Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4232: Demon Tree

"I kill you as if I kill a chicken."

Gu Fei's five fingers on his right hand buckled Qin Lei's Tianling cover, as long as he was willing to grab Qin Lei's head, shake his soul, and let him die.

He doesn't care who Qin Lei is, he kills him.

In this world, what else can make him worry?

In this human world, there is the power of heaven's punishment. Ji Dao supreme does not dare to rise up, and quasi supreme can not help himself. It can be said that he is in this world and can walk sideways.


Qin Lei struggled desperately, but the imprisoning force from Gu Fei's hand was too strong to break free.

In the open space outside the entrance of the Ancient Human Race Road, the people around watching the battle were all shocked. Who is this guy, can actually defeat Qin Lei.

This Qin Lei is one of the most outstanding descendants of the Qin nationality today!

Qin Lei, since his debut, has been known as invincible of the same rank, pushing the invincible hand of the same rank horizontally.

And indeed, since his debut, he has never encountered an opponent, and in the same rank, he can indeed be called invincible.

But now, his battle with Gu Fei in the realm of immortal gods ended in his defeat.

This ending is beyond everyone's expectations.

"How could it be that Qin Lei was defeated so badly."

"Are there any fakes in full view?"

"Unexpectedly, the myth of Qin Lei's invincibility was put to an end by this man."

Those who watched the game were very sorry.

Just when Gu Fei was about to kill Qin Lei, Qin Yao came.

Qin Yao and Qin Lei are the most outstanding descendants of the Qin clan, and one of the candidates for the next clan leader of the Qin clan.

The two were in a competitive relationship, but Qin Yao actually wanted to waste the favor of Gu Fei, who had finally obtained it, in exchange for Qin Lei's life.

In this way, it is a little surprising.

You know, if Qin Lei dies, Qin Yao will lose one of the most powerful competitors, and the next clan leader of the Qin clan will be hers!

"It seems that you should not be killed today!"

Gu Fei looked at Qin Lei deeply, grinned, and with a wave of his right hand, he directly threw Qin Lei at Qin Yao's feet.

"I hope you don't regret it."

Gu Fei glanced at Qin Yao and said calmly.

"Today's shame will definitely be recovered in the future."

Qin Lei stood up from the ground very embarrassed, stared at Gu Fei fiercely, and gritted his teeth.

"I think you should take a detour when you see me in the future. Next time, you won't be so lucky." Gu Fei didn't pay attention to Qin Lei at all.

In the eyes of others, Hongmeng Dao Body is the most powerful Dao body in the world, but Gu Fei is fearless.


Qin Lei spewed out an angry mouthful of blood, his body shook and almost fell.

He is the proud son of heaven. No one has ever dared to look down upon him so much, who is this guy.

At this time, Qin Lei did not know who Gu Fei was.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate any more, and directly set foot on the ancient human road and disappeared at the entrance.

"Who is this lord?"

Those who watched the game all shook their heads.


Qin Lei was going crazy, and he was saved by Qin Yao's opponent. This was even more uncomfortable than killing him. In this way, how could he still compete with Qin Yao for the position of the clan leader?

"Do you know him? Who is he!"

Qin Lei stared at Qin Yao and said.

"His name is Gu Fei."

Qin Yao glanced at Qin Lei, then turned around and left without looking back.

"Gu Fei? Why is this name so familiar?"

"Well, I seem to have heard it somewhere."

The people around are thinking.

"Gu Fei?"

Qin Lei's face turned pale when he heard this.

Although he has never seen Gu Fei, as the most outstanding descendant of the Qin Clan, he naturally knows many things that others don't know.

"She actually knows Gu Fei?"

Qin Lei couldn't believe it. This is a generation of murderers. In the past, the blood of this murderer was flowing, and his reputation was killed.

"That person was Gu Fei just now?"

The older monks finally remembered who Gu Fei was.

"Is it really him?"

Someone said inexplicably shocked.

"He actually embarked on the ancient human road."

When the news spread, the entire cultivation world shook, Gu Fei returned, and a generation of ruthless men returned.

Gu Fei's return has made many people unbelievable. You know, Gu Fei hasn't appeared for a long time.

When the news spread that Gu Fei destroyed the Heavenly Demon Valley and defeated Qin Lei of the Qin Clan, this earthly realm of cultivation was boiling.

The news even spread to heaven.

Just when the entire human world cultivation world was boiling because of Gu Fei's return, Gu Fei had already embarked on the ancient human race road.

The ancient road of the human race is a road of cultivation. If you walk on this road of cultivation, your cultivation will inevitably advance. Of course, this ancient road is not peaceful and there are dangers everywhere.

