Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4308: Heavenly War

The ancestral court of the Dragon Clan is definitely one of the best sacred soils in the heavens. The Zulong Mountain is a sacred mountain that is said to be able to reach the sky. However, this sacred mountain has been cut off by some people.

This is also the place where the heavenly court was established by the demon tribe of the heavens in ancient times.

The underground of Zulong Mountain is one of the ancestral veins of the heavens, nourished by the ancestral veins of the earth, this divine land is definitely a place of cultivation that monks dream of.

Here, since ancient times, has been the place where the ancestral court of the Demon Race is located, and no force has ever been able to defeat the Demon Race and occupy this divine land.

Gu Fei and Gu Ling saw the sacred mountain that soared into the clouds and could not be seen at a glance.

According to legend, Taihuang was born in Zulong Mountain, and the name Zulong Mountain was named after the birth of Zulong.

They were still far apart, but Gu Fei and Gu Ling had already felt a puff of breath coming toward them.

The breath emanating from the ancient sacred mountain in front affected the whole world.

Around the sacred mountain, aura is lingering, and from time to time a vague dragon shadow is looming, like an ancestor dragon hovering in the sky.

Under the leadership of Fei Lian Yao Zun, the father and daughter of Gu Fei entered the area of ​​the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and soon, the powerful Demon Race who had received the news greeted them.

"Really the master?"

A tall figure rushed over from a distance.


When Gu Fei saw that person, he was a little emotional. This person was exactly the fire unicorn Balong who had surrendered in the Void Heaven Realm.

The current Baron has become a direct disciple of the old turtle, and the powerful demon aura comes out of him. He is already a demon noble.

Demon Lord, peerlessly powerful, is the most powerful existence besides Jidao Supreme and Quasi Supreme.

Moreover, Baron was not the Elementary Demon Venerable, but the Dacheng Demon Venerable, and his cultivation was still above the Fei Lian Demon Venerable.

"I have seen seniors!"

Fei Lian Yao Zun regarded himself as a descendant in front of Baron.

"Baron has seen the master."

Balong didn't care about Feilian Demon Venerable at all, but solemnly saluted Gu Fei. Although he was already a superior demon Venerable, he still called Gu Fei his master.

"What about Laogui, why don't you come out to see me in person?"

Gu Fei said a little uncomfortably, he hadn't seen the old tortoise for a long time, and the brother came, and the old tortoise didn't come out to meet him in the first time.

"This... Master, he is not in the ancestral court now."

Baron said quickly.


Gu Fei was startled when he heard this. Did Laogui really encounter any difficulties?

When he was in the human world, he heard the iron-blooded Taoist and others talk about the old tortoise, saying that it was the descendant of the heavenly demon who made chaos, and the old tortoise was scorched.

However, Gu Fei did not expect that Laogui's problem is not limited to the descendants of the sky demon, but also the remnants of the ancient times, Buddhism, and one hundred thousand magic mountains.

These are the internal problems of the heaven and the human world, but the invasion of alien races outside the heaven is the most painful thing for the old. It is a strong man in the outside world that is comparable to the heaven and suddenly opened the passage between the outside world and the heaven and killed him. .

"Unexpectedly, even the heavens have the figure of alien races outside the sky."

Gu Fei sighed.

"Master went to the battlefield outside the sky."

Baron said.

"Battlefield outside the sky?"

"Yes, it's not far from that Nantian Gate." Baron explained that there were many space cracks near the ancient Tianting ruins in the depths of the starry sky.

Gu Fei couldn't help looking up at the sky.

The alien race outside the sky broke through the space cracks and entered the heaven.

In the depths of the ancient Tianting ruins is the entrance to the wasteland.

However, the ancient heavenly court ruins can't be entered casually, and there are great dangers inside, and even the immortal and indestructible laws of the extreme.

Even if the quasi supreme enters, it may fall.

At this time, tens of thousands of miles away from the ancient heavenly court ruins, murderous intent, countless alien races outside the sky and countless monks in the heavens fought together.

This is a battle of gods, with divine light constantly flashing, divine blood falling from the stars, forming a terrifying rain of blood in the heavens.

Alien races from outside the sky are constantly beheaded, and some strong from the heavens have fallen. Suddenly, the two camps are inextricably difficult to separate. It is not easy to tell the winner.


On the battlefield, a voice roared. The next moment, a big seal rushed up and smashed directly at the alien race outside the sky. A terrifying breath came out from the print, and the sky changed color.


With a loud noise, the big seal fell, and countless alien races from outside the sky were directly smashed into blood fog by this big seal, and their body and spirit were destroyed instantly, and those who died could no longer die.


A sneer came, and the next moment, a blade of light slashed from the sky and directly into the camp of the heavens. I saw that where the light of the blade passed, countless cultivators of the heavens turned into blood fog and were directly cut off.

A breath of extreme Dao diffused from above the knife light.

Extraterritorial Heavenly Sword, this is the ultimate Dao weapon of another world, with a single cut, even the quasi-superior will be beheaded, without any suspense.


A tall figure directly recalled the big seal of that party, and then killed it towards the sky.

"Dragon Lord, where are you going, be careful of an ambush."

A purple-clothed Taoist man covered in purple aura of 30,000 li was directed at the human being. This person is the dragon lord of the heavens, the co-lord of the demon clan of the heavens, the first son of the emperor, the old turtle.

But the purple-clothed Taoist with a mighty 30,000-li purple energy is the Holy Master of the Taiqing Holy Realm, the ancestor of Zixuan.

Invasion of alien races outside the heavens, all the major forces in the heavens could not take care of themselves. They all sent strong men to participate in this battle. The Taiqing Sacred Realm is the great sect of the heavens. There is a quasi-supreme who is naturally incapable of sitting idly by.

In addition to the holy lord of the Taiqing Holy Realm, the holy lord of the Xuantian Holy Land and the Nanling Divine Emperor Cangxiao have all arrived.

These are quasi-sovereign-level existences, peerlessly powerful, but even if there is such a powerful existence to take action, the faction of this battle heaven can't completely overwhelm the alien race outside the sky.

Because the outer world also has quasi-extreme ancestors descending.

"What are you afraid of, the little guy from outside the sky can kill me?"

The old tortoise held Taihuang's seal in his hand, and he was not afraid of any opponent at all, so he chased after him.

"This guy……"

The Holy Master Taiqing saw this, but he was a little helpless. This dragon master was the most unconventional, and he would not listen to anyone's words. It seemed that his uncle could not control him except for Gu Fei.

"He has the Emperor's seal on his hand, so he can go anywhere. What are you worried about?"

Saint Master Xuantian shook the hand of the ancestor who fought with him, and then opened his mouth to spit out an ancient tripod directly towards the town of that ancestor.

I saw endless electric light bursting out of this ancient tripod, and every electric light directly tore the void of heaven and earth.

"The Heavenly Thunder Ding of Xuantian Holy Land?"

When the Holy Master Taiqing saw the ancient tripod, his eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that the Holy Master Xuantian brought this treasure.

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