Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4292: Pit **** shot

The power of this big killer in Battle City is terrifying, and it can destroy the world.

Of course, the premise is that the battle city can burst out of extreme power, but in the current world, because of the existence of the power of heaven, no one dares to use extreme power.

At this time, over the original ancestor star, Eastern Territory, and the ancestral land of the Celestial Clan, a battle city was suspended in the void, and powerful fluctuations of power emerged from the battle city.


The battle city was shaking violently, as if there was life, trying to break free of the imprisonment, soaring into the sky, and straight away.

"Be quiet."

As soon as Gu Fei stepped on his feet, the entire third battle city stopped. This battle city seemed very afraid of Gu Fei.


When the ancestor Tianyu and ancestor Tianluo saw this, they couldn't help looking at each other, and they were all shocked.


The ancestor of Tianyu gave a flying gift to ancient.

"Aren't you going to save that lunatic?"

Gu Fei said.


The ancestor Tianyu and the ancestor Tianluo woke up abruptly when they heard the words, and rushed out of the third battle city and returned to the heavenly battle city.

Just as the ancestors of Tianyu and Tianluo had just returned to the Celestial City, a figure directly crashed into the Celestial City like a meteor.

I saw that figure smashed several houses one after another, and then was buried in the rubble.

"Damn, damn, **** you all!"

A crazy roar came, and a giant city sent out monstrous power fluctuations, directly rushing toward the Celestial War City, and the void was directly crushed wherever the giant city passed.

This is the first battle city of Jidao Tianzong, the figure of the first city lord appeared above the battle city, the huge figure standing on top of the sky.

The endless divine light lingers around the giant city, and the ancient Dao patterns loom and interweave on the giant city. They are born and immortal, forming a series of Dao pictures, attracting the power of the heavens.

A battle city is an extremely huge Dao implement.

Seeing the Great Dao Tianzong’s first battle city directly collided, the ancestor Tianluo and the ancestor Tianyu were both shocked and angry, and the first city lord was really too hateful.

He wanted to use the most direct and powerful force to hit the Celestial War City at once.

"The sky and the earth!"

The ancestor Tianluo roared and did not directly use the great supernatural powers of the Celestial War City, and saw countless Dao patterns rushed out of the Celestial War City, turning into a big net to the first battle. The city shrouded.


The lord of the first city roared, and the next moment, the endless sword light rushed out from the first battle city, and the clanging sound was loud, as if countless heavenly swords were unsheathed at the same time, and then the sky and the earth fell toward the heavenly battle city.

I saw that where the sword light passed, the big net that shrouded it was instantly split into the void.


Countless sword lights fell, only to see the houses collapsed directly, and the dust skyrocketed.


The ancestor Tianluo was frightened and furious, fighting for fate to turn to profound arts, a layer of divine light emerged from the Celestial Battle City, which actually blocked the countless sword lights from the sky.


The ancestor Tianyu roared directly, and in the next moment, he was murderously moving from the Celestial Battle City to the first general.


Seeing this, the first city lord couldn't help being moved.

The ancestor Tianyu wore battle armor and did not use Dao tools, so he entered the first battle city like this, the next moment, the whole first battle city boiled.

At this time, in the third battle city, Gu Fei was sitting in the void, his hands kept forming seals, and the great lines of gods rushed out of his handprints.

Gu Fei wants to refine the third battle city.

Just when Gu Fei was refining the third battle city of Extreme Dao Tianzong, in the ancestral land of Extreme Dao Tianzong, there was an angry roar.

"How is it possible that the Third City Lord is dead?"

Someone is going crazy.

Each of the six major city masters of the Extreme Heaven Sect is a one-sided overlord-level existence. The third city lord died unexpectedly, which made the other people of Jidao Tianzong shocked and angry.

When the news spread, the entire Jidao Tianzong was in an uproar.

At this time, on Ziwei Zuxing, after Heitian surrendered to the Nether clan, he began to concentrate on dealing with Ji Huangke.

The current Ziweiji family is still the dominant family, no one can challenge the status of Ziweiji family.

Just in a mountain ridge of Ziweiji's house, the murderous intent was soaring. From time to time, dazzling electric lights rushed out from the inside, only a single electric light directly swept a mountain peak.

The next moment, that mountain turned into dust in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

"Hei Tian, ​​there is a kind of battle, so it's not a hero."

Such words came from the mountains.

"Cut, Lao Tzu is not a hero."

Hei Tian's figure appeared on the top of a mountain. At this time, Dao patterns were everywhere in the mountain, and there were killing formations everywhere, and a dozen figures were trapped in the mountain.

That was the strong man of the Earth clan, but the strong man who had just left the ancestral land of the Earth clan was miserable by Heitian.

This black sky changed into a strong man under Ji Huang, and brought these dozens of local strong men directly into the encircling pit he set up.

At this time, the dozens of strong locals were shocked and angry, and wanted to rush out.

However, this is Gu Fei's pit, how can it be broken so easily?


Heitian directly launched the killing array, and the dozens of local experts were shocked and immediately sent to the ancestral land for help, or directly contacted the Ji people.

However, no one came to rescue them, because no one knew where they were taken by Hei Tian.

Emperor Ji sent eighteen strong men to find the fifteen strong men who disappeared from the Di Clan, and these were the fifteen strong men who were cultivated above the holy way.

"This guy……"

The eyes of the major forces on the side are watching the Ji clan up and down,

At this time, Hei Tian transformed into a leader of the Earth Race, and then appeared in another mountain, Hei Tian set up another killing formation.

When Hei Tian turned into the chieftain of the local clan when he saw the people sent by Emperor Ji, he was surprised and happy.

Hei Tian hurriedly led Emperor Ji's people into a mountain ridge, and into the mountain ridge, Hei Tian suddenly launched a killing formation, and all the people who came to look for the powerhouse of the earth clan were miserable.

"Hei Tian, ​​you mean and shameless fellow!"

The general Ji Hai under Ji Huang stared at the black sky outside the formation, his eyes bursting with fire.

He never imagined that Heitian would turn into the leader of the Earth Clan to pit himself, tricking himself into the killing formation that Heitian had arranged in advance.

"Hey, this is called a trick, not despicable, you are stupid, you have been cheated by me, who do you blame?"

Heitian Dale, these guys were so easily pitted by himself, even he was very surprised.

He wanted to see the panicked expressions of Ji Hai and the others when they were recruited, and he wanted to see the anxious and angry, but helpless look of Ji Hai and others.

Heitian likes to play very much, so his opponents and enemies are miserable.

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