Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4230: How about the emperor

Gu Fei's clone is extremely powerful, pushing horizontally all the way, and the blood of the demon heads in the slain Heavenly Demon Valley flowed into a river, and the smell of blood was soaring.

At this time, Gu Fei’s clone smashed the demon bear that day into a demon battle formation below. The next moment, the entire ground exploded, and countless demon soldiers were destroyed. .

The ground was dusty, and a big hole appeared.

Gu Fei's smashing might directly defeated a group of battle formations, which was a battle formation of nearly ten thousand people. The strength of nearly ten thousand people gathered together, enough to contend with the saint.

That is a fairy-level demon soldier, and the power of nearly ten thousand fairy-level demon soldiers can send out a blow of Saint-level power through the battle formation.

However, Gu Fei broke the battlefield directly before the nearly ten thousand demon soldiers took action.

After the transformation, the Heavenly Bear Saint Venerable was peerlessly powerful, and the power of the demon was as strong as the Supreme. Even Qin Yao would be moved by the power of this smash.


The roaring sound of Demon Lord Sky Bear was heard from the big pit on the ground, and the terrifying sound wave spread, and the earth was shaking violently. Those demon soldiers who had not yet died were shocked by the sound wave, but they died directly.

Demon Lord Heavenly Bear has thick skin and thick flesh, but this smash did not hurt his life, but it made him embarrassed.


Demon Lord Tianxiong rose into the sky and came directly to the opposite side of Gu Fei's clone.

"What are you doing? Get on the road!"

Gu Fei's avatar didn't bother to say anything to this guy, and pointed out, an immortal divine light rushed out directly from his fingertips.

This divine light sent out fierce sword qi fluctuations, and the temperature of the entire world was falling sharply under the impact of sword qi.

This clone of Gu Fei is cultivating kendo, with a sword in his hand, breaking all magical powers.


Demon Lord Tianxiong roared, and saw that layers of magic patterns suddenly appeared on his body, and the magic patterns were intertwined to form a magic figure blocking his predecessor.

Motu sealed the void, and Demon Lord Sky Bear wanted to block the sword light that penetrated through the hole.

However, I saw that the sword light directly penetrated the layers of the magic map, and it suddenly penetrated through the chest of the demon bear, bringing out a stream of magic blood.

"Haha, what's the use of this, my demonic body is immortal."

Demon Lord Tianxiong said with a crazy laugh.

Even if the demon body is shattered, he can heal instantly. The resilience of the Sky Bear Demon Race is definitely one of the best among the major Demon Races.

The cultivation base has reached the point where the Sky Bear Demon Venerable has already reached the point where he can be reborn with a drop of blood.

"is it?"

Gu Fei's clone smiled.

"The mere Sword Qi wants to kill me too? Then you look down on me too much." Demon Lord Tianxiong grinned and stared at the black-clothed youth opposite.

"Hey, are the demons all stupid?"

Gu Fei's clone shook his head helplessly.

"Who are you stupid?"

Demon Lord Tianxiong was furious upon hearing this.

"Isn't it? I don't know it when I die, it's ridiculous!"

Gu Fei's clone sighed.


Demon Lord Tianxiong was shocked and angry when he heard the words. At this moment, his heart became cold, and the blood in his body seemed to be frozen all at once.


The shock of Demon Lord Tianxiong was truly extraordinary.

At this time, the devil celestial bear realized that a terrifying force of killing had penetrated into his body, and this force of killing was happening.

"how is this possible……"

Demon Lord Tianxiong stared at Gu Fei's clone in disbelief.

At this time, the movements of Demon Lord Sky Bear became stiff, and soon, a layer of hoarfrost appeared on his body surface, and his entire body was frozen.

It was just a few breaths. The Demon Lord of the Sky Bear actually turned into an ice sculpture, which fell directly from the air, and fell to the ground fiercely, shattering.

A generation of Demon Venerable, unexpectedly fell like this.

"My Lord..."

Seeing this scene, all the demons in the Heavenly Demon Valley were shocked to the extreme. Soon these demons recovered and fled.

"It's so stupid."

Gu Fei’s avatar had a right hand, and a group of divine light instantly emerged from his palm. The next moment, this divine light exploded and turned into countless sword lights that flew out toward the ground, and then fell to the ground. .

Then, screams broke out, and every sword light penetrated a demon soldier. For a while, blood suddenly appeared, and a famous demon soldier fell directly.

Even the Demon Dao powerhouse of the Demon Saint level is hard to escape, being directly penetrated by the sword light, died.

This killing sword was terrifying, and even Demon Bear could not stop the sword of Gu Fei's clone that day, let alone these little shrimps and fish?

No demon of the demons can be spared.

Heavenly Demon Valley was completely destroyed by Gu Fei's clone.

"This guy……"

In the sky, Qin Yao was stunned when he saw this scene. Gu Fei even smashed the Sky Demon Valley with his own power. Gu Fei's battle was destined to shock the world.

