Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4206: I regret it

Gu Fei was brought into the place where the origin of heaven and earth was located by Dry Yu. It was a dim void, but the heaven and earth aura was extremely full, and the concentration of heaven and earth aura was higher than anywhere in the heaven and earth realm.

Cultivating in this kind of place can naturally achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Even if a pig is thrown here, it will become a **** and an ancestor after a long time, not to mention those powerful creatures.

However, not everyone can enter here, because this is the most core place of the Heavenly God Realm, and the entire Heavenly God Realm is gradually bred from this place.

Here, the essence of heaven and earth condenses, and the essence of heaven and earth is exactly what Gu Fei needs.

However, after entering here, that dry feather disappeared, and then a mysterious person suddenly shot to Gu Fei.


Gu Fei woke up in an instant, and couldn't help being furious. That Ganyu even dared to play this hand, and it was too damnable to want to cheat himself.

This is killing people with a knife, Qian Yu wants to kill Gu Fei with a mysterious person in the ancestral veins of the earth.


A purple light suddenly appeared in the dim world, and the purple light flashed by, and blood suddenly appeared, and a figure fell directly out of the void.


The mysterious man was shocked and inexplicably shocked. This guy's supernatural powers were so powerful, it's no wonder that even the three little guys, Qianyu, weren't opponents of this guy.

On the shoulder of the mysterious man, there was a bloodstain with deep bones, and there was blood with fire oozing from the wound.

The mysterious man used profound arts to repair the wound, but he soon discovered that there was a force attached to the wound, making it difficult to heal the wound.

At this time, a figure came from the dim void.

"Don't you want to kill me? I'm standing here and let you kill."

Gu Fei came to the opposite side of the mysterious man and looked at the opposite mysterious man indifferently.

"What a crazy guy!"

The mysterious man was frightened and angry. At this time, a divine fire was used in his body, which instantly illuminated the dim void, and the wound on his shoulder was slowly healing.

The power attached to the mysterious man's wound is gradually being wiped out.


When Gu Fei saw this, he moved in his heart. This guy has some abilities. You must know that the power of the eternal gods is not so easy to be wiped out.

However, Gu Fei soon understood that he could feel that this mysterious person was actually integrated with the surrounding world, and could mobilize the surrounding forces at will.

This is the source of heaven and earth. In fact, the most precious part of this source of heaven and earth is a plume of purple aura, which is the ancestral aura of heaven and earth that evolves everything in the world.

What Gu Fei wanted was Hongmeng Ziqi.

The origin of heaven and earth, Hongmeng Ziqi, this is the treasure that countless powerful people dream of. If you can refine Hongmeng Ziqi, you can become the master of the world.

However, in the Heavenly God Realm, no one seemed to be able to refine the grand and purple energy.

The mysterious man stayed in the ancestral veins of the earth for endless years, and it seemed that he could only borrow the power of the grandiose, and it could not last.

I want to truly refine Hongmeng Ziqi, but I don't know how long it will take.


At the next moment, a stronger force burst out from the mysterious person's body, and the whole person seemed to burn, and in the divine fire, a divine pattern loomed.

"Little guy, just warming up just now."

The mysterious man said coldly.

"Really?" Gu Fei smiled and said, "I didn't even use 10% of my strength just now. To deal with you, I think I can use only 20% of my strength."

"what did you say?"

The mysterious man was really angry. It was really damning that this guy dared to underestimate himself so much.

You know, that Dry Yu, Long Cang, and Teng Yi, in front of him, have to be the next generation, and in front of him, there are only three little guys.

"Okay, let's use it if you have the ability."

Gu Fei said impatiently.

"go to hell!"

The mysterious man was furious. In the next moment, he immediately turned into a divine beast and rushed towards Gu Fei. The violent power erupted from this divine beast, and the surrounding sky and earth was distorted.

This is a divine beast with a unicorn head, but like a four-legged snake, but somewhat like a dragon. Even if Gu Fei was knowledgeable, he had never seen such a fire divine beast.

"Cut, is this a three-not-like beast?" Gu Fei said disdainfully, both like and not like, he directly gave this kind of beast a name, three not-like.

Gu Fei said with his hands divided, a group of divine light emerged directly from his body.

The divine beast directly slammed into Gu Fei's protective light, as if it had hit an immortal mountain, and the entire void exploded directly.

Gu Fei was motionless, just like the immortal mountain, Henggu would exist.

The three are not like mythical beasts but they are miserable, and they are shocked and fly away, hitting their heads and bleeding.


Three is not like a beast, shocked to the extreme.

At this time, Gu Fei stepped forward, and stepped on the head of the three-not-like beast, and stepped directly down from the air.


