Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4229: Stepping on the Heavenly Demon Valley

Doppelganger combat is the safest method.

Gu Fei's deity only needs to look at it through the mysterious light technique in the inner world.

At this time, Gu Fei lay on a chair in a valley in the inner world, enjoying the legendary flat peach while looking at the opposite mysterious mirror.

I saw in the Profound Light Mirror, his clone directly entered the Sky Demon Valley.

One hundred thousand demon soldiers could not stop the black-clothed young man. He saw the black-clothed young man rampage in a battle formation composed of one hundred thousand demon soldiers. Wherever he passed, countless demon soldiers were directly shocked into blood mist, full of spirit and spirit. Off.

The power of Gu Fei's clone was vast. In addition to the demon soldiers that were shaken into blood mist, countless demon soldiers were shaken off, and those demon soldiers that were shaken off were already dead in the air.

"What is the Heavenly Demon Valley, but that's all."

Gu Fei's clone said disdainfully.

He pulled his hands in front of him, and a half-moon-shaped blade of light appeared in front of him.

At this time, countless demon soldiers rushed towards him.

"go with!"

Gu Fei flicked his finger, and the half-moon-shaped light blade in front of him spun forward immediately. Wherever he passed, a famous demon soldier was directly cut in the waist, and the demon blood splashed.

With just this blow of Gu Fei's clone, thousands of demons were beheaded.


When Demon Bear saw this scene that day, his eyes were red, and his body shook, and the magic armor on his body instantly shattered, his entire body swelled fiercely, and thick hair grew rapidly from his body. .

In the blink of an eye, a huge demon bear as big as a hill appeared in front of Gu Fei's clone.

A terrifying and fierce aura erupted from that demon bear, and he slapped Gu Fei's clone with a slap.

The big hand of the Demon Bear descended from the sky, and the violent Demon Dao power descended from its palm. The surrounding area suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Gu Fei's clone jumped out to the side.


With a loud noise, the palm of the Devil Bear fell, and it directly smashed a huge boulder weighing hundreds of thousands of catties under his feet. The entire ground undulated violently, like a wave.

The countless demon soldiers around were shaken.


The Devil Bear was fierce to the extreme, and he couldn't slap Zhong Gu Fei's clone with a palm, and immediately stepped on Gu Fei's clone with one foot.

Gu Fei's avatar was moving fast, flashing divine lights at will. Those divine lights were like peerless divine swords, passing through the demon soldiers, and the demon blood continued to splash.

Pieces of magic soldiers fell directly and died.

"Damn it!"

The Demon Lord of the Bear is almost going crazy, these are all the demon soldiers he has trained hard, the elite of the elite, each of them has a Demon God level cultivation base, he brought out from the extreme northern demon realm. Demon Army.

Even in the northern Demon Territory, where there are many demon races, this demon army is enough to sweep one side!

However, such a powerful demon army was vulnerable to a blow in front of Gu Fei, which really made the Sky Bear Demon Venerable unbelievable. Could this Gu Fei be the Quasi-Supreme?

Gu Fei's power made the Demon Lord Sky Bear startled and angry.


An extremely shocking sound came from the body of the Celestial Bear Demon Army, like the roar of nine gods of heaven, the next moment, the black hair of this Celestial Bear turned golden.

"Is it popular these days to play transfiguration?"

In the inner world, Gu Fei couldn't help being excited when he saw this scene.

However, the cultivation base of his own deity is too weak, and he doesn't know the opponent yet when facing the existence of this demon-class level.

Of course, he has eternal true bones, even the Demon Lord can't kill him, but if the opponent can't kill him, but seals him up, it will be difficult to get out of trouble.

Gu Fei is so worried about this now.

At this time, in the Heavenly Demon Valley, the killing sound shook the sky, and the corpses of the demon soldiers were everywhere, the demon blood on the ground gathered into a stream, and the broken weapons were scattered on the ground.

When the emperor Qin Yao of the Qin clan came and saw this scene, she was shocked. This Gu Fei is really a peerless murderer. She even smashed into the Heavenly Demon Valley with her own power and smashed a hundred thousand demon soldiers. This is too awesome. Right!

When Qin Yao was born, Gu Fei was about to leave the world. She only heard people talk about Gu Fei, and she had never really seen Gu Fei make a move.

However, she unexpectedly met Gu Ling and the others outside the entrance of the Ancient Human Race Road. Gu Fei's daughter and disciple were really extraordinary.

When I saw Gu Fei today, it was as strong and invincible as the rumors.

Qin Yao didn't go down, just watched from the sky, and saw the devilish spirit in the Heavenly Demon Valley, countless demon soldiers desperately attacked and killed Gu Fei.

However, these powerful magic soldiers were as weak as ants in front of Gu Fei.

What shocked Qin Yao the most was that Gu Fei seemed to be able to see the weakness of the battle formation composed of magic soldiers at a glance, and could directly break the battle formation composed of magic soldiers with a single blow.

