Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4212: Don't be too happy

Qian Yu's vitality reached the extreme, and he shook back the three powerhouses at the same time, and his combat power was absolutely No. 1 in the Heavenly God Realm.

If you are singled out, no matter whether it is the Nine Death Gods, the Dark Night, or the True Dragon, it is impossible to defeat Dry Feather, at most it is a tie.


At this moment, Qian Yu turned into a divine light that resembled a divine yang, directly soaring into the sky, and violently collided with the Taoist picture in the sky.

The entire Dao map shook, and countless **** patterns emerged on the Dao map.

Countless **** patterns were intertwined on the road map, and the mighty force directly immobilized the void, and the town sealed a heaven.

The divine light that Qian Yu transformed into was constantly being shaken back, but he still didn't stop, still rushing into the Dao Tu in the sky frantically, trying to break the Dao Tu and rush out.

"Don't waste your energy, this is the owner's thing, how can you break it?"

Emperor Zhenlong said with a sneer.

This Dao map is exactly the mountain and river map that Gu Fei temporarily gave to the Nine Death Gods to use.

The mountain and river map is the ultimate artifact, even if the dry feather is ten times stronger, it can't break the seal of the mountain and river map.


When Qian Yu heard this, he couldn't help being taken aback. No wonder this Dao Tu is so powerful, it turned out to be Gu Fei's thing.


If the Nine Death God said anything more, he directly displayed the Nine Death God Fist.

Nine Fist Shadows rushed out from his fist, directly smashing the void of heaven and earth, only to see nine fists slamming on Dry Yu's body.

The sound of broken bones was heard from Qian Yu's body immediately.

"What a powerful force!"

Gan Yu stared at the Nine Death God, his eyes were crazy. After he was hit by the Nine Death God fist, his body was immediately stained with blood, and even the bones were exposed in some places.

However, in the next moment, the wound on Gan Yu's body was healed quickly, and the broken bones joined together again. After a few breaths, the wound on his body was healed unexpectedly.

A wave of strength stronger than before blasted from Qian Yu's body.

"this is……"

When the Nine Death Gods saw this, he suddenly thought of something, and his face became even more ugly.

"So strong resilience."

Even the Great Dark Night couldn't help exclaiming.

"How about the strong resilience, can he still escape?"

Emperor Zhenlong said disapprovingly.

"The power you borrowed is not yours in the end, it depends on how I kill you one by one." Gan Yu stared at the Nine Death Gods, and said coldly.

"Really, let the horse come here."

The Nine Death Gods were tit-for-tat. At this time, he didn't persuade him anymore. He wanted to use Gu Fei's power to kill the god-lord Qianyu, known as the number one **** in the sky.


At this moment, Qian Yu's body shook, and in the next moment, countless figures rushed out of him, rushing towards the Great Emperor and the others like the sky.

Above every figure, there were extremely tyrannical power fluctuations.

"what the hell?"

The Great Dark Night and the Nine Death Gods were shocked when they saw this scene.

At this time, there was no time for them to think more.

In the next moment, they were immediately overwhelmed by the countless figures of Dry Yu.


The nine-day real dragon formed by the Great Emperor True Dragon vibrated the dragon's body, and countless figures of dry feathers were immediately shaken away, and countless figures directly exploded in the void.

However, at this moment, the Great Emperor Zhenlong suddenly let out a desperate roar, the next moment, his head exploded directly, and then his body.

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"...

After nine consecutive sounds, the violent power exploded, and the huge dragon body of the nine-day real dragon transformed by the real dragon emperor was directly exploded into blood fog, and even the bones and scales were not left behind.

The primordial spirit of the Emperor Zhenlong rushed out.

However, the next moment, the primordial spirit of the true dragon emperor also exploded.


The Nine Death Gods and the Great Dark Night sensed all this, and the shock was really not trivial. You must know that after the Great Dragon Emperor used Gu Fei's Taoist Talisman, his cultivation base and combat power were not below them.

The Great Emperor Zhenlong died unexpectedly, and was blown up by that Gan Yusheng.

"Can't even bear my punch, and want to kill me? It's ridiculous!"

Qian Yu's voice sounded in the void, which was as strong as the Nine Death Gods and the Dark Night, but they couldn't even sense where he was.

"Damn it!"

The Great Dark Night and the Nine Death Gods were both frightened and angry. This dry feather hit the real Dragon Great with one punch, and they were also in danger.

At this time, countless figures of Qian Yu flooded every void, and no matter how hard the Dark Night Emperor and the Nine Death Gods took their actions, it was difficult to rush out.

"If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed by me."

Qian Yu's voice sounded again.

At the moment when Qian Yu smashed the real dragon emperor with a punch, Gu Fei, who was sitting on the boulder, opened his eyes on the top of the mountain.

"True dragon was killed?"

Gu Fei was muttering to himself, he was a little surprised, but the Emperor True Dragon brought the Taoist talisman he had cultivated. As long as he used the Taoist talisman, he could gain the strongest power and be able to compete with the ancestor.

He immediately closed his eyes, and his men were not so easy to fall.

"Humph! You're too early to be happy."

At this moment, in the valley, the Nine Death Gods suddenly sneered.


Hearing this, Qian Yu was startled.


Void shook suddenly, and then, an unbelievable scene happened to Qian Yu, and saw that the broken soul of Emperor True Dragon was actually reorganizing.

A little bit of soul light condensed together again, and then the primordial spirit of Dry Feather reorganized, and then the flesh dragon body, the exploded dragon body appeared in the blood mist.

Reorganizing the soul, reorganizing the dragon body, this scene directly made Qian Yu be stunned.

This is a tactic against the sky.


At the moment when the Primordial Spirit of the True Dragon Great Emperor merged with the dragon body, an unprecedentedly powerful pressure erupted from his body.

"Dry Yu, die!"

The Emperor Real Dragon roared and attacked Qian Yu.

I saw him directly spit out a divine bead, and a terrifying divine fire burst out from the divine bead, instantly turning the void held by the mountains and rivers into a sea of ​​fire.

This is the true dragon divine fire condensed by the emperor of true dragon, a mouthful of true dragon divine fire burns the sky and boils the sea, and the burning void is silently annihilated.

On the body of the Great Emperor, the power of the Taoist talisman refined by Gu Fei had already reached its limit.

The countless figures evolved by Dry Feather were immediately burned by the true dragon **** and dissipated in the sea of ​​fire, disappearing, and only one figure was left standing in the sea of ​​fire.

Real Dragon Great actually broke the magical power of Dry Feather.

This scene stunned both the Dark Night Emperor and the Nine Death Gods.

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