Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2947: Quasi supreme shot

Ming Qiong and Hei Lin Tiger Emperor came back, and they brought back good news. An emperor was preparing to attack the dead city and slay the scarlet-blooded beast in the city.

"The emperor will attack the dead city."

Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he got the news. For him, the more chaotic the better, because the more chaotic, the more chaotic, he can fish in troubled waters.

"Is that the emperor after all."

In the Great Hall of the Valley, Gu Fei sat high on the throne, with one hand propped on his chin, tilted his face, and said while looking at the underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor.

"I heard that it is from Bu Zhou Zuxing."

Ming Qiong said.


Gu Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. The emperor on Zhou Zuxing seemed to be the only two powerful emperors, the Golden Emperor and the Ziyun Emperor.

The golden emperor clan once had a golden supreme, and the Ziyun family had also come out of a supreme, and the two great emperors had a strong heritage.

No matter which emperor makes the move, it will be a battle between dragons and tigers. However, it is conceivable that some emperors may have discovered something. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know that the creature in the dead city is so powerful. The first creature shot.

"Master, what are we going to do."

Ming Qiong said.

"What else can I do? Just watch the theater on the sidelines."

Gu Fei said lazily.

"While... watching a play on the side."

Underworld was very surprised. This didn't seem to be the character of his own master. This master was not the one who would watch the play quietly.

At this moment, a powerful existence entered the ruins of the ancient heavenly court, a tall figure shrouded in brilliant golden light.

In the bright golden light, there are golden runes intertwined, that is the golden Dao pattern, each golden Dao pattern reveals a powerful atmosphere.

The body of this strong man radiated an almost complete atmosphere of the great road, and all the strong men who saw this figure were shocked.

Because this is a quasi supreme.

Quasi-Supreme travels and shakes the ten directions. Quasi-Supreme's Dao Law has been consummated, and the breath of Supremacy is spreading, even the saints must retreat.

There are still quasi-supreme in this world, but this kind of strong will not appear easily, and even if such a strong is in the world and heaven, there are definitely not many.

The sudden appearance of the golden quasi-sovereign made everyone feel a great pressure, because in this world, the quasi-supreme is not visible at all, and the quasi-supreme is the most powerful existence in the world and the heavens.

After Jin Zhunzhi entered the ancient heavenly court ruins, he stepped directly forward, and a golden avenue appeared under his feet, extending directly into the distance.

This quasi-sovereign stepped on the Golden Avenue and immediately disappeared into the void, disappeared in an instant, and disappeared under the dim starry sky.

The next moment, the golden figure appeared outside the dead city.

"It turns out to be the Golden Emperor Clan, their movements are so fast."

On a rocky mountain outside the dead city, a black-clothed young man muttered to himself as he watched the golden figure suddenly appearing in front of the dead city. Behind the black-clothed young man stood two powerful figures.

The breath of the quasi-sovereign blasted from the body with the radiant golden glow. The area of ​​100,000 li became the forbidden area of ​​the saints, and the saints below the sage could not bear the spreading of the sages. That strong breath.

It was the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor who were standing behind Gu Fei who felt a great deal of pressure, but the aura spreading from Gu Fei's body enveloped them and offset most of the Quasi-Supreme pressure.

It turned out that the golden emperor wanted to attack the creature in the dead city, and it came so fast.


At this moment, a roar came out from the dead city, and an extremely terrifying breath of death came out of the dead city.

A huge figure appeared above the dead city, flaring its teeth and claws at the golden figure outside the dead city, as if it was about to pounce on Jin Zhunzhi at any time.

"Another one to die."

A wave of divine consciousness spread from the dead city, and then there was a clanging sound of iron chains colliding in the dead city.

The creature in the dead city was extremely arrogant, even if the opponent was Quasi-Supreme, he didn't seem to put it in his eyes, which made Gu Fei a little surprised.

Could it be that the guy in the dead city is so powerful that he can ignore Quasi-Supreme.

"kill you."

Huang Jinzhunzhi said, and then he actually took a step forward, and instantly entered the dead city, directly attacking the undead creature.

The great war broke out, and horrible fluctuations came out of the dead city, the whole dead city shook, and the powerful force of the quasi-superior class shook the entire ancient city.

This is Quasi-Supreme's terrifying combat power, even the void where Gu Tianting is located can be shaken.

Quasi-Supreme shot, this is no small matter, you know, many people are staring at the dead city, the appearance of Quasi-Supreme caused a sensation.

After so many years, the creatures of this series finally jumped out and appeared in the eyes of the world.

"The Golden Emperor Clan, how many years have passed since, this guy is still alive."

Outside the dead city, above the sky, a figure was muttering to himself, this person is the old man of the Qin Emperor of the Qin clan. This old man has a very big background and is an ancestor of the Qin clan.

