Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4429: All enemies

"What's the matter, how do I feel the existence of a demon."

"Devil? Impossible, how could the devil appear in our ancestral land."

When Gu Fei refined the Shijue Demon Star, the magic circle in the retreat was unable to completely block the breath of the Shijue Demon Star, and a part of the demon aura spread from Gu Fei's retreat.

As a result, dozens of powerful and incomparable spiritual thoughts rushed out of the Yaozu ancestral land.

The whole demon clan, the big demon that is qualified to cultivate in the ancestral land of the demon clan of the heavens, there are not many in the whole heaven, and the aura from these dozen great demons is extremely powerful.

Each one is a quasi-extreme existence.

This is the Celestial Demon Race, that is, Laogui's confidence. The thirteen quasi-superior-level big demons are all his subordinates. Such power is enough to sweep the entire heavenly realm, and even walk across the human realm.

I saw thirteen faint and unreal figures coming from everywhere. These are all transformed by the spirit of the thirteen great monsters. They can transform into form, like a real body walking in the world. This method is only quasi-supreme. Can do it.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The thirteen monsters saw the old turtle standing in the sky, and quickly saluted.

This old tortoise is now the co-owner of the demon clan in the heavens and the clan lord of the dragon clan. It is not because the old tortoise is the son of the emperor, but because the old tortoise has this strength.

In the cultivation world, strength is everything, no matter how strong you are, as long as the son is a waste, you can't sit in the position of the demon master of the demon race.

The cultivation world is a place that only looks at strength.

When the old turtle was in the position of the demon lord of the heavens, he had also competed with other big demon, and he had defeated all the competitors before he could take the position of the demon lord.

"It's all gone, what's so interesting."

The old turtle waved to the group of men.

"Yes, Lord!"

The incarnation of the thirteen great demon ancestors retreated quickly.

At this time, the Demon Dao aura that came out of Gu Fei's retreat grew stronger and stronger, as if a supreme demon was awakened inside.

The power of the Ten Absolute Magic Star is absolutely terrifying, if you change to another person, even one percent of the vitality of this magic star can't hold it.

Laogui and Xiaoqing guarded Gu Fei's retreat outside, protecting Gu Fei's law.

At this time, the countless strong monsters in the entire demon clan ancestor land were shocked. The big demon with a high cultivation base was watching from close, but the big demon with a weak cultivation base retreated far away.

Time was fading, and three days later, Gu Fei had no plans to leave the customs.

In Gu Fei's retreat, a big star was looming in the monstrous devilish energy.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei sitting underneath the Ten Jue Demon Stars was still madly devouring the vitality of the Ten Jue Demon Stars, and that Ten Jue Demon Stars had been swallowed by Gu Fei for three days without any loss of vitality.

The Demon Dao vitality contained in the Ten Demon Stars was too huge, far beyond Gu Fei's expectations.

Gu Fei's cultivation realm is still there, what is lacking is only strength, as long as the strength is reached, his cultivation will naturally return to the corresponding realm.

"Good! Very good!"

Gu Fei was shocked and delighted. After refining this magic star, his cultivation might be about to break through to the extreme realm.

He didn't stop, and continued to perform profound arts.

Soon, another day passed.

Time is constantly fading, but the ten magical star is still looming in the void.

Gu Fei sat for half a month.


Just one night, an extremely shocking sound rang, and then the entire Demon Race ancestral land shook, and the spirits of the ten directions of heaven and earth gathered toward the Demon Race ancestry land like crazy.

"That is……"

"Did the demon clan have another demon ancestor?"

Outside the Yaozu ancestral land, everyone was shocked.

And in the ancestral land of the demon race, it is as terrifying as the end of the day. The ancestral land has condensed the aura of the world for endless years, and it is disappearing quickly.


The figure of the old turtle appeared in the sky.

At this time, Gu Fei's retreat had already exploded, and the formation of the retreat had also collapsed, and a powerful figure sat in the shattered void.


In the depths of the sky, there was a faint sound of thunder, and the peerless figure sitting in the shattered void revealed a real breath of extreme Dao.

"You actually broke through to the quasi supreme mid-level?"

The old turtle looked at the figure opposite and muttered to himself.

Gu Fei's cultivation level had actually been promoted to the mid-level quasi-superior, but the vitality fluctuations of the ten unique magic star floating above his head were still vast as the sea.

"This guy hasn't stopped, does he want to hit Quasi-Supreme Dacheng?"

Old tortoise saw Gu Fei still sitting there, still running the profound arts, the chaos and majestic qi lingered around him, and the devil qi dropped from the top ten magic stars above his head, and then was refined and swallowed. .

That magic star, although only the size of a fist, the power of the magic way that burst out is endless.

If it weren't for the magic star, this star might be refined by the Supreme Dao Supreme into a peerless Supreme Dao artifact, but Gu Fei now only needs power.

Gu Fei didn't need Dao tools, because he himself was the most powerful Dao tool in the world.

At this time, the demon ancestors in the ancestral land of the demon race could not sit still, and the aura emanating from Gu Fei's body was too strong, which made their minds shake and it was difficult to calm down and cultivate.


A demon ancestor directly approached the old turtle.

The old turtle glanced at the demon ancestor. This guy was the ancestor of the Fire Monkey clan, the Fire Monkey ancestor.

Then, Laogui flipped his right hand, and a big seal appeared on his hand immediately.

"go with!"

With a soft drink, the big seal in his hand immediately flew up from his hand, directly suspended in the sky above the ancestral land of the demon clan, and restrained the entire ancestral land.

Soon, the terrifying magical aura that enveloped the entire demon clan ancestral land disappeared.

The demon ancestors in the ancestral land of the demon clan suddenly felt that a boulder pressing on their hearts suddenly disappeared, and the whole person was relieved.

That was the seal of the Emperor, the old turtle's seal of the Emperor had isolated the terrifying aura from where Gu Fei was.

As the days passed, the Taihuang Seal suspended over the Yaozu's ancestral land has not been removed, and just like that, three years have passed.

The celestial realm is extremely turbulent, the five great cosmic realms, countless forces are fighting each other, the celestial realm gradually enters a troubled world, and countless strong people jump out.

The Golden Spiritual Ape of the Eastern Territory rose in the same line, and the Fire Clan of the Southern Territory was born again, and the old palace owner of the Snow God Palace in the northern snow had woke up from sleep.

In the West, there are ancient Buddhas born with the Taoist tools of the ancient Buddha.

Zhongyu is even more competitive among the great families. The Li family, the Qin family, the Jiang family, the Zhou family, and the Duanmu family all have peerless powers born, or have powerful Taoists awakened.

But the area where the Yaozu ancestral land is located is relatively calmer.

However, on this day, a terrifying demon mountain suddenly rose from the depths of the hundred thousand demon mountain and rushed directly towards the ancestral land of the demon clan.

At the same time, a black hole swallowing yellow spring air appeared near the ancestral land of the Yao race.

There are also mysterious demon ancestors haunting the ancestral land of the demon clan, that is the remnant of the demon.

Suddenly, the atmosphere near the Yao Clan's ancestral land suddenly became tense.

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