Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3042: Do you dare to occupy Laozi's territory?

The relationship between the two giants of the Western Tudor Buddhist monks is not as good as the outsiders think. Although the little monk Fanxiu and the great monk of Fatian are not in the same situation, the two giants There are a lot of fights.

The origin of the young monk Fanxiu is very mysterious. He was a perverted guy dug out when the old turtle dug the tomb of the ancient Buddha on Lingshan Mountain.

On the other hand, the Great Monk Fatian is a powerful Buddhist monk who sits in the Tao of Tian Buddhism, the Tao of Tian Buddhism, that is the Buddha's heaven opened up by the ancient Buddhas, and the Great Monk Fa Tian is the leader among the Buddhas of the Tao of Tian Buddhism.

This great monk Fa Tian also got a piece of ancient Buddhist clothing left by the ancient Buddha. With the ancient Buddhist clothing, even the young monk Fan Xiu had to weaken the great monk Fa Tian.

The young monk Fanxiu and the great monk Fatian are both authentic Buddhism and are not weaker than others.

At this time, the two giants of Xitu Buddhist monks appeared on the top of Lingshan at the same time, but they attracted the attention of all the Buddhist monks on Lingshan.

You know, among the Buddhist monks of the West Earth, there are already two major sects, the Buddhist monk Fa Tian Dao, and the Buddhist monk Fan Xiu in the world.

The Tao of Tian Buddhism is above the Buddhism of the world, and the Buddhas in the Tao of Tian Buddhism pretend to be the descendants of the ancient Buddha.

In this way, the Buddhist monks in the world were a little dissatisfied, and thus formed a school of Buddhist monks in the world headed by the little monk Fanxiu.

The power of Buddhism in the world is not small, and under the command of the young monk Fanxiu, there are many Buddhist masters such as Qinglian Buddha.

However, behind the great monk Fatian is the powerful Buddhists among the many heavenly Buddhist Dao, the forces between the two factions are half a catty, and no one can help others.

"You don't go for a trip."

At the top of the Lingshan Mountain, Little Monk Fanxiu wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly stopped, then turned and said to the Great Monk Fatian who was sitting on the boulder.

The great monk Fatian didn't say anything, but closed his eyes, as if he had entered concentration.

Little Monk Fanxiu smiled, and then he shook his body and instantly turned into a Buddha's light and rose into the sky, shattered and disappeared into the void.

Many Buddhist monks on Lingshan have seen Young Monk Fanxiu leave Lingshan, but no one knows where he is going, not even the Lord Qinglian.

Qinglian Buddha is the contemporary Buddhist master of the Western Tu Buddhism. This Buddha master's cultivation is undoubtedly powerful, because in those days, Qinglian Buddha also fought against Gu Fei.

After so many years, Gu Fei is already a quasi-supreme. Although this Qinglian Buddha Lord is not as good as Gu Fei, his cultivation level has reached a level that no one can match.

The human Buddhism has a profound foundation, you know, this Buddhism on earth is the inheritance of the Buddha through the ages.

Although the current cultivation base of the Qinglian Buddha Lord is not as good as that of the Fa Tian Da monk and the Fan Xiu young monk, it is the most powerful existence among the two Buddhist giants.

In a Buddhist palace in Lingshan, Lord Qinglian suddenly opened his eyes when the little monk Fanxiu left Lingshan.

"Does Fan Xiu Buddha really want to go to heaven?"

The Buddha Lord Qinglian was talking to himself, the light of Buddha lingered on his body, and a bright roulette like the big sun emerged behind his head. In the roulette, there are Taoist Buddha patterns intertwined, and there is a powerful Buddha. The power of Tao.

This Buddha master's cultivation has reached the point where he is about to break through to the realm of the nobles.

After that, the Lord Qinglian closed his eyes, sitting on the lotus seat like an ancient Buddha, and the light of the Buddha spread all over his body. The lotus petals of the lotus platform under his seat began to close, and finally wrapped the Lord Qinglian. Among a golden lotus.

Just as the little monk Fanxiu left Lingshan, in a huge cave deep in the Demon Territory of the North, there was a demon roar that made all living creatures palpitating.

Over the devil cave, the yin and yang energy was vigorous, and a yin and yang Tao map that shrouded half of the world was suppressed in the void, and under the mighty force of the terrifying Yin and Yang Dao, this demon cave was firmly restrained.

In the center of the Yin and Yang Dao map, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, a figure that was so powerful that it was unimaginable. The power of the endless Yin and Yang Dao spread out from his body, shocking the heavens.

This person, as if incarnate as a part of Yin Yang Dao, suppressed the entire Northern Demon Realm with his own power.


At this moment, a strong magic power suddenly rushed out from the depths of the magic cave, and directly slammed into the huge Yin Yang Dao map.


The entire Dao map shook, and endless Yin-Yang Dao patterns emerged and intertwined on the Dao map, and the power of Yin-Yang Dao burst out, wiping out this magic Dao power.


