Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2948: Alien beast

The scarlet-blooded strange beast imprisoned in the dead city was extremely fierce. This strange beast actually burned its own essence and blood to fight the golden quasi-superior.

Dark and black blood blossoms bloomed on his body, and then flew up, blooming endless blood light, and headed towards the mark of Jinzhun Supreme.

That is supreme blood, although there is not much power in the blood that belongs to the supreme, but this kind of blood still exudes a terrifying aura, and every blood flower seems to crush the world and annihilate the universe.


Void shook. At this time of the war, the scarlet-blooded creature was desperately trying to consume the only trace of supreme blood in the body.

This kind of blood is absolutely terrifying to the extreme. If you change to a general quasi-supreme, you may encounter big troubles, and your body will be penetrated by this kind of blood instantly.

However, Huang Jinzhunzhi came prepared, he held the Extreme Dao Divine Weapon in his hand, and all evils did not invade. I saw the Ji Dao Divine Weapon in his hand, and the blood blossoms coming towards him. It actually exploded continuously, turned into a blood mist, and dissipated in the void.

The supreme blood is constantly being wiped out.


The immortal golden light blooms in the hands of the golden quasi-sovereign, and every golden light directly penetrates the void of heaven and earth.


Two sounds of gold-iron collision sounded, and then the last two black iron chains entwined with the scarlet-blooded beast were cut off by the immortal golden light.

The Supreme God Soldier in the hands of Jin Zhunzhi was actually a golden lotus, and those immortal golden awns were emerging from the golden lotus.


The scarlet-blooded strange beast laughed. Although its flesh was pierced by the golden lotus light that bloomed from the hands of Jin Zhunzhi, it was laughing.

It finally got out of trouble, was imprisoned for endless years, and at the expense of the supreme cultivation base, turned into an immortal creature, it has only one purpose, and that is to live.

Now, not only has it survived, it has also escaped.


The scarlet animal roared, and immediately turned into a **** light and rose into the sky, trying to escape from the dead city.

However, Jin Zhizun would not let him escape so easily. The golden **** lotus in his hand flew up and instantly enveloped the entire sky.


The blood light transformed by the scarlet-blooded beast directly hit the golden light that spread from the golden lotus, and then returned with a shock.

"You... don't push people too much."

The scarlet-blooded beast was frightened and angry. The opponent possessed the supreme sacred weapon, and he was at a disadvantage, and the only trace of supreme blood remaining in his body was almost exhausted.

At this time, the flesh of the scarlet-blooded beast has been repaired, even the place pierced by the immortal golden light. It has the only supreme blood in its body, and it can heal the flesh even if it is injured by the supreme **** soldier.

"What if I force you."

Huang Jinzhunzhi said that he has the ultimate magic weapon in his hand, and he is not afraid that this undead creature will turn the sky upside down.

"Aren't you afraid that the fish will die and the net will break."

The Scarlet Beast gritted his teeth and said.

"Unfortunately, this time the fish died, but the net cannot be broken."

Huang Jinzhunzhi said, his tone is still calm, no one can see his appearance, like a golden phantom, but it gives people a feeling of invincibility.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case, maybe the net is broken, but the fish can't die."

The Scarlet Beast said with a sneer, there was a fierce light in its blood-colored pupils staring at the golden quasi-sovereign.

"Then try it."

Quasi-Supreme Gold is extremely powerful. At this time, the power emanating from the golden lotus has enveloped the entire dead city, and it is impossible for Quasi-Supreme to rush out of the dead city.

At this time, a divine lotus was suspended above the dead city, dispelling all the breath of death, and the sacred and powerful aura swept across the world.

At this moment, outside of the dead city, Gu Fei felt that the Extreme God Soldier in his body actually reacted to that golden lotus.

The mountain and river tripod, the purple golden sword, and the peerless fierce sword were all vibrating. The ultimate **** seemed to be awakened, which shocked Gu Fei's heart and was shocked.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the golden figure in the dead city looked at him.

At this moment, the scarlet-blooded monster that was trapped in the dead city suddenly grinned, and then, a group of extremely bright blood burst out from the top of its head.

It was like a round of blood-colored "shenyang" appeared between the heaven and the earth, radiating endless blood, reflecting the whole world into a **** color.

"this is……"

On the stone mountain outside the dead city, Gu Fei looked at the scene in the dead city in shock. In the **** light, there was a horrible aura of heart-palpitations.

Supreme blood, it was actually a mass of supreme blood, and the supreme aura burst out from that mass of blood.

Gu Fei immediately aroused the power of the mountains and rivers, and enveloped himself, the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor behind him, and isolated the supreme breath.

"Supreme Blood."

