Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4233: Alien

The ancient human road is not easy to follow. This is a kind of temper. There are various dangers on the ancient road, and it will fall if you are not careful.

Before endless years, the supreme existence of the human race established the ancient road of the human race in order to make people seek breakthroughs in life and death and break through their own limits.

Therefore, people who set foot on the ancient human race have the consciousness of seeing death as home.

Obviously something extremely terrifying happened on this ancient human race road, and even the first male gate of the human race was breached and turned into ruins.

It is not a trivial matter that the Xiongguan of the Human Race is broken. The creatures from the outside can pass through the entrance of the ancient road of the Human Race and smash into the world.

Gu Fei doesn't have time to care about who attacked Human Ancient Road. He is now going to the original ancestor to save his daughter Gu Ling.

However, along the way, Gu Fei discovered that the entire ancient road looked strange.

The human race on the ancient road seems to have been purged.

Someone dared to do such a thing, but this was beyond Gu Fei's bottom line, because he was a human race.


At this time, on an unnamed big star, an ancient tree was actually transforming, and the aura of the entire big star was aroused, and even the aura of the sky near the big star was also attracted.

This ancient tree didn't know how long it had been in cultivation. Today, it can finally take the step of transformation.

Gu Fei didn't stop it, because he wanted to know from the mouth of this old tree what happened on this big star.

Although this old tree is strong, it is far from the Five Elements God Tree King of the year.

Of course, Gu Fei made the judgment from the system. This old tree was just a normal physique, while the five-element **** tree king back then had a five-element physique.

Ordinary creatures can also guard against the sky.

Even a blade of grass can become an invincible emperor, and an ordinary person can also become an invincible emperor who pushes three thousand realms.

Although innate physique is important, it does not determine the future achievements of a person or a creature.

Acquired growth is the key.

Gu Fei stood with his hands behind, waiting quietly.

I saw the endless essence of the old tree all converged on a strange young man, who was transformed by the spirit of the old tree, separated from the tree body and transformed into a human form.

This is a perfect transformation for the old tree. From now on, he is no longer a tree, but a humanoid creature of the wood family, who is naturally compatible with the power of wood.

The whole big star changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, the endless heaven and earth aura and the essence of all creatures were looted like crazy by the green-haired youth.

All the plants on the big star are withering, and all the wood creatures on the big star are dying.

This is using the lives of countless wood creatures on the entire big star to complete this old tree.

Endless energy gathered towards the green-haired young man. As the young man breathed in and out, the whole world was shaking and shocking.

"After being transformed, it is a semi-sacred tree, and this old tree is pretty good."

Gu Fei was also a little surprised, this old tree has cultivated endless years, once it transforms into shape, it is directly cultivated into a semi-holy and sanctified. It is only a matter of time.

It can be said that this old tree has reached the sky in one step.

The green-haired young man transformed by the spirit of the old tree finally did not take the step of sanctification, and stopped at the semi-sacred state. The young man stopped, and the chaotic aura of the whole world gradually calmed down.

"Human Race, why are you here."

The green-haired young man hovered in the air, condescending, looking at Gu Fei indifferently, with a high up look.

Semi-Holy, can indeed be superior to the great creatures.

"I'm not used to raising my head and talking to others, come down!"

Gu Fei said calmly.

"what did you say?"

The green-haired young man stared, two green lights rushed out of his eyes immediately, and went towards Gu Fei hole.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Gu Fei. It was a vague figure, but the breath radiating from his body was amazing.

Seeing that this figure didn't move his hands, he just took a breath, and the two green lights piercing towards Gu Fei Cave disappeared directly into the void.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the green-haired youth in the sky almost fell off.


The green-haired youth was really scared.

"If you can't come down yet, do you really want me to invite it?"

Gu Fei didn't even look at that guy.

"Who is your excellency?"

The green-haired youth stared at Gu Fei, his expression extremely solemn.

"Little guy, come down to me!"

As Gu Fei said, the figure next to him shot directly, and saw that the vague figure just raised his right hand, and the green-haired youth in the sky exclaimed and fell directly from the sky, landing on Gu Fei’s Underfoot.

The figure's right hand volleyed towards the green-haired young man, and the green-haired young man plunged directly into the ground.

"Don't, spare my life!"

Only at this time did the green-haired youth know that the other party was powerful, and the master didn't make a move. It was just that the people around him had no power to fight back.

It is hard to imagine how powerful this boy in black is.

You know, the green-haired youth is an old sacred tree transformed into shape. After successfully transformed into shape, they will directly possess the powerful semi-holy cultivation base and combat power.

That is a half-holy, half-step saint, although not a true saint, but it is already close.

The figure beside Gu Fei retracted his right hand.

The green-haired young man immediately felt light on his body, and hurriedly crawled out of the ground, very embarrassed.

"It turned out to be Lord Saint..."

The green-haired youth knelt down at Gu Fei's feet in fear.

"I'm here to ask you, why can't you see any other creatures on this big star except for flowers and trees?" Gu Fei said calmly.

"Master Returning Saint, that is a good thing done by the alien race." The green-haired youth said quickly.

"The alien race?"

Gu Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. The so-called Alien Race refers to those creatures who are not in the human world. It is definitely not a good thing that Alien Races attacked the ancient road of Human Race.

"That day the foreign race ate blood for food, and all the flesh and blood creatures on this star are terrible!"

Said the green-haired youth.


Gu Fei was surprised when he heard this.

The alien race outside the sky is so powerful, but it is beyond Gu Fei's imagination.

Gu Fei groaned for a while, then rose directly into the sky, disappeared into the void, and the figure beside him disappeared.


The green-haired youth never expected that Gu Fei would let him go so easily, which made him surprised and happy, and he felt a sense of escape.

"Who is this person?"

The green-haired youth muttered to himself.

At this time, Gu Fei continued on the road, he was not afraid of any alien race outside the sky.

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