Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4244: Nantianmen

No one thought that Gu Fei would swallow the vitality of hundreds of millions of alien beasts with his own power, and resolve the crisis in Nantian City.

At this time, a huge blood cell was suspended in the void, and the destruction electric light flashed and wandered around the blood cell, and an unimaginable power wave spread from the blood cell.


Everyone was shocked and inexplicable, and no one could imagine how powerful the person who swallowed hundreds of millions of alien beasts was.

That's the hundreds of millions of alien beasts outside the sky, all the family of the White-haired Beast Venerable.

This is a monstrous force that can block the star field and conquer the entire life ancestor, but this force is planted here.


While everyone was shocked, the white-haired beast sovereign seemed to be crazy, showing its original form, and rushing towards Gu Fei.

That was the most direct attack. The alien beast transformed by the white-haired beast directly hit the blood cell, and the whole blood cell exploded in the next moment.

In the endless blood, a figure appeared, and his right hand was directly pressed on the head of the beast.

Although the white-haired beastmaster was powerful, his body was extremely powerful, but it was a pity that he met Gu Fei, so this guy was sadly reminded.

Seeing Gu Fei's hand blocking the charge of the White-haired Beast Venerable, Mo Tianyi and others were shocked.

"Yeah! It's not bad to fight the quasi-superior."

Gu Fei tested how far his strength went. This beast lord was quasi-supreme, peerlessly powerful, but he blocked it with one hand.


The white-haired beastmaster kept roaring and exerted his strength desperately.

Knowing, no matter how cruel he was, he couldn't shake Gu Fei.


At this moment, there was a trembling sound from the body of the White-haired Beast Venerable.

In the next moment, Gu Fei felt the sky shake for a while, and then he realized that he had entered another void.

"The power of the field?"

Gu Fei said calmly.

"Little guy, I will turn you into nothingness."

The voice of the white-haired beastmaster came over.

"Turn me into nothingness?"

Gu Fei didn't take it seriously. Since his debut, he has experienced countless lives and deaths and is still alive.

The powerful force of emptiness broke out, and the emptiness around Gu Fei's body directly turned into nothingness, but Gu Fei was not affected in any way.


The white-haired beast is shocked.

He did not believe in evil, and once again urged the power of the void domain, but the result was the same, but he knew why Gu Fei was not affected.

Divine light emerged from Gu Fei's body, blocking the power of nothingness.

"What magical powers are you?"

The white-haired orc gritted his teeth and said.


Gu Fei only uttered two words. The next moment, an immortal divine light rushed out of his chest, and the immortal divine light directly penetrated the realm void.

Then, the entire nihility realm began to collapse.

Since the training, no one can break through the nihility realm, but today it was broken, completely broken, which made it difficult for the white-haired beast venerable to accept it.

The domain of the White-haired Beast Venerable completely collapsed, and his beast body also shattered into the void immediately.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he immediately swallowed the power of the White-haired Beast Venerable. This was a quasi-extreme power. The moment this power entered the body, he could feel the power in his body increasing rapidly.


After turning nine times, Gu Fei shook his body, as if something had been broken.

In the next moment, nine Dao patterns emerged on Gu Fei's body.

A generation of Beast Venerables fell like this, fulfilling Gu Fei, but lost his life.

"Master... awesome..."

In Nantian City, on the square, Zhao Hao looked up at this scene, his eyes flickering.

"Father's cultivation..."

Gu Inspiration should have reached Gu Fei's cultivation base, but he frowned. You must know that when his father set foot on the ancient human road, he was almost invincible in the world.

Yan'er and Meng Long also looked at the scene in the sky in shock.

"Is the original ancestor going to change the sky?"

Some old antique-level experts stared at the extremely powerful figure in the sky, but their expressions were a little complicated.

If Gu Fei was fighting for the hegemony of the original ancestor, there would be many dead people.

At this time, Gu Feipan was sitting in the void, and the voice of the Great Dao came from his body.


Everyone was shocked to the extreme. Some people directly empowered them, and directly resolved the shackles of cultivation, and then broke through to a new realm and gained new strength.

Even the saints have benefited a lot.

Soon, Gu Fei's cultivation level was completely stabilized.

"Is the Lord Beginner?"

Gu Fei smiled, he was very satisfied with the result.

What about the novice sage, he can still kill the quasi-sovereign ancestors with one punch.

The first demon of the ancestor of the year was too cruel. At the cost of his life, Gu Fei entered the cycle of reincarnation, cutting off his invincible cultivation base.

Even Gu Fei's eternal body was almost completely cut off from the eternal power and became a mortal body.

Fortunately, Gu Fei's heart and breastbone still contained eternal divinity, which allowed him to gradually restore the eternal body, but it was not easy to fully restore the eternal body.

Even so, Gu Fei's martial art is stronger than the quasi-superior-level divine body, and his martial art has an eternal and indestructible divinity.

Gu Fei stopped, then stood up.

He took one step and returned to the square of Nantian City in an instant.

"It's time to find the Celestial Clan to settle the account."

Gu Fei came to the front of his daughter Gu Ling, then waved his big sleeve, and directly took Gu Ling and others into the inner world.

He directly communicated to Yan'er.

Soon, Yan'er came out to take Gulin and the others into the valley.

At this time, Gu Fei came to the Nantian Gate on the square.

There is a stone gate, but it is a passage to the original ancestor star. After the guardian array of the original ancestor star is opened, everyone, even the quasi-supreme, can only enter the original ancestor star through the four heavenly gates.

"What is he going to do?"

At this time, countless pairs of eyes were staring at Gu Fei, this is a peerless ruthless person who wiped out hundreds of millions of alien beasts with one hand, everyone was anxious when he saw him coming.

Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the stone gate, then closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

Then, under everyone's stunned gaze, Gu Fei pushed open the Nantian Gate, then walked in one step, and disappeared inside the Nantian Gate.


Even Mo Tianyi, the city lord of the Nantian City, couldn't believe it, that Gu Fei actually pushed open the Nantian Gate, it was too easy, it was like a dream.

Mo Tianyi once tried to open the Nantian Gate when it was closed, but in the end it all failed.


At this time, the people of the Celestial Clan in the city suddenly woke up, and Gu Fei entered the Primitive Ancestor Star. Naturally, he was looking for the Celestial Clan to settle accounts!

Thinking of this, those of the Celestial Clan couldn't sit still.

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