Gu Fei's avatar didn't pay attention to these, directly soaring into the sky and disappearing at the end of the sky.


Qin Yao couldn't help being stunned when she saw this, so did Gu Fei leave?

Not long after Gu Fei left, the Jagged Taoist led his army to kill.

When Jie Xue Dao Ren and others saw the scene in front of them, they were directly frightened and stupefied. They saw that in the Heaven Demon Valley, countless demons all fell to the ground.

Blood flows into a river!

"This is the master's masterpiece?"

The Jagged Daoist and others were directly stunned.

Especially the Infinite Saint, seeing this scene, almost scared to pee, he never thought that their master was so powerful, and with his own power, he destroyed the Heavenly Demon Valley.

That is the Sky Demon Valley, behind the Sky Demon Valley, that is the entire Northern Demon Realm.

"how is this possible……"

The infinite sage muttered to himself.

"Humph! Nothing is impossible for the master."

Zhuge Liang said coldly.

None of the saints spoke.

"Go, clean up the battlefield!"

With a wave of his right hand, the Jagged Taoist rushed into the Heavenly Demon Valley with his army.

At this time, Gu Fei's clone had already entered Gu Fei's inner world, and Gu Fei's real body came out.

He did not return to Vientiane City, but went directly to the entrance of the ancient human road. He didn't want to wait anymore, he wanted to set foot directly on the ancient human road to find his daughter Gulin.

He believes that this battle can definitely quell those bad-hearted guys.

The entrance to the ancient human road is still controlled by the Qin clan, and other forces dare to be angry and dare not say anything. You know, the Qin clan is an emperor, and the old man of the Qin Emperor ruled the world. Even the ancient Jiang family would not easily provoke it.

When Gu Fei came to the entrance of the ancient human road, he was directly stopped by two strong men of the Qin clan.

"Why, are you robbing the road?"

Gu Fei frowned.

"Haha, little guy, I don't understand the rules at all. Could it be that the savages coming out of the ravine are not successful?"

A tall and thin middle-aged man with dark skin smiled and said.

"If you want to set foot on the ancient human road, you will offer ten catties of immortal crystals."

Another middle-aged man said.

"Ten Jin Xianjing?"

Gu Fei was a little uncomfortable when he heard this. That was the fairy crystal. The Qin clan was a bit too much. How can those casual cultivators afford ten catties of fairy crystal?

"No? Then go back where it came from!"

The middle-aged man said with disdain.

"What if I don't leave?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.

"Then you don't have to go."

The middle-aged man's voice immediately chilled.

"Want to kill me?"

Gu Fei was really angry. Is this Qin Clan so domineering? Do two gatekeepers dare to kill and win treasures?

"It's just a little guy who doesn't know where he came from. Kill it if you kill it. What's the big deal?"

The tall and thin middle-aged man said disdainfully.

"Then you guys come and see it!"

Gu Fei was really angry, why did the Qin clan let these people do anything wrong?


The tall and thin middle-aged man sneered, waved his right hand, and a divine light rushed out of his hand, slashing towards Gu Fei, and a sharp sword aura spread immediately.


Gu Fei sighed. The next moment, he moved and disappeared in place.


The tall and thin man was really frightened and angry when he saw this scene. He raised his head violently and saw a big foot stepped directly out of the air.


The big foot stomped directly on the face of the tall and thin man.

The tall and thin man staggered back with a scream, a mouthful of blood and a dozen teeth spurted out.


Seeing this, another middle-aged man was taken aback and quickly shot.

With a wave of his right hand, a cloud of black light flew up from his hand, and immediately enveloped Gu Fei.


The two goalkeepers were overjoyed when Gu Fei was captured.

However, the next moment, his laughter stopped, and Gu Fei was surrounded by a net, and he directly grasped the net with both hands and pulled it to the left and right.

The big net was torn open directly.


The two doormen were moved, they didn't dare to underestimate Gu Fei.


Gu Fei disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, he appeared behind the two disciples of the Qin Clan, and then cut them in the waist with his hand as a knife.

The two of them were unbelievable to death, this guy actually dared to kill himself.

Qin people, maybe others dare not offend, but Gu Fei is fearless.

After killing the two scums of the Qin Clan, Gu Fei walked directly in and came to the teleportation formation.

At this time, there were already many people inside.

"Brother, do you know that you smashed the sky? The Qin clan is not annoying."

A young Taoist suddenly said to Gu Fei.

"is it?"

Gu Fei was noncommittal.

He killed the guard at the gate, and the news had already spread.

"Brother, you bully, you dare to kill the Qin people."

Another middle-aged monk gave Gu Fei a thumbs up.

"Offending the emperor is not good for you."

Said an elderly man with gray hair.

"What about the emperor, if you dare to provoke me, you will kill me without mercy."

Gu Fei said, his voice was not loud but it reached everyone's ears.


The people around were shocked by the words.

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