Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4275: Five Elements Real Body

The Extreme Heaven Sect’s Extreme Divine Land is a forbidden area of ​​the Extreme Heaven Sect. If outsiders enter without invitation, they will be killed directly.

No one has ever dared to trespass into the extremely sacred land of Extreme Heaven Sect.

"You want immortality medicine? Impossible!"

The strong man of Extreme Heaven Sect said coldly.

"What, that's the ancestor medicine of my clan, do you want to grab it?"

Tianming Banzu said angrily.

"What grabbing!" The strong man of the Extreme Heaven Sect was unhappy: "The Immortal Ancestral Medicine has spirits, and you can choose the master by yourself. The Ancestral Medicine flies by yourself. Who is the blame?"

"You fart, my clan's ancestral medicine was stolen. Could it be the ghost of your Extreme Heaven Sect?"

Xuan Kui was like a raging fire, and pointed directly at the strong man of the Extreme Dao Tianzong and cursed.


Hearing this, the strong man from Extreme Heaven Sect was furious, then stretched out his right hand and grabbed Xuan Kui directly.

Xuan Kui felt that his body was tight, and he couldn't help but flew towards the strong man of Extreme Dao Tianzong, which shocked him inexplicably.


The old man of Tianyu sneered, grabbed Xuankui by the collar, and pulled Xuankui back.

"Fuck me all."

The strong man of Extreme Heaven Sect said angrily.

"Hand over my family's ancestor medicine, we pat our buttocks and leave."

The big clan of Tianyu coldly said staring at the strong man of Extreme Dao Tianzong.

"If we don't hand over our family's ancestral medicine, we will not give up!"

Half Ancestor Xuan Kui gritted his teeth and said.

"No one has ever dared to be presumptuous in front of my Fanyu. If you don't want to die, just get out, or else, I'll send you on the road." The voice of the strong man from the Extreme Heaven Sect became cold.

Fan Yu, the guardian of the Extreme Dao Divine Land of the Extreme Heaven Sect, his cultivation base is extremely powerful.

"Really, then we will be presumptuous today, what can you do to me?"

Lao Tianyu, a great clan of heaven and humans, stared at Fan Yu solemnly and said.

At this time, Gu Ling had already arrived nearby and saw all this in his eyes.

"That fellow Yuan Gu is really disgusting."

Gu Ling was shocked. Proterozoic wanted to fight a battle between the heaven and the human race and the extreme heaven sect, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Yuan Gu wanted to pit everyone.

At this time, the entire Primordial Ancestral Star was surrounded by aliens outside the sky, and the crisis of the original Ancestral Star still existed, but because of the existence of the guardian formation, the aliens outside the sky still had difficulty attacking the original Ancestral Star.

Moreover, the superpowers on the original ancestors are not easy to provoke.

The Yuan Gu's intentions were sinister, and Gu Ling felt terrified.

The great clan of the heavens and humans, the old Tianyu and the four and a half ancestors were murderous, and the powerhouse Fanyu of the Extreme Heaven Sect opposite them also exploded with a powerful murderous aura.

The two sides are at war, and the battle is about to start.

For the ancestral medicine, the celestial clan Lao Tianyu will not hesitate to fight, even if the opponent is the first power in the Central Territory, Ji Dao Tianzong, do not hand in the ancestral medicine, then fight!

"If you want to fight, you will fight. Since my debut, Fanyu, who is afraid of coming?"

Fanyu glanced at the elders of the Celestial Clan, and said with disdain.


The Celestial Clan yelled, and immediately took a step forward, and instantly forced him in front of Fanyu. At the same time, his fist had already been punched.

Fanyu only felt that a fist was getting bigger in his own eyes.

It seemed an ordinary punch, but it shocked Fanyu.


The palms of the fists intersected, and there was a dull crashing sound. The next moment, Fan Yu flew upside down, with a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

But the big clan elders of the Celestial Clan are not moving like a mountain.

With this move, the judgment was made. Although Fanyu was a strong man in the Supreme Heavenly Sect, but the great celestial clan Lao Tianyu was an ancestor.

In the primitive ancestor star, the ancestor is the quasi-superior, and the half-ancestor is the holy.

No matter how strong Fanyu is, he is always just a half-ancestor, and he can block the punch of the ancestor Tianyu, which is already very impressive.

"Huh! Let you see how good I am!"

Fanyu reached out his hand to touch the blood on the corner of his mouth, staring at the ancestor Tianyu, his gaze became sharper.

The next moment, Na Fanyu smashed something directly, and then his eyes turned red, and his eyes gradually became frantic.

A monstrous wave of power erupted from Fanyu's body, and Fanyu's upper body directly shattered, revealing his strong upper body.


Lao Tianyu, a great clan of heaven and humans, couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene.

Fanyu's cultivation level broke through to the Quasi-Supreme Realm, and he forcibly entered the Quasi-Supreme Realm. How did he do it? Is this the secret technique of the Extreme Heaven Sect?

Seeing this scene, Gu Ling, who was watching the play, was also a little moved.

This kind of secret technique can actually make Fanyu break through the shackles of cultivation, although it is temporary, it is also very remarkable.

"Succumb to death!"

