Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4213: Father, save me

With True Dragon Great’s own cultivation base, naturally he was definitely not the opponent of Qian Yu, the number one divine lord of the Heavenly God Realm.

However, the current True Dragon Emperor had inspired Gu Fei's power. In this way, it would not be easy for Qian Yu to kill the True Dragon Emperor.


Seeing that the Emperor True Dragon not only reorganized the soul, but also reorganized his body, and burned his thousands of incarnations into light smoke with a mouthful of the true dragon divine fire, which made him startled and angry.


With a roar of real dragon, he immediately slaughtered towards Dry Yu, only to see his hands turned into dragon claws, tearing away towards Dry Yu.

The void of heaven and earth was under his dragon's claws, and it was more fragile than thin paper.

"how is this possible……"

Qian Yu was shocked, the true dragon emperor's combat power had risen to a level that threatened him, how did that Gu Fei do it?

Gu Fei's methods shocked Qian Yu to the extreme.


As soon as Qian Yu moved, he immediately backed away, moving quickly in the void, leaving behind afterimages.

The Dragon Claws of the Great Emperor True Dragon directly shredded those afterimages, and chased them directly to Dry Yu. The violent power spread from his body, and the void vibrated.

At this time, the Nine Death God Venerable urged the mountain and river map with all its strength, this extremely Dao holy artifact did not recover, but only revealed a trace of vitality. This extremely Dao holy object is not something that the Nine Death God Venerable can use.

However, even if this picture of mountains and rivers reveals a ray of energy, it can suffocate the entire void of heaven and earth, leaving the dry feathers in the sky without a way.

"This picture..."

Qian Yu crossed the heavens and the gods for endless years, and his debut time was earlier than the other two giants, but he had never seen this treasure map that could control the universe.

"Then that Gu Fei is actually from the upper realm?"

Thinking of this, Qian Yu suddenly turned a huge wave in his heart.

When the cultivation base reached the point of dry feather, he naturally knew the existence of the upper realm, which was a world more advanced than the heavenly **** realm.

That world is the goal of endless cultivators in the Heavens and Gods realm. Everyone wants to cultivate to the realm of the gods, then shatter the void and enter the upper realm.

However, throughout the ages, there are not many creatures who can cultivate into gods, especially since the dark years, it has been more difficult for the gods to be born in the heavens.

Even the **** emperor, for tens of thousands of years, only one Wang Xuanji appeared.



The dull clashing sound kept sounding, and the True Dragon Great Emperor and Dry Feather kept colliding, and the violent force rushed out in all directions, sweeping the sky and the ground.

If it weren't for the mountains and rivers to fix the sky and the void, I am afraid that the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles would be turned into ruins.

You know, this is a battle of the gods.

The Great Dark Night stared at the dry feather that was fighting, his hand holding the Heavenly Broken Axe tightly, he was waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow.

On the Heavenly Broken Axe, there are Taoist **** patterns looming and intertwining, and a powerful wave of power emerges from the **** axe in the hands of the Dark Night Emperor.

The whole world is shaking.

The battle strength that the Great Emperor Real Dragon is now showing is not his own strength. After a fierce attack, his successor is weak, and Qian Yu is blasted away with a punch.

True dragon blood spilled from the sky.

"It's now!"

Two divine lights burst into the eyes of the Great Emperor Dark Night. The next moment, the Heaven Breaking Divine Axe in his hand directly turned into an immortal divine light, slashing towards the dry feathers fiercely.


When the divine light passed, blood suddenly appeared, and only half of his body was split apart by this divine light, and the whole person was almost split in half.

"Nine Death Fist!"

Upon seeing this, the Nine Death Gods also shot.

The violent destruction fist hit Qian Yu's body fiercely.

The next moment, Qian Yu screamed, and was directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist by the fist of the Nine Death God.

"It's not dead yet?"

The Nine Death God said with a grinning smile.

"Boss, the master wants to stay alive."

The Great Dark Night said to the Nine Death God.


When the Nine Death Gods heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

They knew very well that the dry feather was also planted by Gu Fei. If Gu Fei wanted to kill the dry feather, it was just a matter of thought, effortlessly.

However, Gu Fei wants to live.


The Great Dark Night then shot, a black light like the light of death rushing out of hell, pierced directly towards the soul of Qianyu.

"Don't you say that the master wants to live?"

Upon seeing this, the Nine Death Gods hurriedly blocked the light of death from the Great Dark Night.

"Beat this guy half to death first."

The Great Dark Night explained.

"You guy..."

Hearing this, the Nine Death Gods couldn't help being speechless, if they accidentally killed this guy, they would be punished by Gu Fei when they returned.

"It doesn't matter, let's do it first!"

The Nine Death God Venerable immediately shot, blasting away the dry feather primordial spirit that had just risen to the sky.

"You all get out of here and let me come."

