Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4276: Fireball from Heaven

The five elements of the Celestial Clan are extremely powerful, and with a single punch they blasted a big hole in the divine light transformed by the power of the guardian formation of the Extreme Divine Land.

The five elements are one, and the world is invincible. This sentence has been circulating in the original ancestral eastern region for endless years.

That day, the five and a half ancestors of the human race directly merged together and turned into a five-element celestial being. This five-element celestial being is peerlessly powerful and can attract the power of the world and the five elements at will.

The combat power of the Five Elements Heaven is infinitely close to the extreme realm.

However, when the Five Elements God-man broke into the valley where the ancestor medicine of the Celestial Clan was located, they encountered big trouble.

Because the entire valley was enveloped by a major formation, the Five Elements Heavenly Man directly broke into the great formation, and saw an ancestor dragon attacking and killing the Five Elements Heavenly Man directly from all directions.

This is the Ten Thousand Dragons Killing Array, which uses the power of the array to attract the essence of the heavens and the earth, transforming into Ancestral Dragons, and directly bombard and kill the creatures that have broken into the array.

The Five Elements Heavenly Man directly broke into this Ten Thousand Dragon Killing Array, and was immediately surrounded by countless ancestral dragons. The next moment, countless ancestral dragons directly rushed towards the Five Elements Heavenly Man.

In the valley, the undead ancestor medicine hid aside, watching the amazing scene above the valley in horror.

This undead medicine is shaped like a nine-day divine phoenix. It has the meaning of autonomy and can escape in danger.

This Immortal Phoenix Medicine, like Gu Fei's Immortal Ancestral Dragon Medicine, is the rarest and rarest undead medicine in the world, and the Undead Medicine is the only one.

Apart from this immortal Divine Phoenix medicine, there is no other immortal Divine Phoenix medicine in this world.


The Five Elements devas roared again and again, he was in big trouble, and soon, this Five Elements devas was forced to retreat by the Wanlong Killing Array.

The power generated by the self-detonation of the ancestral dragons is too powerful, and the general quasi-superior who breaks into the Wanlong Killing Array will be directly destroyed by the Wanlong Killing Array.

However, these five elements are extraordinary.

Even though the Five Elements devas existed like heaven, this Ten Thousand Dragon Killing Array was even more terrifying, and the Ten Thousand Dao Long Shadows directly pressed down on the Five Elements Devas.


The void was directly obliterated, and the Five Elements Celestial Man who was the first to bear the brunt broke into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.


The blood mist shattered directly into the void and fled away instantly.

The next moment, a figure appeared outside the valley, and a group of divine light burst out of this person, and the figure instantly turned into five people.

Tian Ming and others appeared in the void.

I saw a trace of blood oozing out of the corners of their mouths, and all of them were pale, and they looked weak and weak, as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

At this time, the battle between the elders of the Tianyu clan and Fanyu of the Extreme Immortal Sect had reached the most intense stage.



The dull impact sound resembled the roar of sky thunder, shaking all directions.

The powerful pressure and combat power of the quasi-superior class has devastated the nearby heaven and earth.

At this time, there are constantly strong presences nearby, and these are big figures with faces on the original ancestors who have been alarmed by this battle.

There are also some super old antiques.

However, these people are just watching and have no plans to make a move.


At this moment, a sound like a muffled thunder suddenly rang out from the depths of Jidao Divine Land, and then, powerful figures appeared in the sky.

"Extreme Warriors?"

Dazu Lao Tianyu was taken aback, and saw that countless Jidao soldiers formed a battle formation.

Shocking murderous aura filled every inch of void.


These fifty thousand Jidao war soldiers passed from the sky like a group of dark clouds, and the mighty terrifying coercion made the saints panic to the extreme.

When Tian Ming and the others saw that Ji Dao warrior actually killed them, their surprise was truly extraordinary.


Without even thinking about it, Tian Ming and the others fled straight away. There were originally four of them. Later, there were five strong people, who were nine and a half ancestors.

And now, the ninth and a half ancestors of the Tianren clan were forced to escape by fifty thousand Jidao warriors.


Seeing this, the Tianyu clan of the Celestial Clan could not help being shocked and angry. Those high-level people in the Extreme Heavenly Sect were really stupid.

Extreme Heaven Sect, as the number one power in the Central Territory, only this kind of mountain gate can cultivate an invincible and powerful soldier.


At the moment Tianyu's ancestor was distracted, the opponent's fist had already hit his left shoulder fiercely. The next moment, the sound of broken bones came from his shoulder.

The ancestor Tianyu was smashed thousands of miles away by Fanyu's fist, his left arm hanging down, but soon, his left arm was intact, as if he had never been injured.

When the cultivation base reaches their state, a drop of blood can be reborn.

At this time, the fifty thousand Jidao war soldiers who chased Tian Ming and others directly disappeared at the end of the sky.

And that day, the Tianyu ancestor of the human clan and the Fanyu ancestor of the Extreme Heaven Sect were in the middle of nowhere. It was easier said than done to tell the winner! ?


The ancestor Tianyu was angry, and the terrifying power of the quasi-superior level erupted from his body, and the void around him immediately shook.

