Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2889: Promise Ji Fan

Ziwei ancestor star is one of the five greatest life ancestors in the human world. It is a huge and incomparable star of life that has existed since ancient times.

This ancestor star once had a supreme being, and that supreme figure was Ziwei Zhizun. In Ziwei Zuxing, Ziwei Zhizun was also known as Ziwei Great Emperor.

Emperor Ziwei, once dominated the entire human world for an era, suppressed dark turmoil, and beheaded the Supreme Demon Ancestor, is one of the most powerful supreme throughout the ages.

Of course, the Great Ziwei finally disappeared. No one knows where this emperor went. This is the ancestor of Ziwei, and even the eternal secret of the entire human world.

Not even the Ji family knew this secret.

The Ji family is an emperor, and Emperor Ziwei is the supreme being that came out of the Ji family. Even though Emperor Ziwei disappeared for endless years, the Ji family still rules the entire Ziwei ancestor star.

This is something that has never appeared on other ancestors of life.

On other ancestors of life, the supreme family has appeared, and once ruled the entire life ancestor star, but once the supreme disappears, the supreme family will soon lose the dominance of the entire life ancestor star.

However, Ziwei Ancestral Star is an exception. At this time, the only life Ancestral Star in the world that is still completely controlled by the emperor.

Of course, although Ziwei Zuxing is still under the control of the Ji family, there are also many powerful sects and families rising on Ziwei Zuxing.

Although these sects and families obey the orders of the Ziweiji family on the surface, they are secretly competing with the Ziweiji family. You know, the Ziweiji family has been in control of the entire life ancestor for too long.

In every era, strong men came out to challenge the Ziweiji family's dominance, but they were all defeated by the Ziweiji family. They ended up miserably and died.

However, once, Ziwei Ji's family encountered a big catastrophe, and a quasi-superior appeared on the ancestor star of Ziwei. In the era of the disappearance of the supreme, the quasi-superior was invincible.

In the first battle that year, the quasi-sovereign directly smashed into the ancestral land of Ziwei Ji's family, almost destroying the super family that ruled Ziwei's ancestor star for endless years.

At a critical juncture, an ancestor of the Ziweiji family asked for a decree left by the Ziwei Great Emperor and killed the quasi-supreme directly. This allowed the Ziweiji family to avoid a catastrophe.

In the following years, the major forces became honest, knowing that the Ziweiji family, the emperor on the Ziwei ancestor star, had a back hand from the Ziwei Great Emperor, so many people had to bear it down.

At this time, the vision that appeared in Feixiandi immediately attracted the attention of the major forces on the Ziwei ancestor star. For a while, it was not known how many powerful people were rushing towards Feixiandi.

Feixian City was overcrowded, all inns were full of monks, and some even set up camps in the mountains outside the city.

At night, in the area near Feixian City, you can see divine light and celestial energy rushing from far away, falling in the area near Feixian City, or even directly into Feixian City.


A chariot with purple aura suddenly appeared under the moonlit night, and a powerful breath came from above the chariot. I saw that the one pulling the chariot was actually a legendary beast, purple. Unicorn.

"This is the Qilin chariot of the Ji family, and the big man from the Ji family has arrived."

Someone recognized the origin of this tank.

The Kirin chariot can only be seated by the big figures of the Ji family, because this chariot is a status symbol and not everyone can sit on it.

In the Ziweiji family, only the core figures of the Ji family can use the unicorn chariot, and only a powerful existence can control the purple unicorn that pulls the cart. It is a holy beast.

Such a beast is much more powerful than ordinary saints, and can easily kill saints, but this purple unicorn is willing to pull a cart for others.

I saw the chariot rushing from far away, and the purple unicorn fluttered with four hooves, cracking the void under his feet into a series of pitch-black space cracks.

The appearance of this chariot shocked all the powerful near Feixian City.

"Huh, can't even the Ji family sit still."

Someone sneered while watching the chariot flying overhead.

I saw the purple unicorn pulling the chariot directly into Feixian City from the air, and landed in the city lord's mansion of Feixian City.

Feixian City is still the place of the Ji family. The Ji family divided the entire Ziwei ancestor star area into countless areas, and then sent the strong from the clan to guard it.

Those strong men who guarded one side were all "kings", the Patriarch of the Ziweiji family was the "Emperor", and the princes of the princes were entrusted, and the City Lord of Feixian City was a prince.

The Flying Immortal King is definitely one of the most powerful princes among the many princes in the Ziweiji family. Some people even say that the Flying Immortal King has already taken that step.

Of course, this is just a legend, and no one has really seen the power of Flying Immortal King.

