Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4279: Waiting to be annihilated

Outside the ancestral land of the Heaven and Human race, the three great ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect each showed their magical powers, fighting endless battles with the ancestor of the Heaven and Human race who was called a lunatic.


The divine cauldron surrounded by nine divine phoenixes directly shattered the void, the power of the nine phoenixes shattered everything, and the aura of destruction swept in all directions.

This is the mighty power of the supreme treasure of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron of the Extreme Dao Tianzong, and the Jiuhuang Cauldron already has a trace of its own consciousness, encountering danger, instinctively releasing its power.

However, the ancestor Kun hit the Nine Phoenix Cauldron with another punch that day.


The Nine Phoenix Cauldron shook, and this ancient cauldron was smashed into the air by the ancestor of Tiankun. A fist mark was left on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

The ancestor Tiankun was wearing God's glove on his right hand. At this time, he was like possessing God's hand, and his combat power was extremely powerful.

Moreover, this is the result of God's gloves still sleeping.

The Jidao Daoqi, once awakened, will inevitably shake the world.

However, the human world cannot allow this kind of power to appear.


At the moment Tiankun ancestor fisted the Nine Phoenix Ding, a blade of light instantly slashed on his right arm.

Only a sound of metal collision was heard, and then the light of the knife that had slashed on the right arm of the ancestor Tiankun broke into pieces.

This is the ancestor Xuandao shooting, a blade of light collapsed, but countless blades are overwhelmingly slashing towards the ancestor Tiankun.

Every blade of light cut through the void of heaven and earth, as if it could kill everything.


The ancestor Tiankun sneered, and the next moment, a group of divine light emerged from him and enveloped him.

Countless knives slashed on this group of divine light, and they all shattered.

"this is……"

The three ancestors of Jidao Tianzong couldn't help being moved when they saw this scene.


At this time, the ancestor Tiankun stretched his right hand and directly grabbed the left arm of the ancestor Xuandao, and then pulled hard, actually tore off the left arm of the ancestor Xuandao.

There is no scene of splashing blood, the blood of Quasi-Supreme is locked in flesh and blood, and it will not be lost casually.

The ancestor Xuandao fled straight away, embarrassed.

At the same time, a black hole appeared above the ancestor Tiankun, and a force of swallowing the sky came out of the black hole, to swallow the ancestor Tiankun.

However, the ancestor Tiankun just punched out, the black hole in the sky was directly exploded, and a figure fell out of the void.

The ancestor of the sky-swallowing was a masterly and powerful through the cultivation of a sky-swallowing beast, but in the eyes of the ancestors of Tiankun, this sky-swallowing beast was just a vulnerable little guy.

"too strong."

At this time, the three great ancestors of the Heavenly Sect of Jidao realized that he underestimated this fellow of the Celestial Clan.

Given the cultivation base and combat power of this fellow Tian Kun, there are probably not many people in the Extreme Heaven Sect that can match him.

"You all go to die!"

The ancestor Tiankun roared frantically.

I saw that his right hand was like a phantom, grabbing at the three ancestors at the same time, and the three ancestors retreated violently, but it was still not fast enough for the Tiankun ancestor.

A dull impact sounded, and the three great ancestors of the Extreme Heaven Sect flew upside down at the same time. There was blood dripping in the air, and a **** smell permeated.

"This guy……"

Seeing this scene in the distance, Gu Ling couldn't help being a little funny. The ancestor Tiankun was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before, deliberately hiding his strength.

Now, this guy finally stopped hiding.


Quasi-Supreme Dacheng's power fluctuations erupted from Tiankun's body, and the entire world seemed to collapse, and countless dark spatial cracks appeared in the void.


The old ancestor of the Nine Phoenixs and others felt the power fluctuations that erupted from Tian Kun, and their expressions changed drastically.

Without any hesitation, the three big ancestors turned around and fled. This guy turned out to be a quasi-supreme master, how can he fight this?

"Want to escape? Can't escape!"

The ancestor of Tiankun directly sealed a place of heaven and earth.

The three great ancestors of the Heavenly Daoist Sect were immediately settled in the void, and they couldn't even move their fingers, and even their Taoists were also restrained.

"Quickly let us go."

The ancestor of the nine phoenixes was shocked and angry. Since his debut, no one has ever been able to restrain himself. Today is the first time, which makes him unbelievable.

"Cut, let you go? Is it possible?"

Old Ancestor Tiankun said with a sneer.

He is not so stupid, let these guys go, let these guys come back to trouble him again?

"Okay, let you go on the road."

The ancestor Tiankun said that he came to the front of the ancestor of the nine phoenixes, and directly cut the ancestor of the nine phoenixes in half with a hand knife, and even the soul was cut off.


Ancestor Tuntian and Ancestor Xuandao saw this scene, the shock was really extraordinary.


Ancestor Xuandao sweated on his forehead.

Patriarch Tiankun came directly to Patriarch Xuandao.

"Don't, don't kill me."

The ancestor Xuandao was really scared this time.

Gu Fei didn't say anything, but saw a wave of his right hand, and a sharp blade light immediately rushed out of his hand. The next moment, the ancestor Xuandao was also cut.

In just a few moments, two of the three ancestors of Extreme Heaven Sect were killed by Gu Fei.

Everyone who watched this scene was stunned, even Gu Ling was a little surprised, she never thought that Kun would actually dare to kill the ancestor of the Supreme Dao Tianzong this day.

You know, in this way, between the Celestial Clan and the Heavenly Sect of Extreme Dao, it has become a dead enemy.

"How dare you..., the heaven and human race are waiting to be annihilated!"

That Tuntian ancestor roared at Gu Fei.

"Well, before that, I will kill you first."

The ancestor Tiankun said calmly.

"No, no, don't kill me, as long as you don't kill me, I can promise you anything." After the ancestor Tuntian was fierce, he immediately persuaded.

"Aren't you asking me to wait for the clan to be annihilated?"

Gu Fei looked at Ancestor Tuntian and said with a smile.

"Just kidding, I'm kidding."

Tuntian ancestor said quickly.

"No jokes."

The ancestor Tiankun's face condensed, and with a wave of his right hand, the ancestor of the generation was cut off from the soul, and died.


Seeing Tiankun ancestors killing the three great ancestors of Extreme Dao Tianzong in succession, everyone was shocked and inexplicably.

The Yuan Gu's goal has been achieved, and the Celestial and Human race also know that this is the Yuan Gu's demon, but they have no choice at all in order to immortalize the ancestral medicine.

It's impossible for the Celestial Clan to just let the Heavenly Dao Sect occupy the Undead Ancestral Medicine.

"The heaven and human race dare to kill our ancestor, this race shouldn't exist anymore!"

An old voice came from the ancestral land of the Extreme Heaven Sect, and then the entire ancestral land of the Extreme Heaven Sect immediately became lively.

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