Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4243: Swallow

After Gu Fei slapped the half-ancestor Leng Dian of the Celestial Clan to death, he swallowed the power of Leng Dian, and his cultivation was finally restored to the realm of the nobles.


The shackles in Gu Fei's body were broken, and an extremely terrifying aura of the Holy Path came out of him. The next moment, a monstrous swallowing power emerged from his body.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback, but he quickly understood.

His cultivation has just returned to the realm of the saints, and he needs a huge amount of vitality to fill the empty martial arts. Therefore, the martial arts is actually swallowing the surrounding heaven and earth essence on its own.

This was a predatory devouring. The countless monks around him could not help but flew towards Gu Fei, and they were about to be swallowed by Gu Fei.

Even Gulin and the others are struggling to support it.

Gu Fei didn't want to slaughter all the creatures in this southern sky city to condense the martial arts of the saint.

He looked towards the sky, and saw that in the starry sky, there were densely packed with alien beasts. He had an idea, and then directly rose into the sky and rushed towards the starry sky.

At this time, the devouring force that came out of him became stronger, and the surrounding void couldn't bear it, and there appeared a series of dark space cracks.

"this is……"

Mo Tianyi and the White-haired Beast Venerable were shocked when they saw Gu Fei.

The spirits of the ten directions gathered towards Gu Fei like crazy. At this time, his martial arts had just returned to the realm of the saints, and the heaven and earth auras he needed were absolutely massive.

At this time, countless alien beasts from outside the sky were enveloped by the swallowing power that swept away from Gu Fei's body. Clouds of blood mist.

The essence of the alien beast outside the sky was all swallowed by Gu Fei.

I saw every alien beast from outside the sky exploded into blood mist at the same time, a divine light rushed out from the blood mist, rushed towards Gu Fei, and sank into his body.


"What is he doing?"

"Magic Dao, this is the devil Dao's behavior!"

It is a big taboo in any world to improve one's own cultivation at the cost of the lives of sentient beings, because such an existence can do whatever it takes to improve the cultivation.

This will arouse public anger.

The people of the magic way are unscrupulous, regard all beings as ants, harvest the life essence of all beings to improve cultivation.

Therefore, the devil is the enemy.

Now, the methods that Gu Fei used were truly amazing. They could plunder the lives and essence of creatures to improve their cultivation. This made everyone's heart palpitating.

At this time, countless alien beasts from outside the sky were pulled by Gu Fei's swallowing power and flew towards him.

"you dare!"

When the white-haired beast venerable saw this, his eyes were red. These were all his subordinates, his army, as the beast venerable in the outside world, this countless army of alien beasts was a weapon in his hand, and he attacked the city. Big site.

"Haha, why don't I dare, what can you do to me?"

Gu Fei laughed. At this time, his cultivation had returned to the realm of the nobles. In this human world, where the power of Heaven's Punishment exists, he no longer needs to care about anyone.

"go to hell!"

The White-haired Beast Master was furious, and a terrifying beast shadow emerged from his body, and saw that beast shadow swooped directly at Gu Fei, and the entire world of the void collapsed directly under the beast shadow’s pounce. It shattered into a storm of destruction and swept towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei waited until the beast shadow culminated in front of him, then he shook his right hand and then punched it out.


Like the beating of a heavenly drum, Gu Fei's fist directly hit the head of the beast shadow that collided, and the fierce impact directly shattered the head of the beast shadow.

Gu Fei was motionless.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei's right arm shook, and the entire beast shadow was directly dissipated and dissipated in the void, and the terrifying storm of destruction that swept through was also punched with a huge gap by his punch.


When the White-haired Beast Venerable saw this, the shock was really no small thing, and the next moment, something even more shocking happened to him.

I saw that Gu Fei even swallowed all the scattered essence, even the terrifying storm of destruction, he couldn't let go of the essence of heaven and earth.

"Is this guy the legendary Sky Swallowing Beast?"

The white-haired beast muttered to himself.

At this time, countless alien beasts roared frantically, trying to break free of that swallowing power.

However, all this was in vain, countless alien beasts exploded outside Gu Fei's body and turned into blood mist, but the spirit and spirit were completely swallowed by Gu Fei.

As countless alien beasts were shattered and torn apart by the mighty devouring power from Gu Fei's body, the entire void was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The supernatural power of the White-haired Beast Venerable was broken, and he himself received a great shock, with a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

"Your opponent is me!"

Mo Tianyi roared, and directly drove the Black Crow Divine Sword to kill the White-haired Beast Venerable.


The sword sounded, and the sword light came across the sky, directly falling towards the white-haired beast.


The White-haired Beast Venerable directly left an afterimage on the spot, but his real body had already moved a thousand feet across in an instant.

Mo Tianyi's peerless sword light followed him like a shadow, and even if he slashed towards the white-haired beast, he had already locked on the white-haired beast.

At this time, no one took action to stop Gu Fei, and the devouring power that came out of him became stronger, and that power enveloped the entire starry sky.

In this way, those alien beasts from the outside world suffered.

Countless alien beasts from outside the sky, densely packed, all rushed towards Gu Fei. These alien beasts were not attacking Gu Fei, but all flew towards the terrifying figure without being helpless by the Lord.

Gu Fei was like a bottomless black hole, devouring the lives of alien beasts outside the sky.

Without any suspense, countless alien beasts from outside the sky fell, a large group, a large piece, all shattered in the void, in the end, one hundred thousand miles of starry sky, there was no other alien beast from outside.

Seeing this scene, the countless monks in Nantian City were all directly silly, they were all dumbfounded, and their eyes almost fell to the ground.

In Nantian City, the crows were silent and terrifying.

At this time, a huge blood cell appeared in the sky, which was formed by the blood mist of countless alien beasts outside the sky, and a peculiar and powerful sacred aura spread from the blood cell.

Hundreds of thousands of alien beasts became Gu Fei's source of strength.

There was a gap in the formation surrounding the original ancestor star, and the alien beasts that were 100,000 miles around the southern sky city were directly killed.

However, this is only the battle situation on the southern side of Primordial Ancestral Star. To the east, west and north, there are still countless alien beasts blocking the three major entrances and exits of Primordial Ancestral Star.

The war continues.


The eyes of the White-haired Beast Venerable were red, like crazy, desperately pushing back Mo Tianyi, and then directly showing the original shape, and then roared, rushing towards the huge blood ball.

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