At this moment, an old voice came, and then a guy rushed over from a distance and grabbed Qianyu's soul.

When the Nine Death Gods and the Great Dark Night saw this, they almost went crazy, seeing the fat on their mouths flying, they almost cursed.

However, when they saw that guy, they swallowed back the words they wanted to scold, as if they had eaten a fly.

"I have seen the ancestor Jiutian..."

The Nine Death Gods and others hurriedly saluted the people.

"I want this guy's soul, do you have any comments?"

Old Ancestor Jiutian glanced at them and said indifferently.

"No comment, no comment!"

The Nine Death Gods said quickly.

They dare to have opinions, this guy is the ancestor of Jiutian, even more powerful than the three giants of the Heavenly God Realm, and the three giants dare not presume in front of him.

"If I don't have any problems, I will leave."

As he said, the ancestor Jiutian waved his sleeves, rose into the sky and disappeared into the void.


The Nine Death Gods looked at each other. They were very unwilling and angry, but they were helpless. Who made the other party's fists harder than their own.

"Damn it!"

The Emperor Zhenlong hated it.

They were desperately fighting with Qian Yu, and they were about to catch Qian Yu, who knew that this old fellow jumped out and took away the soul of Qian Yu directly.

"Hey! Hard work for nothing!"

The Nine Death God Venerable was also very upset, but, based on his cultivation base, he still did not dare to challenge the existence of Old Ancestor Jiutian.

But the Great Dark Night never spoke.

"Go, let's go back!"

Nine Death Gods said directly and waved his hand, put away the mountains and rivers in the sky, and then took a step forward, disappearing into the void in an instant.

Emperor Anye and Emperor Zhenlong looked at each other, and disappeared into the void at the same time.


After the three powerhouses left, the area within a radius of thousands of miles instantly turned into dust, the whole earth sank thousands of feet, and countless creatures fell.

The entire wild mountain range was almost destroyed.

"Who did this?"

Many strong men were shocked and rushed to check. They were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

"Could it be the masterpiece of the ancestor Jiutian?"

Someone said.

The ancestor of Jiutian was born, and the world was shocked. This ancestor destroyed many powerful clans, and blood flowed in wherever he went.

Although Gu Fei is the master of the ancestor Jiutian, he doesn't care much about this guy, because he will leave the heavens and gods one day.

Moreover, this old ancestor Hautian did not act on the human race.

Gu Fei had already stated that whoever dared to attack the human race would have his life, even if it was the supreme existence of the **** ancestor Jiu Tian, ​​he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Because their lives were captured by Gu Fei.

The survival of the Human Race is what Gu Fei cares about.

"The time is coming, these guys are really useless, even the guy Qianyu can't catch it."

On the top of Shishen Mountain, Gu Fei, who was sitting on the boulder, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky and directly landed in front of Gu Fei.

"See the master!"

An old man lay directly on the ground.

"It seems that you are a bit capable!"

Gu Fei glanced at the old man and said.

This old man is the ancestor of Jiutian.

"Master, the soul of Qianyu is here."

The ancestor Jiutian directly released the soul of dry feather.

"Master, spare your life!"

As soon as Qian Yu's soul came out, he immediately begged Gu Fei for mercy.

"Haha, spare you?"

Gu Fei suddenly laughed when he heard this.

In his entire life, the thing he hates most is betrayal. There is only one way to deal with traitors, and that is to kill.

"Master, I don't know what I did wrong, and made the master so angry. Master, you can spare me this time!" Qian Yu begged.

"Okay, I will let you go."

Gu Fei suddenly smiled and said.

"Thank you Master for not killing..."

Qian Yu was overjoyed when he heard this.

"How about I put you into the sacred fire of purgatory for a sacred fire bath?"

Gu Fei continued.


Hearing this, Gan Yu was frightened.

"Master, I shocked him into the sacred fire of purgatory, and refined his soul for 10,000 years."

The ancestor of the sky said immediately.

"So be it!"

Gu Fei nodded and said.

"No, Master, you can't do this to me, I beg you to kill me!"

Gan Yu was really frightened, the pain of refining soul, but the worst thing in the world, Gan Yu would rather die than suffer the pain of refining soul.

"Kill you? That would be too cheap for you, so you can enjoy the taste of purgatory!"

Gu Fei waved his hand to let the God Ancestor Jiutian retreat.

The ancestor of the **** Jiutian retreated directly with the soul of dry feather.

"It's time to leave."

Gu Fei looked up at the sky.

At this moment, a divine fire suddenly appeared above the sky.

"That is……"

When Gu Fei saw the flame, he was immediately taken aback.

As soon as he waved his hand, the flame fell into his hand, and the next moment, a figure appeared in the divine fire.

"Father, save me!"


When Gu Fei saw the young girl in the flames, he couldn't help being surprised. This young girl was his daughter Gu Ling.

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