Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4205: Murder with a knife

"What, Lord God was actually defeated by that Gu Fei?"

The news came back to the Central God's Domain, and the entire Central God's Domain immediately boiled. Everyone couldn't believe it. You know, Gan Yu is the strongest God Lord.

However, when Qian Yu sent a letter back and let all the forces in the Central God's Domain surrender, the powerhouses of the major forces in the Central God's Domain knew that Qian Yu was really defeated by Gu Fei.

As a result, a big riot broke out in the Central God's Domain.

On the third day that Gu Fei defeated Qian Yu, he sent someone to deal with the affairs of the Central God's Domain.

Gan Yu, who had returned to the Central God Realm, was extremely depressed. When he left the Central God Realm, he was still the highest power in the Heaven God Realm.

However, when he came back, he had become a slave to others.

"I crossed the world, hitting the invincible leader of the God Realm all over the world. I didn't expect that he would even break a petition on that person's hand." Gan Yu hated it.

"Kill if you don't drop!"

Qian Yu immediately released such news.


All forces in the Central God's Domain are watching.

Soon, the place where Qianyu was located was overcrowded, and everyone wanted to survive.

But some people would rather die than yield.

For these people, Qianyu's approach is very simple, that is, kill them all.

With dry feathers opening the way, Gu Fei didn't have to spend much power to ascend the Central God Realm.

After Qian Yu reorganized his body, his cultivation seemed to be stronger.

The origin of the heavens and the earth of the Celestial God Realm lies in Shishenshan.

Gu Fei came to the Central Divine Realm this time, only bringing Emperor Dark Night, the Nine Death Gods, and the True Dragon Emperor.

Except for the Nine Death Gods, none of these three powerhouses had been to Shishen Mountain, and they were very curious about this sacred mountain in the Heavenly God Realm.

When Qian Yu brought Gu Fei and the others to the foot of Shishen Mountain, in addition to Gu Fei and the Nine Death Gods, Emperor Anye and Emperor Zhenlong were all taken down by the sacred mountain in front of them.

I saw this big mountain towering into the clouds, and I couldn't see the top of the mountain at a glance.

The spiritual energy around the holy mountain is so strong that it can hardly be removed. Cultivating in this kind of divine soil will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Qian Yu directly led everyone up the mountain, and soon they reached the top of the mountain.

I saw a hall on the top of the mountain.

Gan Yu walked straight to the main hall, leading everyone to the main hall.

"Master, please follow me."

Qian Yu opened the door and walked in.

I saw that there was nothing in the hall, and there was a huge formation on the ground. This picture, as if it were made by nature, contained a powerful aura in every rune.

"Transportation Array?"

Gu Fei saw at a glance that the formation on the ground was a teleportation formation, but this teleportation formation seemed to have not been activated for a long time.

"Master, please!"

As soon as Qian Yu said, he walked directly into the teleportation formation.

Gu Fei looked at the dry feather, and then walked up.

The Great Dark Night and the others wanted to step forward, but Gu Fei stopped them and told them to wait here.

Qian Yu activated the teleportation array, and saw the entire teleportation array lit up. The next moment, a group of divine light emerged, and the two of them disappeared directly into the hall.

Just as Gu Fei appeared in the void, something suddenly attacked him.

I saw the surrounding dim, mysterious creatures hiding in the darkness, and the dry feather disappeared.

"Boy, are you here to die?"

At this time, a gloomy voice sounded in the darkness.

"who are you!"

Gu Fei said coldly.

"Who am I? I've lived too long, I don't know who I am anymore."

That voice immediately sounded.

"Where is the dry feather?"

Gu Fei said.

"Dry Yu? That little guy brought you here? Do you want the idea of ​​hitting the origin of heaven and earth?"

In the dark, the person's voice became gloomy.

"So what?"

Gu Fei said calmly, at this moment, a vertical mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

"The origin of heaven and earth is mine, go to death!"

The person in the dark roared, the next moment, a dark shadow appeared silently behind Gu Fei, stretched his right hand, and grabbed it directly towards Gu Fei.

I saw that above the person's five fingers, there was a black light shining through, like a sharp sword, piercing the void.

However, in the next moment, Gu Fei's figure disappeared into the void in an instant, and the mysterious man failed.

At the same time, Gu Fei’s fist had already hit the mysterious man, and his fist strength had not exploded. However, if he was hit by this punch, the power contained in the fist would burst out instantly, tyrannical. Power is enough to blow anyone up.


The mysterious man was obviously taken aback, he never thought that Gu Fei would be so powerful.

The mysterious man floated away like a ghost, and Gu Fei's punch also hit the void, without hitting anything.

"The guy Ganyu..."

At this time, did Gu Fei finally know what Gan Yu was thinking about, did he actually want to borrow a knife to kill someone?

However, he could already sense the existence of the origin of heaven and earth. The origin of heaven and earth was definitely nearby. Only if he defeated this guy, he could get the origin of heaven and earth.


Gu Fei became fierce, and a powerful wave of power immediately surged from his body, and the surrounding void was rippling like a transparent water wave.

"Go to death for me!"

Gu Fei drew his hands in front of him, and the divine light immediately appeared in the void, directly turning into a divine sword to penetrate towards the mysterious man.


The person seemed a little surprised, but he suddenly opened his mouth and sucked, and the countless sword lights that penetrated him were swallowed by him.


Gu Fei's heart moved, this guy dared to swallow his sword light, it was a bit hateful. After the sword light was swallowed by that guy, it was difficult to sense.


Gu Fei didn't have any nonsense, he just punched out, his fist was moving quickly and rubbing against the air, producing a sound of breaking through the air.

The mysterious man retreated directly, he was unwilling to fight Gu Fei recklessly, because he had already seen that Gu Fei possessed a powerful divine body and power.


Gu Fei is very disdainful, these guys are the most annoying.

There is no way, let's make a quick deal!

Gu Fei turned his eternal true eyes directly as he spoke, and the next moment, a divine light rushed out of his eyebrows, turning into a divine sword and slashing towards the mysterious.

Seeing that sword shadow flashed across the void, one of the mysterious man's arms fell off.


The mysterious man looked up to the sky and roared, his broken arm turned into fly ash, and a new arm grew out of him in the next moment.

It was just a few breaths, and the mysterious man's broken arm was completely repaired.

"go to hell!"

The mysterious man was really angry, and madly attacked and killed Gu Fei, who actually forced Gu Fei to retreat continuously.

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