The Qin nationality, a force that has passed on for endless years, naturally has a reason for its existence.

There is a big clan with the quasi-superior sitting in the town, it will not decline, and no one can shake such a family, unless it is the strongest of the supreme and the human emperor.

In addition to the old man of Emperor Qin Huang, Gu Fei also found the figure of the Emperor Huo haunting far away. The Emperor Huo had already taken that step, and he was naturally qualified to watch the battle.

In addition to the Fire Emperor, Gu Fei also sensed two extremely secretive auras. Obviously, Zhunzhizun was hidden from the side, not showing his true body.


The dead city seemed to have exploded, and a series of dark spatial cracks spread out from it, clanging loudly, and the undead creature roared, showing the power to compete with Quasi-Supreme.

"Are you a creature in the outer world?"

Such a voice came from the dead city.

The golden quasi-sovereign was shooting, the Law of Ten Thousand Ways was roaring, turning into horror golden swords and piercing through the scarlet-blooded beast trapped between the four stone pillars.

That scarlet-blooded strange beast didn't dare to neglect, you know, this is Quasi-Supreme, second only to Jidao Supremacy's powerful existence, Supremacy can't come out, Quasi-Supreme is invincible.

"If you want to kill me, you can't."

The Scarlet Blood Beast said angrily, it was shocked and angry, you know, if you change to its peak period, you can slap this guy to death with one slap.

"Tiandi Lao Er..."

When the scarlet-blooded beast thought that he would end up like this, he almost went crazy, wishing to tear the Lord of Heaven to pieces.

This fierce beast was so frenzied that it was dancing with the iron chain entangled on its body, shattering all the countless golden swords that penetrated through it.


The scarlet-blooded beast opened its mouth and ejected a bunch of scarlet flames and burned towards Jin Zhunzhi. As soon as this bunch of scarlet-blooded flames came out, the burning void was annihilated.

You must know that the void of the ancient heavenly court is exceptionally stable. It is the void that has been specially blessed and sacrificed by the supreme, even the saint is difficult to shake, let alone shatter the void here.

The evil power contained in the Scarlet Flame is too strong, but it is vulnerable to the golden quasi-sovereign.

The golden figure stretched out its big hand, and a powerful suction force immediately emerged from his palm, immediately grabbing the scarlet flame that was burning at him in his hand, and then completely refining it.


The golden figure pointed out directly, and a golden light shot out, piercing the eyebrows of the scarlet-blooded beast. In the golden light, there were a series of golden Dao patterns inside.

This is a manifestation of the almost complete road, but when this golden light penetrates the eyebrows of the scarlet-blooded monster, it is actually difficult to penetrate its skull.

"Extreme physique."

Huang Jinzhunzhi was taken aback, the opponent's body was too strong, even he couldn't penetrate it, so how could he hit it?

"Haha, only then did I know that Lao Tzu was once the Supreme, what can you do to me."

The scarlet creature laughed wildly.


Outside the dead city, Gu Fei was shocked to the extreme. This scarlet-blooded beast was once an invincible supreme, which is really incredible.

The supreme physique is definitely the strongest physique in the world, and only the Extreme God Soldiers can hurt this physique, but Gu Fei didn't want to make a move, at least temporarily.

However, the Golden Emperor Clan is a cultivating family that has walked out of the Extreme Dao Supreme. Among the Golden Emperors, there is definitely something left by the Supreme.


At this moment, a scream came out from the dead city, and an immortal golden light appeared in the dead city, and then, a stern scream sounded from the dead city.


The Scarlet Beast was shocked.

Another bright golden light suddenly appeared, with a clang, an iron chain was cut off by the golden light, and the iron chain immediately turned into a black dragon, and rushed towards the golden figure.

The scarlet-blooded alien beast is extremely powerful, even if the golden quasi-superior has used the extremely divine weapon, he still dares to fight the golden quasi-superior.

The Golden Quasi-Sovereign who had used the Extreme Divine Weapon had the absolute upper hand, almost pressing the scarlet-blooded monster to fight. The immortal golden light continued to appear, and the long arms of the Scarlet-Blood Supreme were cut off.


The scarlet-blooded beast roared frantically. The blood on its body was burning, turning into a series of scarlet runes, heading towards the golden quasi-sovereign brand. Every scarlet-blooded rune burst out with a monstrous blood, and the whole piece The sky and the earth were all reflected in blood, as if a terrifying sea of ​​blood appeared in the dead city.


Outside the dead city, on the rocky mountain, Gu Fei and the others couldn't help but be moved when they saw this scene. This scarlet-blooded beast was so ferocious that he would burn his own blood to attack the enemy.

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