Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4210: Chase down the first god

The battle of the **** master class is earth-shattering, and even on the top of the first **** mountain, there will be great pressure.

The Nine Death Gods and the True Dragon Great Emperor had already retreated long ago, but for them, this series of battles has a fatal temptation.

They did not hesitate to venture back to the top of Shishen Mountain to watch the battle.

If they can get any insights from the Great Dark Night and the God Lord Tengyi, and then realize it, they might take the step of becoming the God Lord.

However, now, the master Gu Fei actually told them to go up to fight the Divine Lord Tengyi, wouldn't this tell them to die?

However, at this time, the sky above the sky suddenly shook violently, and then, a large black hole appeared in the void.

Someone broke the void directly.

"Want to escape?"

When Gu Fei saw it, his eyes flashed, and the next moment, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly towards the sky.


The entire sky seemed to be grabbed by Gu Fei's big hands all at once, and a figure was caught directly from the broken void.


The figure struggled desperately, and endless divine power burst out of him.

However, no matter how hard that person struggled, he couldn't get rid of Gu Fei's big hand, he was caught directly from the sky, and then he was smashed to the ground by Gu Fei.

This person is the God Lord Tengyi.


The Emperor Zhenlong and the Nine Death Gods were dumbfounded.

At this time, a figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Gu Fei.

"the host……"

The dark night the great hurried to the ancient flying salute.

"You also hid your hand. I didn't even see that you are a descendant of the Dark Mythical Beast." Gu Fei glanced at Emperor Dark Ye and said indifferently.

"This one……"

The Great Emperor Dark Night became nervous when he heard the words, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.


Divine Lord Tengyi suddenly burst out of an incomparably powerful force, he wanted to escape.

However, Gu Fei stretched out his right hand to volley down towards the Divine Master Tengyi, and the Divine Master Tengyi immediately fell on the ground without moving.


Divine Master Tengyi was shocked and angry again, Gu Fei came out, the boss was gone, did the boss fail and was killed by Gu Fei?

Thinking of this, the Lord Tengyi couldn't help despairing.

This time, the design of Qianyu and Tengyi wanted to get rid of Gu Fei. They thought they were foolproof. Who knew that Gu Fei had come out, and the divine lord Tengyi was dumbfounded that the person who followed Gu Fei was actually an ancestor.

There is only one person who can be called the ancestor by Teng Yi in the entire Celestial God Realm, and that is the three-not-like beast that Gu Fei surrendered.

These three are not mysterious and unpredictable like mythical beasts. In the entire Celestial God Realm, only the three giants know his existence, and the three giants are just like children in front of him.

The three giants all call the three-not-like beasts their ancestors.

He is the real first powerhouse in the Heaven God Realm, the God Ancestor Jiu Tian.

The God Ancestor of the Heavenly God is regarded by the three giants as the guardian of the Heavenly God Realm, but they don’t know that the reason why the God Ancestor of the Heavenly God Realm stays in the ancestral veins of the Heavenly God for endless years is not to protect the ancestral veins. Being infringed, but wanting to refine the ancestral veins and become a truly indestructible powerhouse.

"Go to hell!"

When Gu Fei was speaking, he pressed his right hand downwards, and only heard a sound of broken bones. The next moment, the Divine Lord Tengyi turned into a cloud of blood.

"Master, it's a pity to kill!"

The God Ancestor Hautian who has not spoken sighed.

"This one……"

Emperor Zhenlong and Emperor Anye couldn't help but their expressions changed when they heard this, especially Emperor Anye, if Tengyi died in Gu Fei's hands, it would be a pity for him.

"Those who dare to calculate me, do you think he can live?"

Gu Fei said indifferently, and then, using his profound arts, he immediately swallowed the spirit of the Divine Master Tengyi, and even the soul was swallowed by him.

This is a divine lord, Gu Fei swallowed a divine lord, but his cultivation level has not recovered much.

Divine Lord Tengyi died, dead in the hands of Gu Fei.

But Gu Fei killed the divine lord Teng Yi with just one hand.

"And that dry feather."

Gu Fei gritted his teeth and said, God Ancestor Jiutian did not find dry feathers in the ancestral veins of the earth, and that dry feathers had already left.

He planted a forbidden method on Dry Yu's body, and as long as he thought, he could destroy the dry feathers.

However, this method of death is cheaper.

Although Gu Fei was very angry, he didn't kill Dry Feather just like that.

"Give you three days to catch that dry feather." Gu Fei said with a glance at everyone.

"Yes, master!"

Jiutian God Ancestor and others quickly took their orders.

Soon, the news spread, shocking the world.

