Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4277: One person breaks the sky

The Tianyu ancestor of the Celestial Clan has just rushed back to the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan in the Eastern Region.

At this moment, another existence in the Celestial Clan, which was much stronger than the ancestor Tianyu, ended the retreat. In this way, the ancestor Tianyu was overjoyed.

However, at this moment, a group of divine fire fell from the sky, and a piece of meteorite fragment was wrapped in each divine fire.


The ancestor Tianyu raised his head fiercely and looked towards the sky.


A sound like a muffled thunder came from the sky, and the power of horror fluctuated vigorously in all directions, as if the whole world was about to collapse.


Just when the ancestor Tianyu was shocked and inexplicably shocked, the ancestor Kun took a step forward that day, and then blasted towards the countless divine lights that descended from the sky with a punch.


The whole world shook abruptly, and then every divine light exploded at the same time, and the dazzling divine light illuminated the entire world.

Just one punch blocked the powerful force that fell from the sky, which shocked everyone inexplicably.

"It's a little capable, no wonder the celestial and human race dare to break into my realm and kill my people."

At this time, a voice came from the sky.

The next moment, a figure fell from the sky like a meteorite.

With a sound of "Boom!", a figure stepped on the ground, and the ground under his feet immediately sank down, forming a big pit.

Outside the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan, a group of strong men were dumbfounded.

"Huh! Just use this guy to practice hands!"

The ancestor Tiankun said, supporting his feet, and pounced directly at the person who was walking out of the big hole step by step.


The strong people around were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

The guy who descended from the sky is not simple, but an ancestor of the Extreme Heaven Sect, and the ancestor Fanyu who died in the hands of the ancestor Tianyu was the ancestor of this ancestor.

"This guy……"

The ancestor of the Extreme Heaven Sect suddenly changed his expression when he saw the ancestor Tiankun slaughter him directly.

The next moment, he ran the profound arts frantically, and a layer of golden light appeared on his body immediately.

This ancestor of Extreme Heaven Sect suddenly became like a golden war god.

I saw the golden war-god take a deep breath, his whole body was actually bigger, every muscle was shaking, and he was releasing a powerful golden armor.


The two figures collided together instantly.

With a muffled sound, the entire arm of the golden war **** of the Supreme Dao Tianzong exploded, and the whole person flew more than ten feet upside down and fell to the ground.

"how is this possible……"

The three powerful figures that appeared above the sky couldn't help being moved when they saw this scene.

Xuanzang, the quasi-sovereign mid-level cultivation base, has the golden armored war **** art, bronze skin and iron bones, and the sword is difficult to damage.

However, this guy from the Celestial Clan just punched Xuanjiang's right arm and severely injured Xuanzheng.

Moreover, the guys of the Celestial Clan are only quasi-supreme and intermediate-level existences, and the cultivation base of the two should be between the first and second.

The combat power displayed by Tiankun, the ancestor of the Celestial Clan, directly suppressed the powerhouses of the Extreme Heaven Sect.

At this time, Tian Kun came to Xuan Zheng and looked down at him faintly.


Xuanjiang was panicked to the extreme, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Extreme Dao Tianzong, such a big name, but nothing more." Tiankun ancestor shook his head contemptuously.

"You are less proud, my elder brother will definitely avenge me."

Old Ancestor Xuanjiang stared at this nasty guy in front of him, gritted his teeth and said.

"You mean these guys? I'm going to kill them!" Tian Kun looked at the three ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect in the sky, killing them like a rainbow.

"The lunatic Tiankun of the original Ancestral Star Eastern Region?"

A gray-haired old man among the three ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect stood up, stared at Tian Kun, and said coldly.

"So this guy is that lunatic."

The face of a white-clothed young man beside the old man turned gloomy.

At this time, Tian Kun did not talk nonsense with Xuan Jiang anymore, and directly exploded Xuan Zheng's head with one foot.

"Don't blame me, just blame you Jidao Tianzong for doing too much."

Tian Kun said calmly.


The three ancestors of Jidao Tianzong were furious when they saw this.

"Set the battle formation and kill this guy!"

Xuanjiang was dead, and the two great powers of the Heavenly Dao Sect died in the hands of the people of the Celestial Clan. This is a blood feud, not shared.

The ancestor of the Extreme Heaven Sect waved his hand, and a battle army immediately appeared in the world. The terrifying killing and killing aura spread from this battle army, and everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

"Is this the heavenly army of the Primordial Ancestral Star Central Territory Extreme Heaven Sect?"

The strong man of the older generation exclaimed.

Extreme Heaven Sect is the number one force in the Primordial Ancestral Star Central Territory. It has an extremely powerful army under it. This army once swept the Middle Territory and laid a huge territory for the Extreme Heaven Sect.

I saw these soldiers wearing silver armor and armed with war spears, and the leader was a tall, mighty soldier.

There are not many tribes of the Heavenly Army, only three thousand, but where they stand quietly, it gives people the feeling of a thousand troops.