Can kill demons to the maximum.

"Does this guy also have a research on the method of battle?"

Qin Yao was talking to herself, knowing that Gu Fei would not be able to see the weakness of the battle formation at a glance if he was not proficient in the battle formation and tactics.

At this time, Gu Fei had already fought against the golden demon bear.

Qin Yao didn't know that Gu Fei was not Gu Fei's real body.

Gu Fei squeezed his right hand and blasted towards the Demon Lord Sky Bear with a direct punch. There was no violent power fluctuation, no dazzling divine light, and it looked like a punch made by an ordinary person.

However, it directly blasted away the transformed Sky Bear Demon Venerable.

After the transformation, the demon of the sky bear is extremely powerful, and it is infinitely close to the quasi-sovereign level.

However, even so, he was still not Gu Fei's opponent.

Whether it was power, supernatural powers, or physique, this clone of Gu Fei completely suppressed the Demon Venerable Sky Bear.

"Okay, stop playing and send him on the road."

Gu Fei directly ordered the clone.

There is a certain connection between him and the clone. Even in the inner world, he can still control the clone.

Now Gu Fei was in an awkward state, his deity was weaker than his clone.

If his clone had self-consciousness, his deity would be in danger, and the fact that the clone swallowed the deity did not happen in the cultivation world.

If the deity was swallowed by the clone, then Gu Fei would not be Gu Fei.

Gu Fei would not let this happen. He had already left behind, even if his deity was weak and the clone, he was not afraid, even if the clone was strong, it would not threaten him.

This is Gu Fei's confidence.

He has the ability to control his life and death.

The life curse, only he has control, this ancient and practical forbidden curse, for him, could not be better to control his men.

He has a lot of people.

But now, he doesn't need those subordinates at all, which makes him a little depressed.

At the same time that Gu Fei gave the order, a light flashed in the eyes of Gu Fei's clone in the Sky Demon Valley.

"Send you on the road!"

Gu Fei's avatar took a step and disappeared in an instant.


Demon Lord Tianxiong was taken aback, he couldn't see the figure of the guy in front of him. How could it be possible that his power and speed soared several times?

Did he hide his strength?

The devil bear is unbelievable.

At this moment, he only felt a pain in his back, and he heard the sound of broken bones in his ears. This sound was very familiar to him, because he himself often crushed the bones of others.

Tianxiong is a generation of Demon Lord, and the human race powerhouse who died in his hands is unknown. He likes to hug the enemy, and then smash all the bones of the enemy.

For the strong of the holy rank, the bones are crushed and they can still live.

However, watching and listening to the bones in his body being crushed one by one, this is absolutely an extremely painful and terrifying thing.

Demon Lord Tianxiong enjoys the pain of others very much. For him, the more painful others are, the happier he is.

But now, what he heard was not the sound of other people's bones being broken, but his own bones being interrupted by others, which was really unreasonable.


Demon Lord Tianxiong roared, and saw that all the golden hairs on his body stood up, and every hair, like a peerless magic needle, suddenly shot out from his body, shooting in all directions.

This kind of attack has no dead ends, and every inch of void is under the cover of golden magic light.


Gu Fei's clone sneered and was directly forced out, but he was fearless.

"You die for me!"

Demon Lord Tianxiong roared, his feet propped on the ground, and his whole person jumped from the ground fiercely to the extreme, and rushed towards Gu Fei's clone.

A pair of fists of the Demon Bear hit Gu Fei with all their strength.

Under this blow, the void was collapsing, terrifying.

However, Gu Fei just moved his right hand and directly blocked the fists that Demon Lord Sky Bear smashed.


The shock of Demon Lord Heavenly Bear was really extraordinary. With a full blow, the opponent blocked it with one hand? how can that be? Is he supreme?

Qin Yao in the sky opened her mouth in shock when she saw this scene.

She is the emperor of the Qin clan, and her knowledge is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. This Heavenly Bear Demon Venerable is a powerhouse of the Sky Bear clan, especially after the Heavenly Bear Demon Venerable transforms, she is even more powerful.

That is, he didn't dare to take the blow of the demon-bearing demon after the transformation.

However, this Gu Fei easily took the blow from the Sky Bear Demon Venerable. With such power and cultivation level, could he be the Supreme? He sealed his cultivation base in some way?

Qin Yao was very suspicious.


At this time, in the valley, Gu Fei's clone directly grabbed one of the arms of the Sky Bear Demon Venerable, turned his whole body around, and slammed it against a group of demon soldiers on the ground.

"That is……"

"Run away!"

The group of demon soldiers on the ground had just formed a battle formation and was about to take action against the enemy in the sky, but when they looked up suddenly, they discovered that their demon lord had actually smashed them down.

It's hard to escape.


With a loud noise, Tianxiong Demon Sovereign smashed directly into the group of demon soldiers on the ground, and the group of demon soldiers was killed and injured in an instant, and a **** smoke rose on the ground.

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