"Heaven God Realm, finally changed the owner."

At this time, in the sky thousands of miles away from Shishen Mountain, a fat man carried an eucalyptus, and he looked towards Shishen Mountain with an extremely solemn expression.

"The boss is really bullish, and even the guy who is there is not the boss's opponent?" The fat man was shocked.

It's the current self, not the opponent that exists!

"Guess here, it's better to go and see."

The fat man turned into a divine light as he spoke and rushed towards Shi Shenshan.

At this moment, there was only Gu Fei on Shishen Mountain, and everyone else was chasing and killing Ganyu.

For Gu Fei in three days, it was just a snap.

And it was time for him to leave, the essence of heaven and earth was swallowed by him, and there was nothing in the heaven and **** realm that Gu Fei needed.

In addition to the ancestral energy of heaven and earth, he also got an immortal heart and a bone bead that was unpredictable by gods and demons.

Gu Fei vaguely guessed that these two things may belong to the same person, of course, this is just a guess.


At this time, a voice pulled Gu Fei's thoughts back.

Gu Fei looked up and saw that this guy is not fat and who is it?

The fat man was mysterious and unpredictable, even Gu Fei couldn't see through it.


A figure fell from the sky, directly in front of Gu Fei.

"What are you doing here?"

Gu Fei frowned and said.

"I want to attack Si Shenshan with the boss!"

Said the fat man.

"Well, since you are here, go and catch that dry feather!"

Gu Fei said.

"You want to catch dry feathers?"

Fatty was taken aback when he heard this. The God Lord Dry Feather is the most powerful existence among the three giants, the boss of the three giants!

Of course, there are no three giants in the heavens now, because Longcang is dead.

"Dare to betray me, do you think he can live!"

Gu Fei said fiercely.


Hearing this, the fat man's face immediately became serious.

When the fat man arrived, he was in a barren mountain tens of thousands of miles away from Shishen Mountain.

"Dry Yu, go back to see the master, or else, today will be your death date." A powerful aura spread across the mountains.

Where is the confrontation.

"You want me to catch it? Impossible!"

Gan Yu is the boss of the three giants, how could he be caught just because of the opponent's word?

"Then I'm sorry!"

The man shot directly at Qian Yu.


I saw that the **** in battle armor smashed out with a punch, and the whole world shook, shaking the world with one punch.


Qian Yu was taken aback. He never thought that the cultivation base of this group of people could be so powerful, and the leader of them showed even more powerful combat power.

At this time there is no time to think about why.

I saw Qian Yu also punched out.


The two fists smashed together in an instant, and a loud noise erupted, and the sound blasted out in all directions, and the surrounding void immediately rippled like water waves.

The two figures separated instantly, but they immediately collided.

"Impossible, how is this possible..."

Qian Yu became more and more frightened as he fought. This **** general was his own subordinate, and only had a **** emperor level cultivation base. Why did this guy's cultivation base suddenly become so powerful?

You must know that you are the Lord of God, and it is easy to kill the Emperor.

But now, he can't even beat a small **** general, which is too incompetent.

At this time, the formidable force fluctuated violently and immediately shocked many people.

The reward offered by Gu Fei made everyone jealous to the extreme, so now, almost all monks are looking for dry feathers, because finding dry feathers and grabbing them can get what they dream of.

Moreover, these people who chased Qian Yu went to Gu Fei to get a Taoist Talisman.

This is not an ordinary Taoist talisman. After using this kind of Taoist talisman, he can get a strong power, but this power cannot last.

The divine general who had fought endlessly with Dry Feather used a Dao Talisman of Gu Fei to gain powerful strength to compete with Dry Feather.

Of course, using this power comes at a price.

In this world, there is nothing for nothing. If you want to be powerful, you have to pay the corresponding price. No one can succeed casually.

"It's Dry Feather, haha, it's developed this time."

Some strong people who came to see Dry Yu at a glance, this is happy!

Someone smashed the Dao Talisman directly, and then killed Qian Yu.

"he's mine!"

Unwilling to be left behind, some people crushed the Taoist talisman, and then fought against the dry feathers.

You know, the current dry feather is like a peerless magic medicine, everyone wants to take a bite, so, instead, it gives dry feather a chance to escape.

With two fists hard to beat with four hands, Qian Yu was quickly hit on the shoulder with one punch and he flew out.

"I won't be with you anymore."

With the strength of the opponent's punch, Qian Yu disappeared in an instant.


Everyone was dumbfounded, and then went after them.

But the next moment, these people stopped again, because they had already used the power Gu Fei left for them, and this power could not last, only for a period of time.

At this time, everyone hated it, this guy was too cunning.

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