A hundred miles away from this ruin, there is a city named Feixiancheng. This is an ancient city, so old that no one remembers when it was built.

At this time, this ancient city was already overcrowded.

Some people say that the legendary flying fairyland is about to appear, and the fairy light that appears in the ruins is a sign that the flying fairyland is about to appear.

Flying fairy land, in Ziwei Zuxing, is an ancient legend. It is said that in this flying fairy land, there are great opportunities and great fortunes. If anyone can get such good luck and opportunities, he can become the strongest on Ziwei Zuxing. Big existence.

But no one knows the truth,

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