Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4294: Mixed ancestor

Hei Tian came to the ground fire formation that trapped Ji Hai and the others. At this time, Ji Hai and the others were struggling in the ground fire formation. That terrifying ground fire could burn the saints into fly ash, which was extremely powerful.

The Jiuyou Earthfire caused by the Earthfire Array, even the Quasi-Supreme-level existence, did not want to be contaminated by the Jiuyou Earthfire.

Hei Tian smiled, and then stepped into the fire formation in one step.


The moment Heitian entered the Earth Fire Array, the power of the Earth Fire Array immediately increased.


Another electric light swept a saint.

I saw that although the saint had a strong cultivation base, he also turned into flying ash in an instant, and fell directly into a fate of destruction.

"Damn it!"

Ji Hai could only watch his hands one after another being burned to ashes by the divine fire.

At the same time Ji Hai was shocked, with a muffled sound, the entire sea of ​​fire exploded, the monstrous divine fire suddenly erupted, and all of Ji Hai's men screamed and burned to ashes.

It was Ji Hai himself, who was burned to his upper body by the divine fire after only two snaps of his fingers, and he died.

Ji Hai died, and died in the hands of the local people, the news came shocking the world.

On Ziwei Zuxing, the person who dared to challenge Ziwei Ji's family finally appeared?

"Although the Di Clan is powerful, how dare they attack the Ji Clan?"

"I heard that the dead opponent of the Earth Clan is also preparing to be born."

"Isn't it the rhythm of the Di Clan to shoot the Ji Clan at this time?"

At this time, countless monks in the entire Ziwei Zuxing cultivation world were talking about this matter.

No one is optimistic about the Earth Clan, you know, it is a Celestial Clan, which can already make the Earth Clan burnt, let alone the Ji Clan is more powerful than the Celestial Clan.

At this time, the ancestor of the local tribe, Yu Yuan, took action to destroy a city of the Ji tribe, and thousands of members of the Ji tribe died.

When the news spread, countless monks were shocked and inexplicably shocked. Is this true for the local people?

The ancestor of the local tribe, Yu Yuan, directly declared that the local tribe would go to war with the Ji tribe.

Suddenly, the Ziwei ancestor star was surging, and countless forces were watching, especially those forces that were hostile to the Ji clan, and hoped that the locals and the Ji clan would lose out in a direct battle.

"Fight if you want to fight!"

This is the words spoken by Ji Huang, the contemporary chief of the Ji clan.

The death of Ji Hai made Emperor Ji crazy. You know, Ji Hai is his left arm and right arm. Ji Hai can solve many things for him, but now Ji Hai is dead.

Soon, the ancestor of the local tribe, Yu Yuan, made another move against another city of the Ji tribe.

But this time, Yu Yuan didn't succeed and was forced away by the powerful Ji clan.

At the same time, the place where the ancestral land of the Earth Clan was located, the Earth Imperial City, was surrounded by Ji family powerhouses who suddenly appeared, and each of these Ji family powerhouses had a chilling and powerful combat power.

Without any extra words, the war broke out directly.


The entire imperial city shook, and the great defense array exploded with the strongest power, shaking the sky and the earth, actually blocking the joint blow of the eighteen saints.


In the imperial city of the earth, dozens of powerful men rushed out, and everyone had the aura of the holy way. These were all saints, the head of them was a quasi-supreme.

Yu Feng, the contemporary clan leader of the Di Clan, has reached the pinnacle of quasi-supreme in his cultivation, and is the most hopeful existence among the Di Clan to hit the extreme realm.

"Arrange the formation and activate the battle city."

Yu Feng was calm and calm, he was a generation of heroes. Under his leadership, the local people's power continued to increase, and even Emperor Ji wanted to win him over.

If it weren't for Heitian to attack the black hand from the middle, once Ji Huang and the earth clan were allowed to form an alliance, then Ji Changkong would be out of play.

But now, Emperor Ji has not only failed to win over the Earth Clan, but has become an enemy with the Earth Clan. As a result, the position of Emperor Ji, the head of the family, is somewhat unstable.

The eighteen sages of the Ji clan slew to the ancestral land of the earth clan at the same time, wanting to take the imperial city of the earth at once, and then take the land clan ancestral land.

This plan is very good, because some of the strong people of the local people have left and went to support Yu Yuan.

With Yu Yuan, the ancestor of the local clan in the absence, he captured the ancestral land of the local clan in one fell swoop. This was Ji Huang's plan, but the plan often failed to keep up with changes.

The clan leader of the Earth tribe, Yu Feng, made a move, and in the next moment, countless formations emerged on the Earth Imperial City, intertwined into countless Taoist pictures, attracting the power of the heavens.

"Five Elements Sword Out!"

Yu Feng roared, and saw five sword lights burst out of his body immediately, and each sword light had a unique color, corresponding to the five elements of the Golden Crow, Water, Fire, Earth.


With the blessing of the power of the imperial city, the power of Yufeng's five elements sword light suddenly soared several times, and every sword light seemed to be able to kill the world, leaving a pitch-black space crack wherever it passed.

I saw five sword lights soaring into the sky, directly strangling the eighteen saints in the sky.

Although there are only five sword lights, the sword aura that spreads from the five sword lights envelops all the eighteen saints.

"Huh, want to kill us with this kind of divine way?"

An old man in the sky sneered. The next moment, this old man took out a fist-sized black ball from his body, and saw that he directly smashed the black ball towards the underground city below.



A golden sword light flashed by, directly hitting the black ball, and a loud noise erupted. A terrifying black lightning suddenly appeared, and everything was annihilated directly where the black lightning passed.

The five sword lights vibrated, and the power of the black ball should not be underestimated.

"This is Taiyin Divine Thunder?"

The local clan leader Yu Feng said with a sneer.

I saw him provoke the power of the Imperial City, and countless divine lights rushed out of the Imperial City, gathered towards him like crazy, and was directly swallowed by him.


The sword blasted into the sky, and the five elements of sword light exploded fiercely with the brightest and most dazzling sword light.

The sword came out like a dragon, and a gray sword light flashed by, and the head of a sage of the Ji clan flew up, and the terrifying sword aura directly slashed his soul.


A flame sword swept a sage of the Ji clan, and this sage was directly burned into fly ashes by the divine fire.

Eighteen saints are being beheaded by Yu Feng continuously.


When the old man saw this, he was shocked and angry. The next moment, he sacrificed a Taoist implement. As soon as this Taoist implement came out, it instantly turned into a Primordial Sacred Mountain and rolled down towards the Imperial City below. .

"Hunyuan Mountain? Are you Ji Mingyi, the Hunyuan ancestor of the Ji clan?"

When Yu Feng saw the sacred mountain surrounded by vitality, he couldn't help being surprised.

Ji Mingyi was the uncle of Emperor Ji, and his cultivation was much stronger than Emperor Ji. I never thought that Emperor Ji had invited this killer god.

Seeing that Hunyuan Mountain fell, the sword light of the Five Elements was directly blown away, which shocked Yu Feng inexplicably.

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