The three-not-like beast that fell from the sky directly hit the ground, smashing the ground out of a big hole.

This is not an ordinary place. This is the place where the ancestral veins of the earth are located. Every stone is hard to the extreme. It is very difficult to split the rocks with magic weapons.

However, these three, unlike the smashing power of the sacred beasts, actually smashed the extremely hard ground into a big hole, which is absolutely amazing.

"The skin is thick and thick, and you can still mobilize the power of Hongmeng for your own use, but you are much stronger than a dry feather."

Gu Fei was condescending, looking at the three-not-like beasts on the ground with his hand held down.


Three is not like a beast almost to death.


San is not like a beast roaring, opened his mouth and spit out a sigh of fire towards Gu Fei.


The endless fire exploded, and Gu Fei was enveloped in an instant, and the monstrous Shenhuo directly submerged Gu Fei.

Gu Fei did not evade at all, still standing with his hand holding his hand, but a divine light emerged from his chest, covering his whole person.

That is the body protection divine light transformed by the power of eternity, no matter how powerful the divine fire of the three-unlike divine beasts is, the burning emptiness is annihilating, and it can't break his defense.

"Haha, are you still alive this time?"

The three is not like a sacred animal and laughed madly. This sacred fire is the true fire of his life that he has cultivated for endless years. A true fire can destroy the world.

But soon, the three-not-like beasts could not laugh.

"how is this possible……"

Looking at the sacred fire, Gu Fei, who stood holding his hand, was shocked to the extreme.

"How is it possible that my fire is..."

Three is not like a beast directly confused.

"You, I don't pay attention at all. When I am in a good mood, you should obediently kneel down and beg for mercy!" Gu Fei said with a smile.


At this time, the Sansimilar Beast was really panicked.

However, to ask him to kneel down and beg for mercy, it would be better to let him die.

"Don't beg for mercy, then die!"

Gu Fei said he was about to take action.

"and many more!"

The three-not-like beast jumped directly from the ground and then transformed into a human form.


Gu Fei's hand stopped in the air.

"Master, my master, you can spare my life!"

The three is not like a beast directly kneeled at Gu Fei's feet.

When Gu Fei saw this, he was a little surprised. This guy was so confessed?

"good very good!"

Gu Fei said and pointed out, a divine light directly rushed into the body of the three-not-like beast.

"what is that……"

It's not like a sacred beast that was taken aback. He was just pretending to confess, but he didn't really want to surrender to Gu Fei, and he didn't really want to be his master.

This is just a stopgap!

"That's a forbidden law. As long as you do things for me obediently, everything is easy to say. If you dare to betray me, you can destroy your body and spirit with just one thought."

Gu Fei said calmly.

However, Gu Fei's words sounded in the ears of the three-not-like beast, but it was like a bolt from the blue sky, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

"What, what, what, this, this..."

Three are not like the intestines of the beast.

"Okay, take me to get the source of heaven and earth."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"Yes, yes, master..."

Although the three-not-like beasts were extremely reluctant, they didn't dare to make jokes about their lives. They could only endure it temporarily and wait until it was clear.

One thought will make life and death, is there such a magical power in this world?

The three-not-like beast returned to his senses, and then carefully took Gu Fei to the depths of the ancestral veins of the earth.

This underground space is very large and empty, condensing endless auras of heaven and earth, if it can refine all the auras here, it can become the most powerful existence in the heavens and gods.

However, these three are not like divine beasts who have kept the ancestral veins of the earth for endless years, and they can only mobilize a trace of the power of the sacred for their own use.

It is the power of this silk of omnipotence that can defeat the incomparably powerful existence such as Dry Feather, and become the real first powerhouse in the Heavenly God Realm.

However, what Gu Fei cultivates is the eternal power higher than the power of Hongmeng.

Soon, Gu Fei and the others came to a huge divine bead, they saw the divine bead suspended in the void, and there were iron chains around it firmly locking the divine bead.

Inside the Shenzhu, there was a dragon, a purple real dragon.

"This is the origin of the Heavenly God Realm?"

Gu Fei looked at the divine bead in front of him, without showing any surprised expression, as he still had a plain face.


The three-not-like beast who had been paying attention to Gu Fei was surprised to see that Gu Fei was so calm in front of the **** orb of the origin of heaven and earth, which surprised the three-not-like beast.

Could it be that this guy is something super antique?

At this moment, Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Heaven and Earth Origin God Orb in front of him. The purple dragon in the God Orb suddenly rushed out, quickly became smaller, and then landed on his hand.


The three are not like the beasts, and they are immediately stunned. I have been waiting here for endless years to get the purple dragon in the **** orb, but I didn't expect that Gu Fei would beckon and this purple dragon was handed.

This is too easy!

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