Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4293: The game of black sky

Heitian finally made another move.

This time, he is going to play the big one. First, he went to an inaccessible mountain to set up two killing formations, and then became the appearance of Ji Huang's subordinate Ji Hai, bringing in a group of powerful people from the local people. In the killing array.

When a group of strong local tribesmen were trapped by the killing array, he became the leader of the local tribe again, and introduced a group of men sent by Emperor Ji into another killing array.

At this time, Ji Hai was full of hatred, and his eyes were red. Heitian dare to pit them, what a damn!

"Hei Tian, ​​do you want to go to war?"

Ji Hai was trapped in the formation, looking at the triumphant Heitian on the opposite mountain, he really wished to rush up to pinch this nasty guy to death.

However, the premise is that he can rush out of this killing formation.

At present, it seems that it is impossible for him to break the big formation and then settle accounts with Heitian.

"I'm talking stupid again, I don't think you are a stupid person!"

Hei Tianxie said with a smile.


Ji Hai was almost mad.

"Uncle Wu, we have been at war with Ji Changkong a long time ago."

A middle-aged man beside Ji Hai said carefully.

"I want you to talk more!"

Ji Hai couldn't make any speech in one sigh, and he pulled the middle-aged man out with a palm, and a few teeth flew out of the man's mouth with blood.

When everyone saw this, they were anxious and frightened.

"You guys have fun in there!"

Hei Tian immediately activated the magical power of the killing formation.

In the next moment, Ji Hai and the others only felt that the sky was spinning around, as if they had entered another world.

The surrounding scenery was blurred for a while, and then Ji Hai and the others were surprised to find that they were standing in a purgatory, the sky was dark and the ground was still flowing with dark red lava.

"what happened……"

"Don't panic, this is just an illusion."

A middle-aged man said quickly.

"Hei Tian, ​​are you just this way?"

Ji Hai sneered.

"It seems..."

At this time, a sage of the Ji family hesitated to stretch out his hand to touch a flame rushing out of the magma beside him. If it is an illusion, the fire is also fake.

Moreover, even the true sacred fire can hardly hurt the saint.

The saint's body is extremely powerful, and it is not an ordinary sacred fire that can be injured.

"Don't touch it!"

Ji Hai quickly stopped drinking.

However, it was too late. The moment the saint touched the flame, his fingers instantly turned into fly ash, then the palm, then the arm, and then the body.

It was just a snap of time, and the saint's whole person turned into flying ash, and nothing on his body could be left behind.

Yuanshen also turned into fly ash.

A saint was actually destroyed in front of Ji Hai and the others.


When everyone saw this, the shock was really serious.

"Ignorant guy, how can the killing array laid by Lao Tzu be just an illusion?"

Hei Tian glanced at the guys in the formation with disdain, then turned and left. The moment he turned, he turned into Ji Hai again.

This guy has a secret technique that can perfectly imitate a person, his demeanor, and even the aura on his body can be fake, even the leader of the earth race did not notice.

Hei Tian turned into Ji Hai's appearance and left immediately.

In another part of the mountain, the murderous aura soared to the sky, and the endless power of the sky thunder descended from the sky and directly fell towards the killing array below. This was a thunder-striking array called the sky thunder array.

The thunder formation on this day can attract the Nine Heavens Thunder, and the most feared power of the Earth Race is the power of thunder and lightning.

The local leader Yu Yuan was very angry at this time, he was so easy to be recruited, and he was trapped in this sky thunder formation, really depressed.

"Ji Hai, I want to break your corpse into thousands of pieces, so I dare to cheat Lao Tzu."

Yu Yuan looked up to the sky and roared. At this moment, a thunder and lightning blasted directly on his head. The next moment, he saw his hair standing straight and his face black, and he opened his mouth and let out a black breath.

When the surrounding local saints saw this, they were all dumbfounded.

The dignified ancestor of the tribe was turned into a broom head by a thunder and lightning.


Yu Yuan is really going crazy, he has never been so embarrassed before, which makes him hate Ji Hai even more.

"Ancestor, is it possible that Emperor Ji dare to lie to us?"

A middle-aged saint with a pale face beside Yu Yuan suddenly said.

"Dare he?"

Yu Yuan said angrily, but Ji Hai dared to pit himself. If he hadn't gotten the instruction of Emperor Ji, how could he dare to do this?

"Haha, why don't I dare?"

At this moment, a voice came.

Yu Yuan fiercely turned and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a person standing on a low mountain outside the killing array.

When Yu Yuan saw the man, his eyes blushed immediately.

"Ji Hai, do you dare to come?"

Yu Yuanhou, he was actually cheated by a saint. If he spread it out, he would definitely laugh at others' big teeth.

"Why didn't I dare to come?"

Hei Tian turned into Ji Hai shrugged and said calmly.

"The sword is coming!"

As soon as Yu Yuan stretched out his right hand, a divine sword immediately appeared in his hand. The next moment, a cold light flashed, and the extremely fierce sword light immediately broke through the heavy lightning, almost breaking the killing formation.

"Damn it, there will be a fight."

Yu Yuan roared. At this moment, more than a dozen electric lights fell from the sky and blasted towards him.


Yu Yuan sneered, and raised his right hand, the dozens of electric lights that had fallen from the sky dissipated directly into the void.

"I'm sorry, my master wants you to die, I can't help it!"

Hei Tian turned into Ji Hai helplessly said.


Yu Yuan could not wait to tear Ji Hai.

However, the power of the thunder formation this day is not a joke. Yu Yuan has attacked several times before being forced back by the power of thunder and lightning.

Countless Dao patterns in the shape of thunder and lightning are intertwined in the void, transforming into an ancient Dao map. Those Dao maps attract the power of nine days of thunder and seal the void.

"Okay, let's play slowly inside. When you can't hold it, I will help you collect the corpses." Hei Tian turned into Ji Hai and turned to leave.

His goal has been achieved, he just wants to show his face.

In this way, Yu Yuan would think that Emperor Ji really wanted their fate, and there was only one fate, and if he fell, he would not even be able to do a ghost.

"This time, just wait and see the theater."

After Heitian left, he immediately changed back and restored his original appearance.

Emperor Ji wants to win over the Earth people and form an alliance with the Earth people. This time I want to see how Emperor Ji resolves this crisis.

Hei Tian posed a problem for Emperor Ji.

"Be ruthless!"

Hei Tian changed into the appearance of Yu Yuan, the leader of the Earth clan, and came directly in front of the Earth Fire.

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