Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4307: Shigeno Tenkai

Tenglong Ancestral Star Middle Territory, in the Tianxu, before climbing the ancient road, two Tsing Yi monks stopped Gu Fei and Gu Ling who were about to climb the Tianlu.

"These two guys are so awesome, they dare to stop this evil star."

"It's just looking for death!"

"Who are those two guys?"

"Didn't you look at the costumes of those two people? Apart from the Qin clan, who else has such a daring child?"

The older monks around were pointing in the distance.

They recognized Gu Fei, but the two Tsing Yi monks who stopped Gu Fei and his daughter didn't even know who Gu Fei was.

"Want to go to heaven?"

One of the thin guys looked up and down Gu Ling and said.


Gu Ling hated this guy's gaze very much.

"what did you say?"

The man glared sharply and was about to get angry.

At this moment, the gentleman next to him took a step forward, "Swipe!", opened the folding fan, came to Gulin, and blocked him and his companions.

"Qin Feng what are you doing."

The skinny monk was very upset.

"Cousin, for women, especially beautiful women, we can't lose courtesy." The young monk named Qin Feng said with a folding fan while looking at Gu Ling.

"A good dog is not in the way!"

Gu Ling was very upset.


Then Qin Feng's face suddenly became wonderful. He thought he was handsome and wanted to pick up girls, but who knew that Gu Ling would not be a bird of him.


The guy behind Qin Feng laughed.

"You...who do you say is a dog?"

Qin Feng stared at Gu Ling excitedly.

"Anyone who stands in the way is a dog."

Gu Ling was a little impatient.


Qin Feng was really angry.

"Haha, cousin, it's flat, not that pretty girl likes you."

The Qin monk laughed.


Qin Feng stared at Gu Ling, his expression sullen.

"Don't go away yet, do you want me to ask you to go away?"

Gu Ling was already very impatient.

"What if you don't get out, none of you can go to the heavens today."

Qin Feng became angry and screamed at Gu Ling.

"Yes, this Dengtian Ancient Road is under the care of my Qin people."

The skinny monk sneered.

"Qin Clan?"

Gu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

He had some friendship with the Emperor Qin of the Qin clan, otherwise, the two guys who stood in the way would have been slapped to death by him.

"What about the Qin clan, the emperor of the Qin clan must be polite to see us, how old are you?" Gu Ling said calmly.

"What, what are you two guys talking about? How can you talk about my Royal Highness?"

Qin Feng was completely angry at this moment.

"Huh! Are you two guys qualified to see Her Royal Highness?" the skinny guy said disdainfully.

Gu Fei and Gu Ling looked too young, and the aura on their bodies was not very strong. Qin Feng and the others simply didn't put them in their eyes.

"This is the little guy who came out of that force to experience? Dare to be presumptuous here"

At this time, a fat man walked out.

This guy seems to have just woke up and is rubbing his eyes.

"Uncle Master came just right, these two guys are going to forcibly break the ancient road to the sky." Qin Feng said quickly.

"What, I have been sitting on Dengtian Ancient Road for ten years. No one has ever dared to be presumptuous here. I want to see who is so bold."

The fat man roared and walked over and looked forward.

"Oh, my god!"

The fat man staggered and almost fell.

"Uncle Master, you..."

Qin Feng and another Qin child hurriedly stepped forward to support the fat man.

"This this this..."

The fat man turned pale, sweating profusely, and trembling, he was speechless.

"Uncle Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the fat man seemed to be greatly frightened, Qin Feng and others were dumbfounded.

"Gu...Master Gu Ling...Why did you come back?"

When the fat man said these words with difficulty, he almost collapsed on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, it was you. The lessons that year did not seem to be very profound to you!"

Gu Ling looked at the fat man with a smile.

Back then, when Gulin and the others set foot on the ancient road of the human race, it was this fat man who stepped out to block the way.

"This, this... this..., you two bastards..."

The fat man directly slapped one person, and flew out Qin Feng and his cousin who were stunned there.

"Uncle Master, why are you hitting us?"

The faces of Qin Feng and his cousin swelled up immediately, and Qin Feng opened his mouth and spit out a few teeth.

The fat man didn't keep his hands at all when he shot, for fear that he wasn't hitting hard enough.

"You two bastards, I killed you, and I rolled over and apologized to Master Gu Ling?" The fat man roared.

This ancient spirit is unattractive, even if the emperor is face to face, I am afraid it can't keep them.

The fat man had never seen Gu Fei.

I didn't know that Gu Fei was more bullish than Gu Ling.


Qin Feng's two cousins ​​were dumbfounded, asking them to bow their heads and apologize to these two guys younger than themselves?

They froze there at a loss.

"Bastard stuff!"

The fat man strode forward, kicking the two guys to the ground directly.

"Let's go!"

Gu Fei, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly said, to him, these two guys are just like ants, so they don't need to bother at all.