The terrifying magic whistle came out from the depths of the magic cave, and endless magic energy came out from the depths of the magic cave. In the magic energy, there seemed to be many terrifying shadows looming.

However, all the devil qi that came out of the devil's cave was blocked by the yin and yang road map above the devil's cave.

The devil qi is corroding the yin and yang dao map, but the yin and yang dao qi that descends on the yin and yang dao map is also wiping out the devil qi.

"It's getting more and more restless."

The figure sitting on the yin-yang road map suddenly muttered to himself, and a more powerful yin-yang road power came from him.


The yin and yang Dao map constantly vibrated, and the yin and yang Dao Qi descended vigorously, and the demon energy that came out from the depths of the demon cave was immediately suppressed.

Soon, the devil's whistle in the depths of the devil's cave disappeared, and the countless demons and ghosts in the devil's cave calmed down.

"Could it be that the catastrophe is coming."

The figure continued to mutter to himself, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes deep.

The demon in the depths of the Demon Cave of the North is getting more and more restless. This makes the ruthless people who suppress the Demon Cave feel a little uneasy. This is not a good thing.

If it is broken by the demon in the devil's cave, the entire human world will be in chaos, the human world will usher in a demon calamity, and it will enter the dark age again.

In the other extremities and forbidden areas on Tenglong Ancestral Star, there was also an abnormal movement. In the fairy and demon abyss that separated the Far North Demon Territory and the Northern Territory of Tenglong Ancestral Star, there were ghosts and demons roaring and Roar.

It seems that troubled times are really coming.

And at this time, the powerhouses of all major forces are trying their best to improve their cultivation and combat power, and there are people on the Tenglong ancestor star in the human world.

However, many powerhouses choose to cross the tribulation in the heavens, and the heavens are the perfect heaven and the earth, with the perfect heaven and earth.

However, not everyone dared to go to the heavens to cross the tribulations, because the degree of danger when crossing the tribulations is much stronger than that in the human world. Some creatures think it is difficult to resist the celestial tribulations, so they retreat and choose the second place. The human world crosses the robbery.

Of course, most of the powerful people with the conditions have chosen to enter the wasteland to cross the catastrophe.

In fact, in the eyes of all monks, the wasteland is the most ideal place to cross the calamity, but not everyone can enter the wasteland. Without the protection of the existence of the saint realm, who can enter the wasteland.

Even a saint would risk a great deal of danger when entering the wilderness.

At this time, Laogui had already entered the desolate world, and he directly released the divine island that had become smaller in his hand, and a divine island appeared in the chaos extremity.

Chaos Domain is the territory dominated by Chaos, but the Lord of Chaos has long since left, and there are only a few powerful chaotic creatures guarding this half of the sacred mountain of Chaos.

These chaotic creatures are naturally not the opponents of the old turtle. When the old turtle appeared, these chaotic creatures had already hid.

The old tortoise has a foothold in the desolate world, which is a land of fairy spirits, where the five elements gather.

This land of fairy spirits is naturally not a land without a master. The old tortoise grabbed this place from the hands of a five-element creature bred from the essence of the five elements.

On that day, Laogui fought a battle with the five-element ruler, the owner of this fairyland. He showed his power, broke the five-element sword formation, and shocked the five-element ruler.

Laogui stepped forward, entered God Island, merged with Gu Fei, and then directly controlled the God Island to his site, the land of the Five Elements Fairy.

A avenue of demon light wrapped a divine island, passing over the endless mountains of the desolate world, and shocked countless powerful and incomparable creatures hidden in the mountains.

"That guy is here again."

Laogui's divine island rushed past the sky near the sky city, but it alarmed the old man Qin Huang in the sky city.


A figure appeared immediately above the sky city.

"The breath of the emperor, that is..."

The old man Qin Huang stood in the void, looking in the direction where the demon light of the great road disappeared, his eyes became deep, he has lived for endless years, how long he has lived, even he himself has forgotten.

He had experienced the darkest era, fighting with the terrifying demon, and almost died, but he still couldn't die.

The old man Qin Huang thought for a while, and then he took a step forward, chasing in the direction where the demon light of the great road disappeared, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Soon, Laogui's divine island rushed directly into the Five Elements Spiritual Land, floating above the Five Elements Spiritual Land.

The old tortoise needs to adjust its own state to the best state before going through the catastrophe, which takes some time.

Therefore, Gu Fei left the island and headed towards his site in the wasteland. His site is also a land of immortals, and this land of immortals is the place where the three spirits of immortality were born. Congenital immortal spirit.

However, when Gu Fei came to the outside of this congenital immortal realm, he couldn't help but stop, because he sensed a powerful aura from the depths of this immortal realm.

"this is……"

Gu Fei couldn't help changing his color. He never expected that someone would take his place while he was leaving, which made him angry.

"The incoming person retreats quickly, and then one step forward, you will die without a burial place."

A voice came from within the fairyland,

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