Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4238: Nearly invincible magical powers

The alien races from outside the sky came to attack the original ancestor star, and the endless alien beasts spread all over the starry sky, actually surrounding the huge original ancestor star.

The primordial ancestor star is huge, and if you want to surround the entire ancestor star, the number of alien beasts needed is absolutely astonishing.

Gu Fei had been watching from a distance, and he was not in a hurry to shoot.

In fact, as soon as he arrived near the original ancestor star, he felt that there was an extremely powerful and extremely subtle aura in this southern sky city.

Gu Fei was once the invincible supreme of the eternal realm, and he was very sensitive.

Of course, Gu Fei could sense the existence of the other party, but the other party could not sense the existence of Gu Fei. This was Gu Fei's advantage.

At this time, the southern sky city was finally broken by the alien race outside the sky.

The twelve different beast kings appeared strong, but four beast kings were killed by Tie Zhan alone.

Of course, the four beast kings killed by the iron war are the weakest beast kings, not the strongest.

The beast emperor who fought with Mo Tianxiong was the real king of the beasts, with golden scales all over his body, and amazing defensive power. Even if the sacred weapon was chopped up, it would hardly leave a trace of the beast. .


One of the seven alien beast kings with long red hair roared, and a horrible sacred fire burst out of his body.

A saint who fought against this alien beast king was directly swallowed by the divine fire, and that saint screamed and was destroyed by the divine fire.


Seeing this scene, all the saints nearby took a breath and hurriedly avoided.

This is a sacred fire that can burn the saint to death.

Chi Yan Beast is one of the strongest among the twelve different beast kings. It burns the sky with fire, and half of the sky is burned red, terrifying.

The remaining seven alien beast kings are extremely powerful, not comparable to the four alien beast kings killed by the iron war.

These seven different beast kings are the king of kings.

As a result, those sages in Nantian City were unlucky, Chiyan Beast, Jinjing Beast, and violent Ape Beast, all of which were powerful subordinates of Heavenly Beast Venerable.

Heavenly Beast Sovereign, peerlessly powerful, from ancient times to the present, has always wanted to attack the original ancestor star, occupy the entire original ancestor star, and then seek the world, invincible in the world.

However, the water in this human world is very deep. Throughout the ages, it seems that no one can become invincible in the human world.

At this time, the powerhouses of the Nantian City forced by the Seven Beast Kings kept retreating, especially the sacred fire that surrounded the Chiyan Beast, which was extremely fierce.

But the golden beast was focusing on Mo Tianxiong, and killing that Mo Tianxiong was inextricably difficult, and it would be impossible to tell the outcome for a while.

The violent beast stared at Tie Zhan.

And when all the saints of Nantian City were defeated, Nantian City City Lord Mo Tianyi finally wanted to take action.


While Mo Tianyi waved his hand, the golden beast that had fought against Mo Tianxiong immediately flew out, and the golden light-shrouded body actually exploded.

The other monster kings were shocked to see this scene.

The Golden Beast is their boss, and even the boss is not an opponent, so they are even more so.

"Send you on the road!"

As Mo Tianyi stretched out his right hand, a ball of divine light rushed out of his hand. With a sound of "touch!", the ball of divine light exploded.

The seven heaven-shaking sword auras directly penetrated towards the Seven Great Beast Kings, their speed hitting the extreme.

Mo Tianyi was the sword master of the Southern Heaven Sword Sect, and most of his cultivation was on that sword.

At this time, blood suddenly appeared, and all the seven different beast kings were recruited. One of the different beast kings screamed and fell directly from the sky.

The alien beast king had just fallen into the city, and the next moment, the body of the alien beast king was robbed.

This was Mo Tianyi's move, but even so, the Seven Great Monster Kings still suffered heavy losses.


There was an earth-shaking roar from the horizon, and a huge figure appeared in the starry sky, and saw that figure was much larger than the stars.

I saw the figure quickly approaching the original ancestor star.

An extremely powerful force is coming.

At this time, only the Jinjing Beast, the Chiyan Beast and the Violent Ape Beast had escaped, and the other Beast Kings had already died under Mo Tianyi's blow.

"Huh! Can you escape?"

Mo Tianyi sneered, and immediately turned into an immortal sword light and rose into the sky, and immediately caught up with the golden beast.

At the next moment, I saw that divine light slid across the Jin Jing beast's body, and then there was no more.

Golden blood spilled from the sky, and an unpleasant smell of blood permeated.

I saw that immortal sword light fell from the sky and turned into a human form.

"you wanna die!"

The giant beast directly slapped Mo Tianyi down with a slap, and the violent power fell from that big hand, and the void was shaking.


Mo Tianyi turned into a sword light and rose into the sky again, and directly pierced the big hand with blood splashing.