Fan Yu roared, and immediately slaughtered the great clan of Heaven and Human, Tianyu.

"It's you who died!"

Tian Yu sneered and moved, and immediately culled forward.


The two figures collided in an instant, the violent power burst out instantly, the mighty power wave shook the sky and the earth, and clouds of smoke rose from the ground.

Tianyu and Fanyu moved quickly in the void, constantly shooting, and with each blow, they shattered the void of heaven and earth, directly piercing the heaven and earth.

The destructive power of the Quasi-Supreme-level battle is amazing, but the Extreme Divine Land of the Extreme Heaven Sect is guarded by a large formation, even the Quasi-Supreme can hardly shake it.

At this time, all the nearby people avoided far away.

At the time when Tianyu and Fanyu were fighting, over a valley in the Divine Land of Extreme Dao, the formation plate released by the old Tianyu of the big clan was suspended in the void.

Below the formation was the Divine Phoenix Immortal Potion trapped in the valley by the formation.

Seeing this ancestral medicine rushing from left to right in the valley, it just couldn't escape.

The news that an ancestral medicine appeared in the Divine Land of the Extreme Dao had already been passed back to the Extreme Heaven Sect. This surprised and delighted the Sect Master of the Extreme Heaven Sect. It was an ancestral medicine!

Immortal Ancestral Medicine, even the Supreme Dao Supreme will be jealous, how can the Supreme Dao Tianzong hand it out so easily?

This battle is inevitable,


At this moment, there was a scream from above the sky. The next moment, a divine light broke through the void and rushed out, and several figures appeared.

The powerhouse of the heaven and human race has finally arrived.

The powerful aura filled every inch of the void, and five powerful figures appeared in the world.

At this time, the four and a half ancestors were attacking the guardian formation of Jidao Divine Land.


Balls of fireballs were like Shenyang falling from the sky, directly blasting on the layer of light formed by the power of the guardian formation.

Xuan Kui is making a move. He is the Holy Physique of Fire, peerlessly powerful, and can draw the sky and burn the sky and boil the sea in a moment of thought.

However, the sky fire failed to shake the guardian formation of Jidao Divine Land.

"I come!"

Tianming Banzu shot, the next moment, the earth burst out of endless earth energy, those earth energy, turned into a terrifying and powerful dragon shadow rushing towards the guardian array of Jidao Divine Land.

The intensive impact sounded immediately.

The great dragons collapsed and scattered in the void, but the guardian formation of the Extreme Dao Divine Earth remained motionless.

"What a strong formation!"

Gu Ling couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene from the side.


At this time, the four and half of the ancestors joined forces, and the four powers collided with each other, madly increasing, the terrifying power directly shook the world, and finally shook the guardian array of Jidao Divine Land.


This force blasted fiercely on the layer of divine light that enveloped the entire extremely realm.

That layer of divine light immediately rippled like water waves, and countless array patterns were intertwined on top of divine light, evolving into mysterious and ancient arrays.

The mighty power fluctuations caused the creatures in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles to sense this kind of fluctuation.

In the sky above Jidao Divine Land, the wind and clouds change color, and the sun and the moon are dull.

"Tian Ming, do you want to help?"

The five powerhouses of the Celestial Clan arrived at the same time, which made Fanyu nervous.

"Nonsense, don't you come and help?"

Tianming Banzu said anxiously.

The Five Elements battle formation is still one person short, otherwise, it will not only shake the guardian formation.


A man walked out of the five, and saw that this man was tall and mighty, but his body was filled with a feminine breath.

In the next moment, the Five Elements Divine Body finally came together.


The five powerhouses joined forces and the power of the five elements exploded. The five figures disappeared. One figure appeared in the void, and a breath of peerless horror erupted from this body.

The five ancestors such as Tian Ming disappeared and turned into one person.

"Five Elements True Body!"

The person moved, and instantly disappeared into the void.


With a loud noise, the man appeared in front of the divine light guarding the great formation, and saw that one of his fists had actually penetrated the divine light.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked inexplicably.

Five and half of the ancestors are united, and the five elements transformed into one are so strong that they can smash the world with every gesture.

"Drive me!"

The real body of the Five Elements roared, and his arm shook, and that layer of divine light instantly shattered, and a big hole appeared.

The real body of the five elements rushed directly into the realm of the ultimate realm.


Seeing the real body of the Five Elements broke into the extremely realm of God, Fanyu almost went crazy.

The Five Elements True Body rushed directly towards the valley where the Undead Ancestral Medicine was located.

However, the next moment, there was a burst of exclamation in that direction, and a powerful wave of power came out from it, and from time to time I saw dazzling divine light rushing out.

The five elements are in one, the world is invincible.

This is a secret technique in the Extreme Heaven Sect. This kind of secret technique is against the sky, and the power of the five half ancestors can be combined to form a quasi-superior ancestor.

If the five great ancestors are one, then one supreme can be transformed into one.

The Supreme Dao Tianzong once used the five elements to fight against the Supreme Dao.

Of course, this kind of secret technique can gain powerful power, but it has to pay a certain price.

After this battle, the five elements disappeared, and the five figures reappeared. The five strong men looked very weak, as if a gust of wind could blow them down.

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