In the next moment, a powerful phantom rushed out of the ancestor Tianyu, and rushed directly at the ancestor Fanyu on the opposite side, at an extreme speed.

"what is this……"

The ancestor Fanyu was shocked when he saw this.


The ancestor Fanyu roared and fisted directly at the phantom that rushed towards him.

A cloud of divine light emerged from the fist of the ancestor Fanyu, like a round of divine sun, illuminating the whole world.

However, the phantom passed directly through the fist of the ancestor Fanyu, and immediately fell on the ancestor Fanyu.


In the next moment, the ancestor Fanyu exploded and turned into a cloud of blood, and even the primordial spirit collapsed into the void, and immediately disappeared.

"Fight with me? You can't live or die."

The ancestor of Tianyu said with disdain.

Gu Ling's eyes, who had been watching the battle from a distance, lit up. This ancestor Tianyu had a very powerful supernatural power. It was the first time she had seen such a method to kill with a ghost.

The ancestor Tianyu seemed to sense the existence of Gu Ling and turned to look in the direction where Gu Ling was.

However, the moment Tianyu ancestor looked towards Gu Ling, Gu Ling disappeared into the void and left directly.

At this time, there was an extremely shocking sound from the ancestral land of Extreme Heaven Sect, a long roar that shook the sky.

"Who would dare to kill my descendants!"

The old voice was not loud, but it spread all over the area of ​​100,000 miles.

"That guy in the Extreme Heaven Sect has recovered?"

Some powerful men of the older generation looked incomparably solemnly toward the direction of the sound.

"This original ancestor is going to be messed up again."

A strong man of the older generation sighed.

The fall of the ancestor Fanyu angered the Heavenly Sect of Jidao. It can be said that the Proterozoic succeeded in making the two rivals.

Soon, the powerhouses of the Extreme Dao Tianzong rushed directly towards the direction of the Extreme Dao Divine Land, but when the powers came to the Extreme Dao Divine Land, the ancestor Tianyu had already left.

Fifty thousand soldiers retreated.

"Heaven and human race, Tianyu, I will destroy you."

Sect Master of Extreme Heaven Sect roared.

The Celestial Clan will not be willing to give up, and will not let the Extreme Heaven Sect steal the Undead Ancestral Medicine.

And the Extreme Heaven Sect wanted to avenge Fanyu's ancestors. The two forces were destined to fight each other, and it was hard to say who won and who lost.

Soon, in the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan, a group of people who had been sitting on the boulder for an unknown period of time opened their eyes, and then stood up.

"After sitting for five hundred years, it's still a lot of hard work for nothing!"

This person stood up, and there was a burst of beans on his body.

"Ancestor Tiankun, the big thing is not good."

The great clan old Tianyu appeared in an extremely embarrassed manner in front of this ancestor named Tiankun.


The ancestor of Tiankun was shocked and inexplicable when he saw the old Tianyu of the big clan.

"what's going on?"

Asked the ancestor Tiankun.

The ancestor Tianyu then added to Gu Fei's affairs and spoke out.


After the ancestor Tiankun listened, he was directly moved.

I saw that Tianyu's hair was messy, his body was stained with blood, and bones were even exposed in some places. The powerful repairing power was gradually repairing his wounded body.

"Someone hurt you?"

The ancestor Tiankun was very surprised. You must know that although the cultivation level of the ancestor Tianyu is not as good as that of the ancestor Tianluo and he is not as good as himself, but in the entire Eastern Region, those who can defeat the ancestor Tianyu are very limited.

"I want to see how strong this Extreme Heaven Sect is."

Tiankun ancestors battle clothes like a rainbow.

He has been sitting for five hundred years, and although his cultivation hasn't broken through, he has somewhat benefited over the past five hundred years, and his physical body has been tempered and strengthened.

The number one power in the Central Plains, Extreme Heaven Sect, for the major forces in the Eastern Region, it was an absolutely powerful existence, and no one would be stupid enough to challenge Extreme Heaven Sect.

Among the ancestors of the heaven and human race, there are still people practicing in retreat in some special places.

Those are one of the best and powerful existences in the heaven and human race.

These people don't ask about world affairs, unless it is the Extreme Heaven Sect that will be destroyed when they are about to be destroyed, these talents will take action, usually they are unable to retreat.


At this moment, a muffled thunderous sound suddenly rang above the sky.

The two ancestors of Tiankun and Tianyu raised their heads fiercely, and the pupils of the ancestors of Tianyu immediately shrank. On the sky, countless fireballs appeared, and these fireballs directly blasted down towards the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan. .

The ancestor Tiankun stared at it and saw that there was a meteorite in the fireball.

When the meteorite rubbed against the air, it burned.

"Extreme Dao Tianzong shot so soon?"

The ancestor Tianyu was shocked and incomprehensible. He had just returned when the people of the Extreme Heaven Sect were killed, which shocked the ancestor Tianyu.

This Extreme Dao Tianzong is really powerful. The person who shot is definitely the quasi-supreme. You must know that not everyone can do this by means of meteorite drop.

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