Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4234: Interracial rampant

The alien race in the outer world once attacked the ancient road of the human race. Wherever the alien race in the outer world travels, any living creature with flesh and blood will suffer, because the alien race in the outer world eats blood.

Gu Fei was fearless.

He used his extremely fast body technique and moved quickly among the stars.

Soon, a bright star field appeared in front of it, and the big stars were shining, and the power of the stars was mighty.

"Light Star Domain?"

Gu Fei stopped in the air, looking at the star field ahead, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The danger on the ancient human road leading to the original ancestor star is really terrifying.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, and flew directly towards the star field in front of him. The closer he got to the light star field, the stronger the star power.

He directly entered the light star.

"Could it be that the alien race from the outer world also visited the Light Star Domain?"

Gu Fei couldn't sense any breath, and he couldn't see any creatures in the entire Light Star Domain, which surprised him very much.

This is a star field, a place where the power of stars like the light star field converges, and it is definitely not a place without a master.

However, wherever Gu Fei passed, no one came out to stop him. The entire star field was quiet and terrifying.

"That is……"

Gu Fei suddenly saw countless sundries floating in the starry sky ahead, countless bricks and tiles walking among the starry sky, which was a ruin.

From a distance, it looks like a star that has been blown up.


Gu Fei was not very surprised when he saw this, but it was just that a star was blown up, and even he could blow up a star with a punch now.

This is a battle between powerful creatures above the holy rank. The saint can pick up stars and catch the moon, and swallow the sun.

Blasting a star is nothing but a piece of cake for the holy creatures.

Gu Fei went straight through the ruins, but the scene before him was shocking and inexplicable. He saw that there was a large area of ​​ruins in front of him, and countless stars were blown up.

He smelled blood.


Gu Fei took a step forward and immediately disappeared into the void. The next moment, when he appeared again, he had already penetrated the ruins.

This is the star field that one party has been beaten to damage, and there are broken stars everywhere.

At this moment, in front of Gu Fei's eyes, there was a creature larger than the stars floating in the void with several broken stars.

It was a creature that Gu Fei had never seen before. It looked like a pangolin, but it had six sharp claws.

There is a blood hole in the head of this creature, it seems that it was directly pierced through the head and killed here.

The **** smell Gu Fei smelled was from this creature's body. Even though this creature was dead, the fierce aura that came out of it was not something ordinary people could bear.

"What is this?"

Gu Fei was muttering to himself, this should be the so-called alien race, it was really ugly long.

On this day, foreign races feed on blood, and wherever they pass, flesh and blood creatures will be driven to extinction, leaving no one behind, which can be said to be extremely cruel.

Gu Fei suddenly pointed out, a divine light rushed out from his fingertips, and instantly shot at the giant beast in front.


The moment the finger light hit the body of this giant beast, there was a sound of golden iron trembling, and the scales on this giant beast could not be broken.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Fei was taken aback. Although this was a casual blow, he couldn't break the scales of this giant beast. This giant beast was absolutely powerful.

And the existence that killed this behemoth is probably already the quasi supreme.

At this moment, the head of this giant beast suddenly moved.


Gu Fei was taken aback, thinking that this behemoth hadn't died yet.

However, in the next moment, something suddenly crawled out of the blood hole on the head of this giant beast, and saw that this thing was actually golden, just like a beetle.

The mouth of this beetle-like thing has a long and sharp thorn.


The golden beetle-like thing actually swooped directly towards Gu Fei, the speed reaching the extreme.


Gu Fei slapped it out, and immediately slapped the unknown creature away.

However, this creature was extremely powerful, and the next moment it swooped toward Gu Fei.

Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a divine sword immediately appeared in his hand.


Gu Fei struck out with a sword, and a sword light flashed across the void.

When Gu Fei saw the beetle-shaped thing, he split it in half with a sword.

"It's another alien race?"

Gu Fei retracted the divine sword, and then continued to move forward.

Soon, he saw a lot of corpses again. This time, human corpses, broken weapons, and a strong smell of blood appeared.


Just when Gu Fei was surprised, a cough suddenly came from the starry sky on the right.

"There are still living people?"

When Gu Fei heard the coughing sound, his eyes lit up, and then he rushed directly in the direction of the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing navy blue sitting on a huge boulder floating in the void, and he saw the middle-aged man covered in blood.

Even bones were exposed in some places.

The breath of the middle-aged man began to weaken. If there is no accident, the middle-aged man is definitely dead because he was injured too badly.

"you are……"

When Gu Fei came to the boulder, the man was surprised and delighted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his excitement.

"So what happened?"

Gu Fei asked.

"The alien race..."

The middle-aged man coughed again.

After the middle-aged person finished coughing, the middle-aged person told Gu Fei what had happened.

It turned out that the entire Light Star Territory was breached by the alien race. After a big battle, except for a few strong human races who successfully escaped, everyone else was killed and eaten by the alien race.

The human race and other creatures are regarded as blood food by the alien race.

The destruction of the light star field shocked Gu Fei. From the middle-aged man's mouth, he learned that the alien race had already killed the original ancestor.

After Gu Fei heard it, he directly took out a pill from his body and threw it to the middle-aged man.

"this is……"

The middle-aged man caught the Shen Dan, and a fresh fragrance poured into his nose immediately.

Gu Fei ignored this guy anymore, and rushed towards the original Ancestor Star. Instead, he wanted to see how strong and arrogant this alien race was, and even dared to sweep the entire ancient human race road.

"I don't have to die."

At this time, the middle-aged man in the light star field ate the **** pill given by Gu Fei in one bite.

The **** pill that Gu Fei threw out at random was enough to live and die. Even if a middle-aged person was seriously injured and dying, he could survive by eating this pill.

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