In the dead city, the almost immortal figure was shocked and said that the aura from this essence and blood was too strong, and he had to recall the Jinlian bodyguard.


The blood light instantly turned into a blood knife, and then slashed upwards, and the supreme power exploded, and the scarlet blood knife light instantly broke through the golden light shrouded in the sky.

This is the collision of the supreme-level power. The blood knife formed from the supreme blood seemed to cut the entire void of the sky and the earth with a single knife, and the stars above the sky were shaking, as if it might fall from the sky at any time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the scarlet-blooded strange beast directly soared into the sky and rushed out of the dead city.

"Haha, the net is broken, but the fish is not dead, what?"

The scarlet creature laughed wildly, and it rushed towards Yuankong directly.


The immortal golden figure roared, and the entire ancient city shook violently, and a series of hideous cracks broke out on the city body, as if it might break apart at any time.

Huang Jinzhunzhi was furious and directly drove the golden lotus into the sky, chasing and killing the scarlet-blooded monster.

However, the blood knife made of the supreme blood slashed towards the gold quasi-supreme at this time, stopping the gold quasi-supreme.


Jin Zhunzhi shot out with anger, the golden lotus in his hand rushed out of the immortal golden light, blocking the blood knife that was hacked, and then a group of golden fire gushing from the golden lotus toward the blood knife, it was completely made of golden talisman. The strongest Taoist fire made of intertwined texts.

The blood knife burned by the Supreme Dao fire that erupted from the Supreme Dao Divine Soldier was dim, but the blood knife was transformed by the Supreme blood, and it was not easy to refine it.


High above the sky, the void vibrated, and the golden supreme Dao fire enveloped the blood knife transformed from the supreme blood. The two powers of the supreme were intertwined, and the essence of the supreme blood was constantly being wiped out by the golden supreme Dao fire.

At this time, it was difficult for Jin Zhushen to chase and kill the scarlet-blooded monster.

However, although Huang Jinzhunzhi lacked skill, Gu Fei chased him down. He escaped into the void with the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, leaving no trace at all where he passed.

In addition to Gu Fei, there was a powerful presence in the dark also chasing down.

It was already a long time later when Jin Zhuxizhizun had refined the blood of the supreme, and the scarlet-blooded strange beast had long since escaped.

At this time, the Underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor did not follow Gu Fei's side, but still wandered around the dead city, waiting for the golden quasi-senior to refine the supreme blood and leave the dead city. Time has entered the dead city.

That scarlet-blooded alien beast was fine. Although it transformed itself into an undead creature, it still sealed a mass of supreme blood in its body.

In fact, the gaze of this scarlet-blooded beast looked far away. It was for its future considerations, so it left a lump of supreme blood.

Because of this supreme blood, after it gets out of trouble, it can transform the body of the dead soul into the supreme body again. In this way, it may once again become the invincible supreme in the sky and the earth.

However, the scarlet-blooded monster did not expect that Jin Zhunzhi would be able to kill with the Supreme God Soldier in his hand, disrupting his plan. He could only use the group of Supremes sealed in his body to stop Jin Zhunzhi.

However, in this way, the scarlet-blooded strange beast has lost the opportunity to transform the body of the undead into the supreme body.

The scarlet-blooded beast hated the Golden Quasi-Supreme, but the opponent had the Supreme Divine Weapon in his hands. It was not its opponent, and could only choose to run away.

Gu Fei followed the scarlet-blooded beast all the way, only to see the scarlet-blooded beast rushing towards the depths of Gu Tianting, and soon, a huge mountain towering into the clouds appeared in front.

It was completely dark, but on the huge mountain, there was chaos lingering.

When he came close, Gu Fei was shocked to find that this huge mountain was only half a mountain, because the upper half of the mountain actually fell to the ground and turned into a huge mountain range.

Where the giant mountain broke, there was chaos surging.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the Great Chaos Mountain was interrupted by a beating."

Gu Fei was awe-inspiring. You know, this huge mountain is a chaotic mountain, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary holy creatures. A supreme battle broke out in this ancient heaven.

Only the supreme-level creatures are fighting to destroy this sacred mountain of chaos and the ancient heaven.

I saw the scarlet-blooded beast directly soared into the sky, came to the place where the chaotic mountain was broken, and then rushed into the chaotic energy.

"What's happening here."

Gu Fei was surprised when he saw this. The scarlet-blooded strange beast fled here, what exactly he wanted to do.

At this time, Gu Fei sensed other auras appearing in the sky, and a strong man chased him down. He disappeared in the distance without showing signs.

"These guys..."

Gu Fei’s Natural Way, what idea did those people fight? These guys all want to be fishermen.

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