The behemoth was extremely angry.

Gu Fei actually killed his twelve gods one after another, leaving only the two big beast kings, the violent ape beast and the red flame beast, and his heart was bleeding.

Alien Beastmaster finally made a move.

I saw that the beast shadow turned into a human form directly, this was a young man with white hair.

This young man is an alien beast, peerlessly powerful.

His right hand was dripping blood.

At this moment, the white-haired beast venerable roared, and his feet slammed on the ground. With a sound of "touch!", the ground under his feet immediately sank down, forming a big pit.

In the next moment, he was like an arrow, soaring into the sky, leaping for several thousand feet, and under everyone's shocked gaze, he directly rushed towards Mo Tianyi.

At this time, Gu Fei also came nearby, he did not show up, he could only watch the battle from the sidelines.

Mo Tianyi retreated directly.

"Huh, don't you dare to fight with me? Then I will kill all your men."

Speaking of that, the white-haired beast venerable directly rushed into the tens of thousands of troops in Nantian City and took a bold shot.

I saw him swept across with a hand knife, and the blades rushed for thousands of feet. Thousands of soldiers in battle armor standing in front of him were cut into two pieces.

He immediately shook dozens of soldiers with a backhand palm, and then jumped up and stepped a soldier directly into the ground.

The white-haired beast was like a tiger entering the flock, and a large number of soldiers were killed and injured when they raised their hands. In just five breaths, tens of thousands of soldiers from Nantian City were directly killed by him.


The commanders of the army were shocked. They had never seen such a powerful and vigorous person, who had smashed the army with their own strength.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw for me!"

Several warlords directly ordered the retreat, how can this be fought?

"It's late, just die for me!"

The White-haired Beast Master roared, and directly rushed towards a warrior. Wherever he passed, it was like a giant elephant running wildly, all the soldiers in the way were knocked into flight.

He directly rushed to the front of the warlord, raised the knife and dropped it, and with a hand knife, the head of the warlord flew up.

The White-haired Beast Venerable came to the world like a peerless killer, killing an army of tens of thousands of people in ten days before breathing.


The soldiers in Nantian City were defeated, and the remaining soldiers had been scared and fled.

The white-haired beast took a deep breath, and his whole body's vitality swelled in his body like a raging sea, powerful vitality fluctuations blasted from his body, and the surroundings suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dark.

"Ten kills of the Heavenly Sword, the first kill, the wind and cloud kill!"

At this moment, Mo Tianyi exhaled, and the next moment, a sword aura like a violent storm rushed out of him, slashing towards the white-haired beast.

With Mo Tianyi as the center, within a radius of several thousand feet, it was like being blown by a storm, a mess, and the ground was covered with dense sword marks.

The powerful sword aura couldn't hurt the white-haired beast noble.

In the place where the white-haired beast was, everything was stretched, but except for the surrounding trees, it was also shattered by the storm-like sword energy.

These two guys are half a catastrophe, it is hard for anyone to win anyone, and it is difficult to tell the winner.

At this time, Mo Tianyi's heart was dripping blood, but this was the Tiannan fighters he had cultivated so hard that he had been beaten to pieces today.

"You die for me!"

Mo Tianyi roared frantically and shot again at the White-haired Beast Venerable.

The powerful kendo power exploded, and every sword light tore through the void of heaven and earth.

However, a beam of divine light emerged from the body of the white-haired beast venerable, which actually blocked all the sword light from the chopping.

"this is……"

Mo Tianyi was shocked inexplicably.

Even the people who watched the battle were stunned. The white-haired beastmaster had cultivated such supernatural powers, wouldn't it be invincible in the world?

As strong as Mo Tianyi, the sword master of the Southern Sky Sword Sect was unable to break through the defenses of the White-haired Beast Venerable. This is really incredible. If it weren't for seeing it with their own eyes, no one would believe it.

Especially Mo Tianyi's Heavenly Sword Ten Kills, is a martial arts top technique he created by himself.

This is a quasi-extreme-level exercise. In the human world, the supreme can't come out. This is already the top-level exercise.

This was only the first kill among the ten kills of the Heavenly Sword, and it was still a starting type, but its power was earth-shattering.

However, such a powerful ultimate move could not help the White-haired Beast Venerable, which made him startled and angry. This is his strongest ultimate move!

Gu Fei saw this scene in the distance, but shook his head. This Mo Tianyi's sword is still a little worse. If he can understand it, he can reach the sky in one step.

He didn't want to point Mo Tianyi to practice sword.

At this time, the two powerhouses fought again, but this time, they were desperate.

However, the white-haired beastmaster possessed almost invincible supernatural powers, no matter how Mo Tianyi attacked, he couldn't break the guy's defense, making Mo Tianyi extremely angry.

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