Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3043: Light cloud and light wind

The spiritual land that can nurture the creatures of the innate immortal Dao is absolutely extraordinary, especially in the depths of this spiritual land, where the power of the innate Dao is condensed.

If you practice in such a place, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

This spiritual land of Gu Fei was not inferior to Laogui's Five Elements Spiritual Land, but now, when Gu Fei returned to this spiritual land again, he found that his territory was actually occupied.

"Dare to occupy my territory."

Outside the spiritual realm, Gu Fei couldn't help being furious. It was really unreasonable that it was the guy who didn't have eyesight to do such a thing.

"The incoming people retreat at a speed. If you alarm my master, you will be wiped out."

A creature came from the fairy mist, and a powerful figure loomed in the fairy mist, revealing an incomparably powerful aura.

At this time, Gu Fei's cultivation level had reached the realm of returning to the basics, and as long as he did not reveal his cultivation base and combat power, no one could see his depth.

"Who is your master, tell him to die and see me."

Gu Fei's face turned gloomy, he stared at the creature in the fairy mist opposite, with an extremely cold tone. Although there was a barrier from the fairy mist, he still saw through the fairy mist at a glance.

I saw that this extremely arrogant creature was actually a **** crocodile covered in purple and blue scales, but what was strange was that the body of this **** crocodile actually revealed a powerful immortal aura.

"A fierce beast that cultivates immortality and enlightenment."

Gu Fei was talking to himself.

"what did you say."

At this time, the **** crocodile in the fairy mist heard Gu Fei's words, and a pair of eyes immediately revealed fierce and fierce gazes, and a madness burst from the body of the **** crocodile. Got out.

"A beast is a beast in the end, even if it is a cultivator, it is a beast. It can't change its aggressiveness."

Gu Fei shook his head and said.

"Who do you say is a beast."

The crocodile was angry.

"I said you are a beast, didn't you hear me."

Gu Fei looked at the angry crocodile and said.

"you wanna die."

The divine crocodile roared, and a divine light immediately emerged from its eyebrows, as if a divine eye was opened, and a terrifying light of destruction immediately shot out from its eyebrows, penetrating towards Gu Feidong. go with.

The void in the wilderness is extremely stable, but where the light of destruction passes, there are many transparent ripples spreading in the void.


Gu Fei sneered. He didn't move at all. He saw the light of destruction hit about three feet in front of him. It was actually "touch." It exploded, as if hitting him. The same on an invisible wall.


The **** crocodile was taken aback. The other party didn't seem to be as weak as it seemed. A small human race could actually withstand his own attack.

From the perspective of the crocodile, the human race is synonymous with weakness in the wilderness. Of course, the situation of the human race has improved now, but the cognition of the crocodile has not yet changed.

The weakness of the human race is deeply ingrained in the cognition of the crocodile, and it is difficult to change.

And the large number of human tribes that originally gathered in this fairy land have been dispersed, and the humans are not qualified to enter this fairy land.

The human race here suffered another catastrophe, which Gu Fei did not expect.

Most of the human tribes that had moved into this spiritual land were destroyed and became the blood food for this crocodile and several powerful creatures.

"I don't bother to care about who your master is. If you dare to slaughter the people I want to protect, you all go to death."

Gu Fei stretched out his big hand when he was talking, and Gaia grabbed the crocodile in the fairy mist opposite, and a force of swallowing the sky immediately rushed out of his hand.

The divine crocodile only felt tight on its body, and then it couldn't help but flew towards the opposite human race.


The divine crocodile was shocked to the extreme. It struggled desperately, and powerful fluctuations of power continued to erupt from its body, trying to break free.

However, all this was in vain. I saw that the huge figure of this **** crocodile was rapidly shrinking, and it was actually grabbed by Gu Fei.

At this time, this divine crocodile knew that he had provoke a terrifying existence that was too powerful to imagine, and its intestines were repented. It shouldn't be so arrogant as soon as it came up.

However, in this world there is no regret taking medicine.

"My lord is forgiving, my master is the master of Swallowing Heaven."

The **** crocodile who was grabbed by Gu Fei quickly begged for mercy, but it did not forget to report the name of its owner.

"Haha..." Gu Fei smiled: "At this time, are you still thinking about using your master's name to crush me? Well, the Lord of Swallowing Heaven, is it the legendary Heaven Swallowing Beast?"

It turns out that this guy knows his master, so it seems that this guy should not dare to kill himself.

The **** crocodile heard Gu Fei's self-talk, and felt that he had a little bit of life, but Gu Fei's next words directly scared him stupid.

"I haven't eaten the Sky-Swallowing Beast yet, just slaughter and stew a pot of tonic soup to taste it."

Gu Fei licked his lips and said.

Heaven-swallowing beasts claim to be able to swallow the sky. This is not a legend, nor is it an exaggeration. Adult Heaven-swallowing beasts can indeed swallow a world in one bite.

Of course, it is impossible for the Heaven-Swallowing Beast to swallow the real perfect world.

Just when Gu Fei was about to catch this crocodile to death, a figure appeared silently behind him, and then a earth-shattering roar sounded from behind him.

The terrifying sound wave went directly toward Gu Fei, and the entire world of void was constantly rippling like water waves. All the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and even a large mountain beside it, shattered into dust under this roar. , Dissipated in the void.

This is an extremely terrifying sound-killing technique. The roar of that powerful existence shook the entire world. The entire land in front of Gu Fei seemed to have been shoveled off. Dust shattered by sound waves.

However, this terrifying sound-killing technique could hardly cause any harm to Gu Fei. On the contrary, the divine crocodile that Gu Fei was holding in his hands burst out of his body under the impact of the sound-killing force. Road cracks come.

Gu Fei's clothes and hair fluttered, looking light and breezy.

"You are the master."

At this moment, a horrified voice came from behind Gu Fei.

Gu Fei slowly turned around, and saw a middle-aged man with blond hair standing in the void hundreds of meters away from him. However, this middle-aged man is definitely not a human race, because this guy has nine on his neck. Heads,

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