This time, there was a vision in the Land of Flying Immortals, and the prince of the Ziweiji family did not show up, as if the vision in the Land of Flying Immortals had nothing to do with him.

Soon, there was a news circulating in Fei Xiancheng that the genius son of the Ziweiji Family Patriarch came, and that person was named Ji Fan, who was the son of the contemporary Ji Family Patriarch.

"Ji Fan is here."

On a mountain peak outside Feixian City, there was a vague figure standing. This figure was like a puff of smoke, giving people an unreal feeling, as if a gust of wind could blow this person away.

The person driving the unicorn chariot to Feixian City was actually Ji Fan.

All the powerhouses in the area near Feixian City were shocked. This Ji Fan, since returning from the chaotic world that year, has directly closed the door.

However, before Ji Fan was in retreat, he was already a saint. After so many years in retreat, and now he was born again, how far his cultivation has gone.

Many people are curious, especially those geniuses on Ziwei Zuxing who are in the same era as Ji Fan.

In Ziwei Zuxing, there is no shortage of geniuses in every era, and some of these geniuses can even be compared with Ji Fan of the Ji family.

Although the training forces on Ziwei Ancestor star respect the Ji family, there are some forces with extremely deep backgrounds, even the Ji family is very scrupulous about these forces.

Among the powers that Lingji's family are scrupulous about, the Yun family is one of them. This family is very powerful, but very low-key. However, even if it is low-key, this family is still a remarkable figure.

Yun Tianzhao, the only one in the Yun family who can compete with Ji Fan, is the first person among the younger generation.

"He actually came in person, very good."

In another courtyard in Feixian City, a young man in white clothes stood in the courtyard, raised his head looking at the moon, and muttered to himself. In his eyes, a cold light flashed like a cold electricity.


At this moment, the figure on the mountain peak outside Feixian City disappeared. The next moment, that figure appeared in the sky above Feixian City’s City Lord’s Mansion.

"Ji Fan, come out to fight."

A loud shout sounded, and it spread throughout Feixian City in an instant.

"What, someone actually wants to challenge Ji Fan."

All the cultivators in Feixian City were shocked to the extreme. Just when Ji Fan came, it was estimated that even the chair was not hot, and someone came directly to challenge.

The whole ancient city was a sensation, and countless monks rushed out of the city. Everyone was curious and wanted to see who this dared to challenge Ji Fan was.

However, everyone was disappointed, because the figure above Feixian City's City Lord's Mansion was vague, and even the existence of the holy ranks could hardly see that figure.

That person is like the incarnation of a great road, and his body is filled with Dao Qi, even a holy creature with a heavenly eye can hardly see this figure, let alone other monks.

"How could it be that this person is the legendary heavenly body."

Someone said.

Heavenly Dao body, possessing this kind of physique, is naturally close to Tiandi Dadao. It is simply the pride of heaven, and the speed of training is enough to describe it in the word "abnormal".

Just when everyone was shocked, a figure rushed out from the city lord's mansion below, a figure surrounded by purple air.

An extremely powerful aura surged from this figure's body.

"It's you."

That person was Ji Fan, his eyes were shining like stars in the dark night, staring at the figure opposite, and said coldly, he recognized the person.

The vague figure turned directly and left at great speed.


Ji Fan directly turned into a purple light and chased it up.

The two figures were approaching the extreme, and instantly disappeared among the mountains outside Feixian City.


When everyone saw this, they were stunned for a while, and then they drove away and chased in the direction where the two strong men disappeared.

"How could it..., how did I feel the breath of that person."

In Feixian City's city lord's mansion, in a hall, such words came out. In the hall, two bright eyes lit up, as if to see through the void.


Under the moonlit night, a loud noise came from the depths of the mountains outside Feixian City. The mountains shook and shocked countless birds in the mountains. There were countless beasts on the ground rushing to flee.

Two extremely powerful figures fought in the depths of the mountain, and the two great forces waved vigorously. The peaks continued to crumble and the earth cracked, as if the end had come.

Some powerful holy creatures arrived here and were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

In the entire void in front, the laws of heaven and earth could not be sensed. There were only two strong figures in the battle. The power erupting from the two powerful men disrupted the laws of heaven and earth.

"This Ji Fan is an invincible body, with the mighty power of Wanhua Infinite, which can resolve all attacks. He is already standing in an invincible place."

Someone said such words.

"Not necessarily, that person seems to be a celestial body. Although the Promise body is powerful, the celestial body is also extraordinary. It can attract the power of the heaven and earth for its own use."

Someone said disapprovingly.

"Then let us see which of these two wins and loses."

Someone said,

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