Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4211: One enemy three

Gan Yu is the number one divine lord of the heavens and gods, extremely powerful, and his cultivation level is second only to the three-not-like beasts, Jiutian.

Although Gu Fei had ordered Qian Yu to kill him, regardless of his life or death, if this guy wanted to escape for his life, there were definitely not many people who could stop him in the entire Celestial God Realm.

However, although the Celestial God Realm is large, there is no place to stand on it.

Under Gu Fei's great reward, countless experts in the entire Celestial God Realm were all beaten up like chicken blood, searching for dry feathers frantically, because Gu Fei's reward was too great.

Even the Nine Death Gods and the Great Dark Night couldn't bear it, and they ran to chase Dry Yu.

The Emperor Zhenlong is naturally unwilling to lag behind.

They all brought Gu Fei's Dao Talisman, as long as they smash the Dao Talisman and add the power of the Tao Talisman, they will be able to fight God Lord.

In fact, only the gods above the **** emperor can use the Dao Talisman refined by Gu Fei, and the **** monks below the **** emperor cannot bear the power of the Dao Talisman.

If the Shinto monks below the Divine Emperor reluctantly use the Tao Talisman, the worst is to explode and die, and the luckiest will lose their physical and divine bodies. The soul remains, but they don’t know when they want to restore their cultivation. .

Gu Fei was really angry, and he did not hesitate to refine dozens of Dao Talisman in order to catch the dry feather.

At this time, Gan Yu was like a mouse crossing the street, no matter where he was in the Heavenly God Realm, he would be attacked, which made him exhausted.

Gan Yu fled for two days like this, but on the third day, he was blocked in a valley by the three powerful men.

The No. 1 Divine Lord of the Heavenly God Realm stood on a big rock in the valley, standing with his hand held down, and the aura of the world came out of him.

"Xiao Jiu, Dark Night, and this little bug, how dare you come and die?"

Qian Yu didn't pay attention to these three powerhouses at all.

"Dian Yu, you should follow me back to see the master, don't make it difficult for us." Nine Death God Venerable looked at the opposite Gan Yu with cold eyes and said.

"Yes, Teng Yi is dead, you don't want to end up with Teng Yi!"

The Great Dark Night continued.

"As long as you go back with us, we can help you intercede in front of the master. Maybe the master's popularity is gone, and maybe we will spare your life."

Real Dragon Great said.


Qian Yu glanced at the real dragon, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

The expression of Emperor Zhenlong immediately became gloomy.

"Do you think I am a fool? Go back with you? Haha..."

Qian Yu laughed and said, it was ridiculous that these guys wanted to fool themselves.

"Then we can only catch you and go back."

When the Nine Death Gods spoke, he had already crushed a Dao Talisman in his hand.

At the next moment, he only felt a force burst out of his body. This force was so powerful that it instantly expanded the meridians in his body several times.


A violent wave of power erupted from the body of the Nine Death Gods, and countless dark space cracks appeared in the surrounding void immediately.


Upon seeing this, Gan Yu couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Although he was fleeing for the past two days, he also noticed that the combat power of those chasing him suddenly increased before fighting against him.

This is definitely not a secret technique. There has never been such a secret technique in the heavens and gods realm that can directly raise the cultivation and combat power of a guy in the **** emperor realm to the realm of gods, or even the realm of gods.

The next moment, Emperor Zhenlong and Emperor Darkye also crushed the Taoist symbols in their hands.


The real dragon great screamed up to the sky, and the phantom of a giant dragon rushed out of him directly, circling the sky.


Qian Yu roared, and the next moment, when he pressed his feet, the big rock under his feet was immediately crushed by him. At the same time, his whole person turned into a divine light and rose to the sky, wanting to retreat.

He didn't want to be entangled by these three guys.

Because once he was entangled by these three guys, other strong men would flock to him. At that time, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to compete with dozens of gods on his own.

"Want to escape?"

With a move from the right hand of the Nine Death Gods, a Taoist picture immediately descended from the sky, suppressing the divine light rising to the sky.


The figure of Qian Yu appeared in the void.

"Haha, want to escape? Dream!"

The Great Emperor Zhenlong laughed, and immediately revealed his original shape, and slammed toward the dry feathers in the sky. With this power, countless cracks broke through the entire void.

Had it not been for the mighty power of the Dao Tu in the sky, it would have suppressed the emptiness of a world, and the real Dragon Great Emperor’s attack would probably crush the entire emptiness.

"what happened……"

Qian Yu's face was ugly to the extreme, these guys really came prepared.


With one punch, he directly blocked the dragon claws captured by the real dragon emperor.

At the same time, Emperor Dark Night is also taking action.

A divine axe rushed out of him directly, turning into an immortal divine blade and slashing down towards the dry feather, the axe blade split the world and the void.


With a wave of his hand, Qian Yu blocked the slashing **** axe.


Seeing this scene, the Great Dark Night couldn't help being taken aback. This guy's divine body was so powerful that he could actually block the blow of the God's Axe.

You know, the God Axe of Broken Sky is the number one artifact in the Dark Night Continent. It can easily kill the gods, and the **** emperor is as weak as an ant under the God of Broken Axe.


Nine Death God's Nine Death Fist had already hit Qian Yu's chest fiercely.


The sound of broken bones immediately came out of Ganyu's body, and saw that his entire chest collapsed inward with a punch from the Nine Death Gods.

Qian Yu blocked the dragon claws of the True Dragon Great Emperor, and also easily blocked the blow of the Dark Night Great Emperor's Axe, but failed to block the punch of the Nine Death Gods.

This is the Nine Death Fist created by the Nine Death God, and it hits the world with one punch.


Qian Yu was furious, and the next moment, a stronger wave of power burst out from his body, directly blasting the three powers away.


"This guy……"

The Great Dark Night, the Nine Death Gods and the others were all taken aback. This dry feather was indeed worthy of being the number one divine lord of the Sky God Realm, too strong. If it were one-to-one, they would probably not be the opponent of this guy.

Of course, under this circumstance, the Dark Night and the others would naturally not be so stupid to single out with this guy.


After Qian Yu retreated from the three powerhouses, he directly madly stormed the Dao Tu in the sky, and the Dao Tu immediately shook.

"Shook Dao Tu?"

The three powerhouses are dumbfounded, this guy is too fierce.

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