Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4280: Surging

The original ancestor star, which had been calm for hundreds of years, boiled again. First, the ancient road of human race opened, and the human races of other life ancestors came to the original ancestor star, breaking the peace of the original ancestor star.

Then there was the invasion of alien races outside the sky, countless alien beasts actually surrounded the entire original ancestor star, even the star field near the original ancestor star was the figure of alien beasts outside the sky.

Then, there was a battle between the Heaven and Human Clan and the Extreme Heaven Sect.

This is the primordial ancestor for hundreds of years, and once again a quasi-superior level war broke out. The Heavenly Dao Sect conquered the Celestial Clan of the Eastern Region, but the entire army was destroyed.

The news spread, directly shaking the entire original ancestor star cultivation world.

"The Extreme Heaven Sect hasn't made a move for thousands of years!"

"Unexpectedly, when I shot, I was completely wiped out by the people that day."

"Could it be that the Extreme Heaven Sect is no longer good?"

In the current primitive ancestor star cultivation world, the most talked about is the battle between the Celestial Clan and the Extreme Heaven Sect. The results of this battle are unbelievable to everyone.

You know, that Extreme Dao Tianzong is finally the first force.

In the entire Middle Territory, there are many great religions, and the strong come out in large numbers. It is the most prosperous area on the Primordial Ancestor Star. Most of the strongest on the Primitive Ancestor Star are in the Middle Territory.

No one dared to despise the strong who came out of Zhongyu.

Especially the disciples of Extreme Heaven Sect, no one dared to provoke them.

However, after this battle, countless monks on the original ancestor star had doubts about the strength of the Heavenly Sect of Extreme Dao, and the Celestial Clan was just a strong clan in the Eastern Region.

The Extreme Heaven Sect is the overlord of the Central Region.

The gap between the Celestial Clan and the Extreme Heaven Sect is not a little bit.

Many people think that the Heavenly Sect of Extreme Dao is just careless. Next time, the Celestial Clan will definitely not be able to stop the Heavenly Sect of Extreme Dao. There will only be one end, and that is to be annihilated.

No one is optimistic about the heaven and human race.

Just when the primordial ancestor star was about to come, on the Ziwei ancestor star, Heitian was in the formation, and he wanted to kill all the Nether clan people in the Nether clan ancestral land.

Of course, this is the place where the Nether Clan's ancestral land is located. He is setting up an array outside the ancestral land. No matter how careful he is, he will still be discovered by the strong inside the Nether Clan's ancestral land.

However, at this time, it was not an easy task for the Nether Clan to escape.

"how is this possible……"

The strong in the ancestral land of the Nether clan were shocked to find that their ancestral land was actually trapped.


The void vibrates, countless Dao patterns are intertwined, and the power of terror fluctuates vastly, easily shattering the void world, peerless horror.

However, countless array patterns appeared around this Fang Tiandi. These array patterns were intertwined and turned into a chain of gods, entwining the ancestors of the Nether clan.

"Humph! Want to run away, do you think Heiye I'm out of nowhere?"

On a nearby mountain peak, Hei Tian looked at the ancestral land of the Nether Clan in the distance and sneered.

"Your formation is not complete yet!"

At this moment, Ji Changkong appeared beside Heitian.

"Hmph, if it's done, Hei Ye, I would have already started to stew this Nether Clan in a pot."

Heitian said.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Ji Changkong said that Heitian has a characteristic, that is, once he gets serious, the consequences will be very serious, so the Nether Clan will be out of luck this time.

"What happened to Emperor Ji?"

Hei Tian asked suddenly.

The guy Ji Huang is still the nominal Patriarch of the Ji family, but he can't command Ji Changkong and Heitian.

In the past, Emperor Ji conspired with Ji Changkong in the chaotic world, leaving Ji Changkong trapped in the chaotic world for ten thousand years. That was ten thousand years.

Ji Changkong watched as the people who followed him died one by one in the chaotic world, and the departure of each follower increased his hatred for Emperor Ji by one point.

He wished to smash Emperor Ji's body into pieces, but he had to endure it.

"Emperor Ji has been quiet these days."

Ji Changkong has been paying attention to the movements of Emperor Ji.

Emperor Ji was the opponent he had fought for his entire life. Since he was a child, the two have already fought, and they have fought more fiercely until they became adults.

Otherwise, Ji Huang would not be able to calculate Ji Changkong and let Ji Changkong and his followers be trapped in the chaotic world.

The Chaos Realm appears once every ten thousand years. If you lose yourself in it, you will be trapped in it for 10,000 years even if you are not dead. Moreover, there are countless powerful Chaos creatures in the Chaos Realm.

It was a miracle that Ji Changkong could survive.

At this time, in the Nether Clan's ancestral land, all the high-levels of the Nether Clan were extremely anxious. They used various methods to break through the opponent's formation and rush out.


The ancestral land of the Nether clan is constantly impacting the formation of Hei Tian, ​​the whole peerless great formation is constantly shaking, and countless chaotic energy is lingering in the great formation.

"Cut, want to rush out? Unless Ji Dao Supreme takes a shot!"

Hei Tian said disdainfully, but he was sure that in this Nether Clan, there was absolutely no invincible existence of Extreme Dao Extreme in this world.

Even if there is, Ji Dao supreme dare not make a move, the power of punishment is not a joke.

"how much longer?"

Ji Changkong said that the Nether Clan has passed on for endless years, and if they really break through their ancestral land, they will surely get countless treasures.

With countless treasures of the Nether Clan, he can build up his own huge power.

Although Ji Changkong is not starting a sect, but if he wants to build his own power, "Cai!" is indispensable. If there is no benefit, who will follow you?

"Although I have a corner plan, I want to stew the guys in it in a pot, it's still a bit hotter." Hei Tian said with a shrug.

Ji Changkong groaned for a while, and then said, "We can't spend all our time here."

There are still many things to be dealt with in the clan. Although Emperor Ji has nothing on the surface, but who knows if he will play a trick in secret?

Emperor Ji is polite, but in essence he is sinister and cunning, cruel, and unscrupulous to achieve his goal.

The election of the next clan leader is about to begin.

The Ji family has been passed on for generations to come, and will always be the overlord of Ziwei Zuxing, because the Ji family has its own set of rules.

The position of the clan leader is one choice for ten thousand years, and the capable one lives.

Ji Changkong is naturally determined to win the position of clan leader, and Emperor Ji is desperate to be re-elected. The two have already started a contest, and in recent years, there have been constant struggles.

As long as the two of them are not excessive, the Ji clan will always ignore them.

Of course, Ji Changkong couldn't clearly kill Ji Huang. Even if he wanted to kill Ji Huang, he had to borrow the hands of others, and he still couldn't be known to be related to him.

Ji Changkong and Ji Huang can fight each other, but they can't fight to death.

This is the Ji clan's rules, so you can retain your strength to the utmost extent.

"It's coming, just a few more days!"

Heitian said.

At this moment, a divine light flew from a distance and landed on the top of the mountain.

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