Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3419: Mysterious enemy

Gu Fei's family made a move. Gu Fei trampled the lord of a battle city to death, and the whole battle city shook.

At the same time, an immortal sword light fell from the sky, directly splitting an ancient city in half.

At this time, Gu Ling also took action, and saw a great cauldron directly suppressed from the sky. Around the cauldron, there were nine divine phoenix ghosts lingering.


Gu Ding directly slammed on a different world war city, and the entire world war city shook violently. On the altar in the middle of the war city, the war city lord desperately aroused the power of the war city.

Gu Ling's Nine Phoenix Cauldron stopped on top of the city lord's head, did not fall, and was blocked.


The lord of another world roared and wanted to shake the ancient tripod above the top of the opening, but that ancient tripod was as heavy as an ancient sacred mountain.

At this time, a figure fell from the sky and landed directly on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.


Gu Ding shook fiercely, and in the next moment, this ancient ding directly broke through the divine light of the alien city lord's body, and directly smashed the alien city lord into a cloud of blood.


All those who saw this scene were shocked to the extreme, dumbfounded.

The ruler who is above all on weekdays can be killed so easily? How could this be possible, you must know that these city masters are all quasi-extreme-level existences.

Gu Fei's family was extremely strong, and the three alien battle cities were solved as soon as they shot. Such combat power is really too scary.

Even Fengdu Ghost Emperor, Tianwai Mozu and other old antiques were shocked and inexplicable when they saw this.

At this time, the ancestor of the demon clan stared at the demon ancestor outside the sky.

It is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by the ancestors of the monster race.


The heart of the demon ancestor outside the sky is bleeding, these five great cities, but his assassin, he never thought that his assassin was completely vulnerable in front of the other party.


Without any hesitation, the old uncle of Laogui directly killed the Demon Ancestor Beyond the Sky, and saw countless divine lights burst out of his body, and every divine light turned into a divine soldier.

Countless weapons were overwhelming and blasted towards the demon ancestor outside the sky.


The Heavenly Demon Ancestor gave a sneer, he suddenly raised his head, then took a breath, and the next moment, the countless magical soldiers who hacked at him were all swallowed by him.


Everyone was shocked inexplicably.

However, at this moment, a fist directly hit the face of the Heavenly Demon Ancestor, smashing the Heavenly Demon Ancestor into the air, and the blood splashed in the air.


The demon ancestor outside the sky screamed and flew thousands of miles away with a punch by the ancestor of the monster race to stabilize his figure. He saw that his face was covered with blood and his nose was crushed by this punch.

When the cultivation base reaches the existence of the Demon Ancestor Outside the Sky, the wound will be repaired in the moment of thought, but the fist of the ancestor of the demon race is attached to the power of the great road.

It is not easy to heal the wounds of the Demon Ancestor of Heaven.

"Little devil boy, this time, you will save your life!" The ancestor of the demon race said and shot again.

I saw the demonic ancestor of the demon clan waved his walking stick, and swept away the devil ancestor outside the sky again.

The ancestors of the demon race completely suppressed the demon ancestors outside the sky, and the demon ancestors outside the sky were as weak as ants in front of the ancestors of the demon race.

At this time, only two of the five alien battle cities were still there, and the two battle cities could no longer maintain the killing formation, and countless formation patterns collapsed and dissipated in the void.

The falling speed of the Ten Demon Stars that fell directly toward the heavens and earth immediately slowed down.

The killing formations laid down by the five alien battle cities were actually the formations for summoning the Ten Demon Stars. At this time, the formation was broken, and the speed of the Ten Demon Stars falling to the ground slowed down.

Although the falling speed of the Ten Jue Demon Star slowed down, it did not stop. This peerless demon star still fell towards the heaven and earth.


Therefore, countless experts in the heavens and the human world were shocked when they saw this scene.

At this time, the foreign world army and the allied forces of the heaven and the human world were in endless battles, countless creatures fell, and a terrible rain of blood began to fall on the sky.

After this battle, this battlefield turned into a fierce land.

Under the leadership of countless strong men, the army of the heaven and the human world was smashed to madness, countless monks fell, and the corpses on the ground were densely packed.

Soon, the army of the alien world could not stop it, and the coalition forces of the alien world and the alien demon clan began to lose support.


I saw that the giant killed from the north of the heavens directly exploded an alien battle city in the sky with a single blow, and countless alien creatures in the city died instantly.

This blow had already severely damaged the strength of the alien army.


"Chong, kill all these guys in the alien world."

"Don't keep one!"

At this time, the major forces of the heavens are united, and every monk has given up his life in the battle, and the demon races of other worlds cannot enter the heavens.

Countless monks in the heavens and the human world are fighting for their families. If they are slain into the heavens by otherworldly demons, they will inevitably be devastated, and their relatives and friends will suffer.


The ancestors of the alien world are roaring.

This alien army immediately retreated like a tide, toward the depths of the starry sky.