"These two guys don't know how high the world is, they offend Master Gu Ling, and hope Master Gu Ling will calm down." The fat man's voice still trembled.

Gu Ling didn't pay attention to the fat man at all, and walked directly behind Gu Fei towards Dengtian Ancient Road.

At this time, no one dared to stop Gu Fei and the others. Those older generation of strong men were watching from a distance. When they saw Gu Fei and their figure disappearing on the ancient road to Dengtian, they were relieved.

The fat man collapsed on the ground, he knew that his life and death were only between the other's thoughts.

In fact, Gu Fei had some friendship with Qin Huang and the emperor Qin Yao. As long as these guys of the Qin clan were not too much, he would not care about these guys.

The news that Gu Fei appeared in Tianxu spread, and all parties shook.

Many forces have sent ancestor-level existences to the Tianxu.

However, at this time, Gu Fei and Gu Ling had already left.

In the world of heaven, outside the exit of Dengtian Ancient Road, shouts of killing shook the sky, when Gu Fei and Gu Ling arrived, they saw countless monks fighting together.

"What's happening here?"

Gu Fei couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene before him.

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and someone shot an arrow at Gu Fei and Gu Ling at the same time. The arrow's light was so bright that it directly penetrated the void.


Gu Ling directly punched out, and the two divine arrows shattered directly into the void.


The one who was fighting was actually the Celestial Demon Race. This Celestial Demon Race was actually a force under the old turtle. The Dragon Race also belonged to the Demon Race and ruled over all monsters.

On the other side is the Human Race, the Monster Race and the Human Race are at war. To be precise, it is the Human Race of a certain force, not the entire Celestial Race.

Yuan Gu and the descendants of the sky demon are playing a ghost?

Gu Fei had a lot of enemies in the heavens. Needless to say, the great enemy of Proterozoic Ancients, the descendants of the heavenly demon were still in the heavens to find trouble with the old turtles.

There are also the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, Nanling God Emperor, Tianpeng Clan, Celestial Zhou Family, Celestial Li Family, Celestial Zhao Family, and the mysterious Undead Mountain line and so on.

These forces have more or less grudges with Gu Fei.

Moreover, those supreme beings that entered the heavens back then have not yet been born, and no one knows what those beings are doing.

The clones of the ancient Buddha masters, the bones of the unparalleled fierce Xuanhuang, these are the invincible existence that year, the ancient Fei of the year only looked up to these people.

Even he himself did not believe that he could transcend those existences.

"Huh, is it Master Gu Fei?"

At this moment, an exclamation came.

The next moment, a figure descended from the sky and landed on the opposite side of Gu Fei. He was tall, with three heads and six arms, and each arm was holding a powerful Taoist implement.

"you are……"

Gu Fei didn't know this guy at all, this guy was full of monsters, and he was naturally a big monster.

"Under the dragon seat, Fei Lian has seen Master Gu Fei."

The man hurriedly saluted ancient flying.

The dragon lord is Laogui, and this Fei Lian is Laogui's subordinate.

"what's going on!"

Gu Fei asked in a deep voice.

"Master Hui, these people are the remnants of the ancient times."

Fei Lian said quickly.

"That's it!"

Gu Fei nodded. Although Yuan Gu can't really appear, his incarnation is everywhere.

Soon, the Yaozu had the upper hand.

There are many strong people among the remnants of the ancient times, but the monster race is even stronger.

At this moment, a black hole suddenly fell from the sky, and the remnants of the ancient dynasties were collected in an instant.

"Want to jump?"

Gu Fei stepped on his right foot, and his whole body rose into the sky, and he caught up with the black hole in an instant, hitting it with a punch.


The black hole collapsed, and a group of figures fell out of the void, and some people broke into the void directly, and their body and spirit were destroyed.

The next moment, Gu Fei's right hand shook, and the countless Proterozoic remnants that fell from the black hole immediately exploded into a cloud of blood mist, disappearing.

"Gu Fei, wait, I'll never finish with you."

A spirit of spirit came out from the broken void.

"Yuan Gu, come out to fight if there is a kind."

Gu Fei's spirit passed.

At this time, the Proterozoic divine consciousness disappeared and no longer appeared.

However, countless experts of the Monster Race looked at Gu Fei dumbfounded. This person actually wiped out the remnants of the Proterozoic Kingdom with a single shot. This was a great help to them!

"He is Gu Fei?"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

No wonder Fei Lian wanted to please this black-clothed boy, who turned out to be the brother of their dragon lord, Gu Fei, today's peerless murderous man.


Other strong monsters were shocked when they heard this, and hurriedly saw Gu Fei.

The news of Gu Fei's appearance in the heavens spread, and the entire cultivation world of heaven was shaken, and some were happy and some were worried.

The demon in the 100,000 Devil Mountain was even more restless, for fear that Gu Fei would kill him.

However, Gu Fei and Gu Ling were led by Fei Lian towards the Dragon Clan's ancestral courtyard where Laogui was.

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