Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4237: Nantian City Lord

The original ancestor star, Nantian City, was actually breached.

With a loud noise, the layer of guardian light above Nantian City was directly blasted out of a big hole, and countless alien races from outside the sky immediately rushed towards the big hole like crazy.

While everyone was still in extreme shock, hundreds of alien beasts from outside the sky had already rushed into the southern sky city.

"court death!"

At this moment, a sneer came from the city lord's mansion, and in the next moment, countless sword lights rushed out from the city lord's mansion, instantly piercing hundreds of alien beasts from outside the sky.

The corpse of the alien beast from the outside world fell from the sky like dumplings.

It was just a single blow, killing hundreds of alien beasts instantly, this kind of sword cultivation is absolutely terrifying.

Tiannan City is an ancient city guarded by the original ancestors of Tiannan. It has existed for endless years, and the city lord Mo Tianyi is even more powerful.

This Mo Tianyi also had a scary identity, he was actually the sword master of the Southern Heaven Sword Sect.

"Tiannan Sword Dao is really amazing!"

Some people can't help but marvel when they see this scene.

These countless sword auras penetrated the bodies of hundreds of alien beasts in an instant.

Everyone felt that the temperature around them was dropping.

At this time, the Tiannan City was in chaos, and countless monks rushed towards the city lord's mansion, because the lord can protect them.

To become the lord of an ancient city like Nantian City, he must have extraordinary abilities. The Southern Heaven Sword Sect is one of the strongest forces in the Southern Territory of Primordial Ancestor Star.


At this time, there was an incomparably shocking sound from the sky, and I saw that the endless Dao patterns in the sky were intertwined, and the big hole in the sky was actually repairing autonomously and gradually became smaller.


The roar of the alien beasts from outside the sky is earth-shattering, compared to countless alien beasts, the hundreds of alien beasts just beheaded by humans are simply negligible.

At this time, the overwhelming alien beasts rushed towards the southern sky city, wanting to rush into the southern sky city and enjoy the blood food.

The countless cultivators in Nantian City were shocked when they saw this scene. Once they were killed by the alien beasts outside of the sky, there would be many dead people.

Seeing that the alien beast from outside the sky was about to rush into Tiannan City from the big hole in the sky, a figure appeared in front of the big hole.

"That is……"

Everyone in the city looked at the figure in the sky in surprise.

I saw the man dressed in white, slender, carrying an ancient sword, giving people a detached atmosphere that does not eat the fireworks of the world.

"Is it Mo Tianxiong from the Mo family?"

Someone in the city exclaimed.

Mo Tianxiong, that is Mo Tianyi's own brother, who has cultivated himself and pursued his brother.

"Sure enough, the Mo family has some abilities."

In a corner of the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Ling said calmly.

She was injured and she has not been completely healed.

"Compared with Master, what is the Mo family?"

Zhao Hao said calmly.

Everyone can't help nodding.

There is no doubt that Gu Fei is powerful.

At this moment, Mo Tianxiong in the sky made a move, and saw his right hand waved in the void, the next moment, countless sword lights rushed out of him.

Every sword light is enough to tear through the void of heaven and earth.

next moment. , Countless wild beasts fell from the sky, most of them smashed into the city. At this time, the atmosphere in Tiannan City was extremely tense.

That Mo Tianxiong actually blocked countless alien beasts that had rushed to and fought by one person.


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

However, soon, a huge beast claw protruded directly from the depths of the starry sky and fell directly towards the southern sky city.


With a loud noise, the beast claw slammed directly on the guardian formation of Nantian City. In the next moment, countless cracks appeared on the mask covering the entire Nantian City, as if it might break at any time. general.

The most powerful existence among the alien beasts from the outside world finally shot, the blow just now was just a test.

Then Mo Tianxiong was immediately slapped from the sky by the beast claw.


Mo Tianxiong descended from the sky and directly smashed a pavilion, making the dust fly.

"Go together, block the alien beast!"

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out of the city lord's mansion, staring at the alien beasts in the sky with a gloomy face.


The dozen or so strong men behind the middle-aged man didn't hesitate, and immediately roared and rushed up from behind him.


At this moment, more than a dozen powerful beast kings appeared in the sky.

A brawny man like a black iron tower directly ran into the beast king who rushed forward. The next moment, the beast king was hit and flew directly, and there was a sound of broken bones on his body. With a sound, it slammed directly on the protective shield like a cannonball, and then fell to the ground.