At this time, Gu Fei moved quickly in the void, all the way forward.

Soon, a Xiongguan appeared in front of him, and Gu Fei stepped on the Xiongguan, only to see that the entire Xiongguan had been turned into ruins, and the tall city wall had collapsed.

The first level of the human race turned into ruins.

Gu Fei walked among the ruins and saw bones everywhere on the ground, as well as fragments of magical instruments scattered on the ground.

There seems to be a terrible battle here.


The moment Gu Fei stopped, a black shadow flew from his feet and bit towards his calf.


Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and directly clamped the black shadow with his **** in the food. He saw that the black shadow had only one chopstick length, and he kept struggling in his hand.

That is a black snake.


Gu Fei waved his hand, and the black snake flew out immediately, with a sound of "pop!" It actually smashed through a wall.

The little black snake didn't even die, and instantly disappeared among the rubble and bricks.

However, soon, there were rustling sounds around, and there were countless small black snakes emerging from the surrounding bricks and tiles, which surprised Gu Fei very much.

Gu Fei surrounded by countless little black snakes.

"Snake demon?"

Gu Fei felt a trace of evil spirit and couldn't help frowning.

At this time, a sound like thunder suddenly came from nearby, and then Gu Fei saw an astonishing scene when a huge black snake emerged from the ground.

It was a giant snake with a diameter of two meters and a length of hundreds of meters.

Those little black snakes that were as thick as chopsticks were negligible compared to this big guy.

At this time, the **** snake had already focused on Gu Fei.


The giant snake rushed towards Gu Fei directly, and wherever it passed, those broken walls and debris were directly shattered.

At this time, the little black snakes gave up a passage and let the giant snake rush over.


Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand, and looked at the big snake faintly.

However, the answer was a snake's tail that was drawn to him quickly.


The snake's tail slapped fiercely, and there was a muffled noise. The huge snake's tail was actually blocked.

"act recklessly!"

Gu Fei said and pointed out, and a **** light appeared on the giant snake's body. The next moment, the giant snake fell to the ground and died directly.

"The little monster dare to be presumptuous."

Gu Fei said that he rose into the sky. He had a hunch that this ancient road might have been hit. Could it be that the demon race was raging on the ancient road of human race?

He then walked forward.

After leaving the first pass of the ancient human road, Gu Fei was walking along the ancient road through the endless starry sky. Soon, a big star appeared in front of him.

I saw that this big star was actually full of vitality.

However, Gu Fei found it strange that on this vibrant big star, it was so quiet and terrifying that he could not hear any roar of wild beasts.

Gu Fei fell directly on this big star.

There were also human buildings i on the big star, but these buildings were also directly destroyed and turned into ruins.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei was very surprised.

What happened? How could you not even see a single figure on the ancient human road? This is not a good thing.

You must know that the ancient human road has been born for a long time. In this world, people continue to set foot on the ancient human road, and it is impossible that there is no one on the ancient road.

On this big star, let alone people, it's just a bird, not a lizard. It's so clean, the animals are extinct.

Gu Fei stepped all over the big star. Finally, he stopped in front of a towering old tree, and looked up at the big tree, only to see the big tree thrust into the sky, the diameter of the tree body has exceeded 100 meters. .

This is the oldest and huge tree on the entire big star.

"Show it!"

Gu Fei said calmly.

There is no movement around.

"Do you want me to invite you out?"

Gu Fei stared at the tree.

The big tree still did not respond.


Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a ball of divine fire immediately appeared in his palm.


At this moment, the big tree in front of Gu Fei moved, and countless tree roots broke out of the ground and entangled towards Gu Fei directly.

A divine light emerged from Gu Fei's body.

The roots of the trees that entangled him were directly blocked by his protective light.

At this time, the huge sacred tree shook, the huge tree body cracked, and a figure struggling out of the tree body was a young man with green hair.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this, he did not make a move, waiting for the sacred tree to take off the tree.

This method of taking off the original body is very common among monsters, and the big monster that has taken off the original body will become stronger and more terrifying.

The breath of the young man struggling from the tree was terrifying, the great demon was born.

That's the blame for not even seeing an animal on this big star, and the feeling is that this sacred tree is eaten by it.

This big tree has reached the state of transformation and needs a lot of energy. Once it is transformed, this sacred tree is equivalent to being reborn.

Only half an hour later, the young man struggled to crawl out of the trunk.


In the next moment, endless heaven and earth essence gathered from all directions and was directly swallowed by this young man. For a while, the wind and cloud on the big star changed color.

The spirit of the entire big star was aroused by this guy.

Gu Fei watched quietly, but still didn't make a move.

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