Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3420: Maiden

A mysterious enemy appeared, leading Gu Fei to the outside of the ancient heavenly court ruins.

This ancient heavenly relic is not an ordinary place. This relic is far more terrifying and terrifying than the so-called Jedi in the heavens.

Back then, Gu Fei had the power to flatten the fierce land, but he still had to be cautious when entering the ancient heavenly court ruins.

Because if he was not careful, even Gu Fei himself might encounter danger in the ancient heavenly court ruins, or even fall inside.

Gu Fei is not a fool, this is obviously someone who wants to calculate himself, wants to lead himself into the ruins of the ancient heaven.

In the ancient heavenly court ruins, there was extremely quiet, black mist drifting, and the entire ruins were enveloped by a squalor. No one knows how many peerless figures and secrets are buried here.

"Whoever he is, go back and see first."

Gu Fei groaned, then turned around and took a step forward, disappearing into the void in an instant.

Just as Gu Fei left, a mysterious black shadow appeared outside the Nantian Gate.

"This guy is very careful!"

The mysterious shadow was muttering to himself, he looked in the direction where Gu Fei was leaving, his eyes cold and vicious.

At this time, the war ended, blood was flowing on the battlefield, there were countless broken magic weapons, weapons, and corpses layered on top of each other. I don't know how many immortal gods and demons have fallen.

Immortal blood and demon blood are mixed together. Immortal energy and demon energy are intertwined, and the remnant thoughts that have not been completely dissipated are wandering around the battlefield.

If this battlefield is not dealt with, it will inevitably give birth to terrifying evil things in the ages.

And only Buddhism possesses the supreme mystery to save sentient beings.

At this time, both the celestial buddhas and the human buddhas were all in action. A great virtue and eminent monk descended on this battlefield, and every Buddhist saint glowed golden light all over his body.

Only the Buddha of the holy rank can transcend the dead soul here and dispel the evil spirit here.

Someone saw the Fatian monk haunting near the battlefield.

In the fierce battlefield, groups of incomparably bright Buddha lights emerged on the battlefield, and there seemed to be Buddha sounds in the void.

At this time, Yan'er, Gu Ling, and the others had already returned to the ancestral court of the Demon Race.

Gu Ling successfully crossed the Tribulation and finally became the Quasi-Supreme. After Gu Fei, she was the second warrior in the world who successfully survived the Quasi-Supremacy Tribulation.

Gu Ling went to retreat directly, and she wanted to sacrifice the Nine Phoenix Cauldron again.

You know, the current Nine Phoenix Cauldron is nothing more than a Taoist artifact made by others. Other people’s things are very inconvenient to use. Gu Ling wants to erase a brand inside the Nine Phoenix Cauldron and then brand his own. brand.

Yan'er's temperament was very casual, so she went straight back to the pavilion that Laogui had arranged for her without leaving the door behind closed doors.

Laogui and Xiaoqing were discussing important matters of the Yaozu in the ancestral hall.

"Master, in this battle, three and a half ancestors of our clan have fallen. 130,000 soldiers died in the battle and countless wounded."

Xiaoqing said in a heavy tone.

"What, so many people died?"

Baron couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.


The old turtle nodded.

"Have you heard from your big brother?"

Old Turtle asked, Gu Fei has been away for some time, but he hasn't come back yet. Has he encountered any danger?

He knew very well that Gu Fei had a lot of enemies in the heavens, especially the mysterious and unpredictable Proterozoic. The guy was absolutely despicable, jumping out and staggering twice from time to time, and disappeared for a while.

This guy also engaged in assassinations, and many high-level monsters died in his hands, which made the old turtle want to break his body into pieces.

But this guy is very cunning, and he slips away every time.

Laogui has the Taihuang seal on his hand, and he is not afraid of the ancient times.

"No, eldest brother has the world's fastest speed, just ask who can catch him in this world?"

Xiaoqing said, it is difficult for him to catch up with Gu Fei, let alone other people?

However, at this moment, a figure appeared outside the hall without warning.

"Brother, your cultivation base is getting higher and higher!"

The old turtle said loudly at the figure outside the hall.

"To each other!"

The figure walked in from outside, and this person was Gu Fei.

The celestial realm wars, the ten directions shake, the news reaches the five ancestors of life in the human realm, and the entire human realm cultivation world is boiling.

After the war, all the major forces in the world need to recuperate.

In Ziwei Zuxing, the Ji family and the local people are in constant war.

At this time, Emperor Ji was very embarrassed and embarrassed by the local people.

Important figures of the Ji clan are constantly being killed by strong locals, which makes the Ji clan angry.

On that day, Ji Mingyi fought against Yu Feng, the clan leader of the local clan, both of them were extremely strong.

The land clan had to retreat into the ancestral land deep underground, and couldn't easily come out, and the Ji clan also hurt the vitality, and the rise of other forces also made the Ji clan lose sight of one another.

But the power of Ji Changkong's line is getting stronger and stronger. Since forming an alliance with the heavenly clan, Ji Changkong's line has actually been overwhelming the Jihuang line.

Because the powerhouse of Emperor Ji's line had fallen a lot during the battle with the local clan.

Even Ji Huang's uncle, the ancestor of Chaos, Ji Mingyi, was injured, and it would seem difficult to heal for a while.

The ancestral land of the Ji clan is full of weather, and it is the best place on the ancestor of Ziwei. The power of the heaven and earth of the ancestor of Ziwei can be attracted.

The aura in the Ji clan's ancestral land is also the strongest on the Ziwei ancestor star. Cultivating here can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

The ancestral land of the Ji family is very large, and the area controlled by Ji Changkong's camp is only a small part.

In the courtyard where Ji Changkong was, two people were chatting and drinking at the stone table under the tree. They were so happy.

"I said Hei Tian, ​​this time you have pitted that Emperor Ji miserably, haha..."

One person laughed as he said, this person is Ji Changkong.

And the person sitting opposite Ji Changkong was Heitian.

"Hey, pediatrics only."

Heitian said.

"How do we go next?"

Ji Changkong asked, this dark sky has the most horrible ideas, and it is absolutely useless to deal with Emperor Ji by himself, but after adding the dark sky, the situation is different.

"Please fight, do meritorious service!"

Heitian didn't talk nonsense, only said four words.

"Please fight? Who to fight?"

Ji Changkong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he had vaguely guessed what Heitian meant.

"What do you mean?"

Hei Tian said irritably.

"Heaven and Earth are rivals. Well, it is not impossible to destroy the Earth." Ji Changkong's eyes became brighter.

The strength of the Celestial Clan and the Earth Clan is between the two. The two great clans have fought endlessly, and in the present world, the fighting has been extremely fierce.

"Come on!"

Ji Changkong said.

The next moment, a figure appeared silently behind Ji Changkong.

"Go to the Celestial Clan Master!"

Ji Changkong directly ordered.

"Yes, master!"

That figure disappeared into the void again, as if it had never appeared before.

Soon, a white figure fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

The clan leader of the heavenly race has not arrived, but the heavenly daughter of the heavenly race has arrived.

"I have seen a goddess."

Ji Changkong hurriedly stood up and said carefully, the heavenly daughter of the heavenly clan has a higher identity and status than the clan leader of the heavenly clan. Even the clan leader of the heavenly clan did not dare to be presumptuous when seeing the heavenly girl.

And the guy Hei Tian was still sitting at the stone table, drinking his wine and eating his meat, as if he hadn't seen the heavenly goddess at all.

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