Everyone was shocked. The black man's body was so powerful that he could compete with the beast king among the alien beasts.

At this time, the brawny man had entered the flock like a tiger, and saw that he hit the head of one beast king into the chest cavity with a palm, and hit one shoulder, directly spitting blood out of the other beast king's mouth.

Then his right hand turned over, and a big knife appeared in his hand.

Seeing the blade light flashed, the two beast king heads flew up.

It was a miracle that this brawny man killed the four beast kings just for a moment, just a few breaths.

The Beast King of the alien race outside the sky is too weak in front of this brawny man.

At this time, the other beast kings were stunned by the combat power displayed by the strong man like the black iron tower.

"how is this possible!"

The other beast kings stared at the strong man on the opposite side, their pupils couldn't help but shrank, and the combat power displayed by the strong man far exceeded his expectations.

"Come and die!"

The brawny man hooked his finger to the remaining Beastmaster and said coldly, Sen Han's killing intent was diffused from his body, and the surrounding temperature was dropping rapidly.

"It's so killing!"

The countless cultivators in Tiannan City were shocked and inexplicably shocked. Only those demon heads who murdered like hemp could explode with such a powerful murderousness. This strong man was definitely not a demon.


A wave of divine thought came, and the brawny man's face changed immediately.

Although the brawny man was surprised, he knew that these beast kings were not vegetarian.

This brawny man has great power, and when the power reaches a certain level, he can ignore the lack of realm.

This is the so-called one force drop ten meeting.


The remaining seven beast kings roared and rushed towards the strong man at the same time. At the same time, some beast kings directly opened their mouths and spewed poisonous flames and burned towards the strong man.

At this time, the others stepped aside and watched the battle.


The brawny iron war directly slashed out.

At this moment, an alien beast king with golden scales rushed up.


The magic knife in Tie Zhan's hand smashed the strange beast king's body fiercely, and he only felt that a wave of power shook back, and there was not even a trace left in the place where it was cut.

Tie Zhan made the second knife.


The big knife in his hand was broken in two, but the strange beast king was unscathed.


Everyone was shocked and inexplicably, this strange beast king was so powerful that he was impenetrable, and even the iron war couldn't break the scales of this strange beast king.

Tie Zhan threw away the half-cut knife in his hand, then squeezed it with five fingers, and slapped it towards the beast king with one fist.


The fist of Tie Zhan collided with the alien beast king, and a dull sound was heard, and a powerful wave of vitality immediately centered on the two powerhouses and rushed out toward the surroundings.


The strange beast king roared, and a stronger wave of power erupted from the strange beast king's body.

At this moment, Tie Zhan took a step forward, and instantly caught up with the alien beast king who flew out, and then smashed out with a punch, and there was a popping sound immediately in the void.

This is the sound of the fist moving fast and shaking the void, which shows how fast the speed of this fist is.


With a muffled sound, accompanied by the scream of the alien beast king, with a "boom", the alien beast king was directly blasted away.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

"The wind is up!"

At this moment, Mo Tianxiong rushed out, and saw that he used his fingers as a sword and swung it seven times without a trace. The seven invisible sword auras blew through like a breeze, and at the same time they attacked and killed the seven alien beast kings.

"Sword Qi is tens of thousands of feet, how can this be possible, is he actually Quasi-Supreme?"

An old man in the city muttered to himself with horror on his face. If he knew that Mo Tianxiong's full shot, the sword energy could be released for hundreds of thousands of miles, he would be stunned.

Mo Tianxiong is very strong, but those alien beast kings are not vegetarians, and his sword aura slashed on the alien beast king's body, unexpectedly unable to break the defense of these alien beast kings.

He is the second strongest in this Southern Sky City, so why can't he help these strange beast kings?

"Bump!", "Bump!", "Bump!", "Bump!"

At this time, heavy footsteps sounded like a hammer hitting the hearts of everyone, and the nine-foot-tall Mo Tianyi walked out of the city lord's mansion.

He strode forward, leaving a deep footprint on the ground with every step he took.

He is like a huge mountain, pressing toward the strange beast king in the sky.

City Lord Mo Tianyi is finally about to make a move, you know, if he doesn't make a move, then Nantian City will really be over.

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