The heavenly drum shook, and every time it rang, countless otherworldly demon races fell. They were shaken into blood mist by the terrifying sound waves, and they were all destroyed.

In the ghost realm behind Fengdu Ghost Emperor, countless ghosts rushed out, and under the leadership of the ghost general, they rose into the sky and slew towards the alien army.

At this time, Gu Fei and the others were also taking action. They saw the Nine Phoenix Cauldron soaring into the sky, and the nine divine phoenixes rushed out of the Cauldron.

In the other direction, one side of Dayin Town was killed, the void exploded, and the terrifying aura of destruction was overwhelming.

Countless demons have fallen, and the alien army wanted to save their strength and retreat. However, with Gu Fei and the others, the alien army was quickly defeated.

Even the last alien battle city was exploded by countless powerful people, countless fragments fell from the sky, countless creatures fell.

The outcome of this battle has been doomed, the entire army of the Demon Race of the other world is destroyed, and the existence of a Demon Ancestor level has not been able to escape.

Even the demon ancestor outside the sky was also captured by the ancestor of the demon race.

And in another starry sky, the battle between Xuan Huang, the great evil eternal evil, and another demon ancestor outside the sky was also divided.

Someone once saw from a distance a **** tower took a magic shadow in.

At this time, Gu Fei suddenly saw a familiar figure disappearing from the horizon.


Gu Fei immediately chased down the past, the speed was extremely fast.


Gu Ling held the Nine Phoenix Ding in his hand and wanted to chase it.

However, Gu Fei's figure had long since disappeared.


Seeing this, Gu Ling couldn't help being taken aback, his father's current cultivation base was still far above him!

"Okay, sister-in-law, niece, go where I can sit first!"

The old turtle invited Yan'er and Gu Ling to the ancestral land of the demon clan.


Yan'er nodded.

"Who is that person, do you see clearly?"

Yan'er suddenly asked the old turtle.

"It seems to be Yuan Gu!"

Old Turtle's face was a bit solemn.

Proterozoic, that is their arch enemy, entangled endless years, the mysterious Proterozoic has never appeared in real form, all appearing are incarnations.

Gu Fei, regardless of whether Proterozoic was incarnate or not, still chased it.

Soon, they left the battlefield, rushed into the depths of the starry sky, and came to the ancient heavenly court ruins.

Seeing that figure directly entered the South Tianmen Gate, this made Gu Fei a little surprised. You must know that the ancient Tianting ruins are not easy to enter.


Gu Fei looked at Nantian Gate, but did not enter.

Could it be that the true body of the Proterozoic was actually hidden in the ruins of the ancient heaven?

The area covered by the ancient heavenly court ruins is very large. If the Proterozoic wanted to hide it, even Gu Fei would be almost impossible to get him out.

Gu Fei did not leave, he guarded the Nantian Gate.

Looking at the invisible ruins inside through the Nantian Gate, Gu Fei felt a little emotional in his heart, how powerful the ancient Tianting was back then.

However, who would think that such a powerful ancient heavenly court could be destroyed one day.

Legend has it that the Ancient Heavenly Court was destroyed by the Great Dao Great War, and some people say that the Ancient Heavenly Court was destroyed by internal battles. A great battle broke out in the Ancient Heavenly Court and returned directly to the Ancient Heavenly Court.

Gu Fei didn't care about this, but he wanted to solve the trouble of Yuan Gu.

However, this is almost impossible.

"When I return to the extreme realm, Yuan Gu, you will be out of luck."

Gu Fei clenched his fists.

"Gu Fei, dare to come in for a fight."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the Nantian Gate.


Gu Fei glanced attentively, and saw a vague figure standing inside the Nantian Gate, and that voice came from this figure.

"Huh! I'm going in when you tell me to go in? Who do you think you are?"

Gu Fei said disdainfully.

This guy hides his head and shows his tail, he is very disgusted.

"In that case, you just keep guarding outside!"

The vague figure disappeared into the void as he spoke, silently.


Gu Fei frowned. Who is this guy? It doesn't seem to be Yuan Gu, could it be his other enemy?

Whether in the heaven or the human world, the most indispensable thing for him, Gu Fei, is the enemy. Back then, he slaughtered the Quartet and made countless enemies.

Gu Fei was not fooled, but the person did not appear again, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Among the ruins of the ancient heavenly court, there was extremely silence, no sound was heard, and a deadly gray mist appeared from time to time, like a ghost domain.

There are too many dead creatures in this place, too many to imagine. If you dig in any place inside, countless bones will be unearthed.

The battle that year was absolutely terrifying, and even the ancient heavenly court was defeated and scrapped. In this ancient heavenly court ruins, there is even the law of the ultimate way.

In other words, even if Gu Fei enters now, he will confess his life in it if he is not careful. If this is the case, he is really unlucky.

Therefore, he will not enter easily.

He didn't want to get caught.

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