Before the 3,000 Celestial Army of the Extreme Dao Tianzong was launched, Tian Kun did not hesitate, and his feet slammed on the ground, like an ancient war elephant, directly rushing towards the 3,000 Celestial Army.

"Let go!"

The headed day will give the order immediately.

In the next moment, a rapid burst of air blasted through the sky, and a series of black sharp arrows pierced the sky and shot towards Tiankun who was rushing.


Tian Kun sneered, his hands danced, and the countless sharp arrows shot were immediately shook off by him, and he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes.

Some sharp arrows shook back, shooting wounds and killing dozens of Heavenly Soldiers of the Extreme Heaven Sect.


Seeing that Tian Kun couldn't stop Tian Kun, the other Tian Jiang immediately roared and changed.

In the next moment, dozens of silver-shining shields were erected by the soldiers, forming a shield formation in front.

When Old Ancestor Kun rushed there that day, dozens of war spears suddenly pierced the Ancestor Tiankun from the gap reserved in the shield.

The shield is silver, which can affect the eyesight of the enemy, and the war spear in the hands of soldiers is made of rare iron, which can directly pierce the void.

However, the ancestor Tiankun completely ignored the sharpness of the war spear and directly slammed into it.


With a loud noise, dozens of shields were immediately smashed, and the heavenly soldiers holding the shields screamed and were knocked off.

Those sharp war spears stabbed Tiankun ancestor's body without leaving a trace.

Tiankun, the ancestor of the Celestial Clan, left the pass, and one enemy thousands of troops directly rushed into the battle formation of the Extreme Heaven Sect.

The news that the four great ancestors of Jidao Tianzong led three thousand Jidao Heavenly Army to the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan spread, and the entire Eastern Region shook.

The eyes of countless strong men immediately attracted the past.

Some old antiques also jumped out and went to watch the battle.

And Tiankun, the ancestor of the Celestial Clan, who is known as the lunatic of the Eastern Region, actually blocked the four great ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect and the three thousand great ancestors, and killed the four great ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect. The ancestor of Xuanjiang.

The Celestial Clan actually dared to go to war with the Extreme Dao Tianzong, isn't this taking eggs to smash the stones and seeking death by themselves?

The vast majority of people are not optimistic about the Celestial Clan, nor are they optimistic about the lunatic Tiankun. You know, the Extreme Heaven Sect is the number one power in the Central Territory.

As the number one power in the Central Territory, the Supreme Heavenly Sect, a master like a cloud, is not imaginable by outsiders.

At this time, the people watching the battle around saw this scene, and they could no longer be described as shocked. This lunatic Tiankun actually shook the heavenly army with his own power.

This is an army composed of saints, well-trained, these three thousand heavenly soldiers are enough to contend with Quasi-Supreme.

But now, the lunatic Tiankun has entered this army alive.


He roared, a hand knife swept across, and the blades rushed for thousands of feet. The dozens of heaven soldiers in battle armor standing in front of him were cut into two pieces.

He immediately shook a dozen heavenly soldiers with a palm of his backhand, and then jumped up and stepped directly into the ground with one foot.

The ancestor of Tiankun entered the flock of sheep like a tiger, and when he raised his hands and feet, a large number of soldiers were killed and injured. In just five breaths, thousands of Heavenly Soldiers of the Extreme Heaven Sect were directly killed by him.


The remaining celestial general was shocked. He had never seen such a powerful and powerful person before, and he used his own strength to force the heavenly army of the Supreme Heavenly Sect.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw for me!"

The ancestors of the Three Great Dao Tianzong directly ordered the retreat.

"It's late, just die for me!"

The ancestor Tiankun roared, and a group of terrifying light of destruction erupted from his body, and all the creatures shrouded in this group of light were directly shocked into dust.

"Hugh is crazy!"

The ancestors of the Three Great Dao Tianzong joined hands to kill Tiankun.

The ancestors of these three great ancestors joined forces and finally blocked the Tiankun ancestor of the heaven and human race. The existence of the four great ancestors fought wildly.

The Tianyu ancestor of the Celestial Clan didn't make a move, just staring nervously at the four ancestors who were fighting.

The temperament of the ancestor Tiankun is different from that of ordinary people, and it is not without reason that he is called a lunatic.

At this time, the ancestor Tiankun was crazy to the extreme, and his eyes turned blood red, as if he really fell into the horror of madness.

And at this time, taking advantage of the three great ancestors to block the madman, the remaining Heaven General led the remaining Heavenly Soldiers and fled away.

Of the three thousand heavenly soldiers, there were only less than three hundred people left. This heavenly general's heart was dripping with blood. You must know that the price of cultivating a heavenly soldier is not affordable by ordinary forces.

"It is said that there is a lunatic among the heaven and human race, as expected."

Someone exclaimed.

The ancestor Tiankun has been sitting for five hundred years, but the crazy things he did are still remembered.

"This fellow Yuan Gu is really despicable."

Gu Ling also came near the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan, and when he saw the four great ancestors who were fighting, he couldn't help frowning.

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