Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4245: Find yourself dead

Because of Gu Fei's action, the crisis in Nantian City was temporarily resolved, but the entire original ancestor star was still in the midst of wind and rain.

East Tianmen, Xitianmen, and Beitianmen are all surrounded by other alien beasts.

This time, it was not only the white-haired Beast Venerable that made the move. It was absolutely impossible to conquer the entire primitive ancestor star with only one Beast Venerable.

On the surface, the four great alien beasts have joined forces to attack the original ancestor star, but who knows how many beasts are involved behind this.


With a loud noise, the East Heaven City was breached, the Lord of the East Heaven City died in battle, and the East Heaven Gate fell into the hands of the Heavenly Beast Venerable Heavenly Jiao Beast Venerable.

The West Sky City and the North Sky City are still struggling to support.

However, Gu Fei directly entered the original ancestor star no matter how many.

At this time, all the major forces of the Primordial Ancestral Star were preparing for battle, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. You must know that if the alien beasts invaded the Primordial Ancestor Star, there would be many dead people.

Primitive Ancestor Star, Southern Territory, among the ancestors of the Celestial Clan, the clan leader of the Celestial Clan was furious. In one day, he lost the Scarlet Brow Sovereign and the two half ancestors of the Yinfeng Cold Electricity. For the whole family, it is also an irreparable loss.

Especially the fall of the two half-ancestors, Yinfeng and Lengdian, made the clan leader of the heaven and human race almost crazy.

Outside the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan, is an ancient city, the Celestial City.

In the Celestial City, invite Yue upstairs, alone, a pot of wine, drinking in the opposite moon.

However, the No.1 lounge in the Moon Tower is well-deserved. Here, you can overlook the whole city from the bottom, and you can raise a glass to invite the moon from the top.

However, the huge private room can seat more than a dozen people, but now there is only one person in black who is pouring and drinking, and it seems a little deserted.

At this moment, there was the sound of footsteps outside, and a group of people came to the door.

Then, a man opened the door and walked in.

"whats the matter!"

Gu Fei frowned and asked, the person who came in was the waiter here.

"This... can you change to a private room?" the waiter said embarrassedly.

"No change!"

Gu Fei directly refused.


At this moment, someone outside the door kicked the door open and strode in.

"I told you to **** off, but I don't know how to exaggerate and look for death!" The leader is a young man, this young man is extremely arrogant.

Behind this young man followed five or six young monks with the same appearance.

"Young Master Chu, why bother to have a general knowledge of this guy? Just blast him away."

A young man said disdainfully.

"Yes, you can't let this guy who didn't know what kind of ravine broke our interest in drinking and watching the moon." Another young man gave Gu Fei a contemptuous look.

"Hurry up, do you really want us to ask you to go?"

A chunky young man said coldly.

"Have you finished talking?"

At this time, Gu Fei looked up, and indifferently swept these people like a group of dudes!

If it hadn't been for blocking the alien beast outside the Nantian Gate, the southern region of the original ancestor star would have long since turned into a **** of Shura.

"What kind of attitude do you dare to underestimate us?"

The short, fat young man stared, and a murderous aura leaked from him.

"Kill, throw a mass grave outside the city to feed the wild dogs!"

The leading Chu Shao said with a gloomy face.

"Hey, okay, Young Master Chu!"

The short, fat young man showed a hideous expression.


Gu Fei was angry. It seemed that these guys weren't any kind of good people. They actually regarded human life as horrible. It was too cold-blooded.

Fortunately, it was me today. If I changed to someone else, wouldn’t I be beaten to death by these guys and thrown into the grave to feed the wild dogs?

"Boy, you are unlucky today, accept your fate!"

The fat man walked up with a grin.

"Accept fate?"

Gu Fei smiled, his white teeth seemed to glow.

"At this moment, I still laugh, I really admire you."

A young man said with a smile.

At this moment, the fat man drew a soft sword from his body, and then cut it towards Gu Fei's neck.

The next moment, the fat man's smile froze on his face.

Everyone looked at Gu Fei in shock.

I saw Gu Fei actually pinched the fat man's sword edge.


The leader of Chu was rare, and his face became serious.

The next moment, Gu Fei stretched out his finger and flicked the sword, and the artifact broke into pieces directly, and the fragments shot towards Chu Shao and others.

The first to bear the brunt is the fat man holding the sword.


The fat man's body was directly shot through by the debris, and blood splashed.

The power of those fragments was so great that even people like Chu Shao couldn't escape. They were shot directly, and the screams suddenly sounded, and the smell of blood filled.

"Do you know who I am, do you dare to hurt me?"

Chu Shao gritted his teeth when a fragment shot through his left chest.

In the field, only he could stand, and all the others fell, struggling painfully on the ground.


Gu Fei shook his head, these guys are just as good as they are, but they have no real ability.


Shao Chu was shocked and angry, the other party simply ignored him, and didn't put himself in his eyes at all!

"You got into trouble!"

At this time, a voice rang in Gu Fei's head, and the next moment a middle-aged man walked in from outside.

"He is a young man of the Chu Clan, the Chu Clan is a vassal of the Celestial Clan on the original ancestor."

The middle-aged man continued to explain.

It turned out that it was no wonder that Young Chu was so arrogant. Behind this guy was the entire Chu family.

The Chu family was the most powerful race under the Celestial Clan. Chu Shao was domineering and did not put anyone in his eyes.

But now, Chu Shao had to admit that Gu Fei was really strong, so powerful that he could not imagine.

"Even if the patriarch of the Celestial Clan is here, I will kill them all."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

Hearing Gu Fei's words, the middle-aged man and Chu Shao were shocked and inexplicable.

"Send you on the road!"

Gu Fei waved his hand as he spoke. The next moment, Chu Shao's whole body exploded, turning into a cloud of blood and dissipating in the void.

This invincible Young Master Chu died without even making a scream.

"I can't blame others for killing myself!"

Gu Fei shook his head, killing these dudes, there was really no sense of accomplishment.


Seeing Gu Fei really killed Chu Shao, the middle-aged man was also taken aback for a while, then turned around and left.

At this time, the waiter who invited Yuelou had already trembling all over, looking at Gu Fei in horror.

Gu Fei didn't let these dudes off, he stood up, and then stepped on all these guys to death one by one.


The waiter was even more frightened and collapsed to the ground, shivering.

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