Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4430: Gathering of Demons

The current heaven is surging, and all the ancient forces that have passed on endless years have jumped out.

Even the Golden Spiritual Ape line, which has disappeared for endless years, has reappeared in the world. This is an extremely powerful race.

In that distant past, the Golden Spirit Ape lineage once came out of the Supreme Dao, which is the inheritance of the Supreme.

In the heavens, this kind of supreme inheritance is not limited to the golden spirit apes.

At this time, Gu Fei had been sitting for three years, as if turned into a stone statue, the powerful magic aura was all sealed in one place by the Imperial Seal.

But the powerful Demon Dao aura is getting stronger and stronger, and the Demon Dao power that emerges from the fist-sized demon star might not be exhausted at all.

This shocked Laogui and Xiaoqing.

The legendary Ten Demon Stars are really amazing!

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years this magical power has condensed, and it has been devouring the essence of the world and strengthening itself. The power of this magic star is enough to transform this magic star into an eternal magic star.

However, this magic star seemed to have been manipulated. Although it had gathered such a vast and powerful magic power, it did not give birth to wisdom.

In this way, Gu Fei is cheaper.

You must know that his chaotic power can refine all the essence of the world.

Shi Jue Demon Star's powerful devil energy, even Ji Dao Supreme's shot, is difficult to easily refine, but Gu Fei is an anomaly.


Around Gu Fei's body, the devilish energy was mighty, and the chaotic cosmic energy was lingering. These two powers were intertwined. When the devilish energy encountered the chaotic cosmic energy, it dissipated one after another, and then was refined into the most primitive essence and was swallowed by Gu Fei.

"This guy's luck has always been so good!"

The old turtle couldn't help but marvel when he saw this scene in the distance.

Since Gu Fei's debut, although he has suffered setbacks, he is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

And now, he has gotten the supreme monster of the Demon Race, the Ten Demon Stars.

If someone else gets this supreme monster, it is like a chicken rib, tasteless to eat, but a pity to discard it.

However, the person who got this monster was Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's strength continued to increase. Since his cultivation base broke through to the Quasi-Supreme Intermediate level, there has been a faint thunder from the sky, and an aura of destruction smashed down from the sky, and the tribulation seemed to be descending.

But Gu Fei controlled it carefully and didn't let the robbery land.

"Does the elder brother want to work hard and cultivate to the supreme supreme accomplishment?"

Xiaoqing looked at the figure in front of her solemnly and said.

"Hey, with your big brother's urine sex, it's very possible!"

The old turtle smiled.

"Master, look around the enemy, are you still smiling?"

Xiao Qing said irritably, even though he and Laogui are mentors and apprentices, they are also like brothers. In front of Laogui, Xiaoqing didn't have so many worries, so he said whatever he thought of.

"Haha, you don't know this, why didn't those guys do it?"

The old turtle said disapprovingly.

Outside the current Demon Race ancestral land, all major forces gathered, actually surrounding the Demon Race ancestral land.

At this time, Gu Fei was in retreat, and Gu Ling was also in retreat. Since crossing the Tribulation, Gu Ling has returned to the ancestral land of the Demon Race, plunged into the depths of the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and went to sacrifice the Nine Phoenix Cauldron again.

Three years later, Gu Ling still hasn't come out.

It seems that Gu Ling encountered trouble while refining the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

"Master, why is that? Is it because you are afraid of you, Master?"

Xiaoqing actually felt very strange, why those people outside just surrounded the demon clan's ancestral land, but they didn't make a move.

"You think too much, if these people are afraid of me, they won't come at all."

The old turtle said calmly.

"Ah, are they afraid of my big brother?"

Xiaoqing woke up, his eldest brother Gu Fei, in the eyes of these guys in the heavens, was a peerless murderer, and no one wanted to offend him.

"Hey, let me tell you, the people outside are not afraid of Gu Fei, but because whoever makes the first move will be unlucky first." Laogui said.

"Whoever takes the first shot, who is unlucky first?"

Xiaoqing was taken aback when he heard the words, but then understood.

The guys surrounding the ancestral land of the demon race come from different forces, and no one wants to be the first bird, because whoever makes the first move will be ruthlessly beaten by the old turtle.

Who is the old tortoise? That is the Emperor's parent and child, and there is the Emperor's seal in his hand. Who wants to be the first to face this guy, this is no joke.


Like the great road resonating, the place where Gu Fei is, the visions are numerous, and the great sound of the great road surrounds, as if the supreme being is preaching.

In the past three years, those great medicines in the ancestral land of the demon clan have been lucky, and the great sound of divine sounds surrounds them. This is of great help to the monks in enlightenment.

In the past three years, more than a dozen great monsters have cultivated to become a saint, and there are not a few great monsters who are stuck at the peak of the great saint.

When a group of enemies came, the old turtle issued a summoning order, and countless great monsters gathered in the ancestral land of the monster race.

However, no one thought that Gu Fei would actually practice in retreat in the ancestral land of the Demon Race. This was an outsider, and it was a Human Race, not a Great Demon.

Some antique-level old monsters are naturally very upset, but the old turtles and the old monster ancestors don't say anything, who dares to say more?

But soon, these old demons were surprised and delighted, because they discovered that under the influence of Gu Fei's Great Dao divine sound, their cultivation level showed signs of breakthrough.

Then, more than a dozen big monsters became holy ones, and the cultivation bases of three old ones showed signs of breaking through to the quasi-sovereign ones.

Old demon, the old demon who has been practicing for endless years, has been stuck at the peak of the Holy Venerable, there are not a few. There are three old demon's cultivation bases showing signs of breakthrough. What a big event.

You know, even if it is the top power in the heavens, there are only one or two quasi-sages who sit in front of them.

If there were three Quasi-Sovereigns in the monster race at once, it would surely shock the entire heaven.

Of course, this is somewhat unrealistic. It is too difficult to become a quasi-supreme. If you are not careful, you will die, and you will not even be able to change the ghost way.

Being stuck in the ancestral land can not go in and out at will, it is really uncomfortable, the old turtle is very impatient these days.

He was not waiting for Gu Fei, but his old uncle.

"Why isn't that old guy coming back."

Above the ancestral hall, the old turtle lay lazily on the throne. On both sides of the throne, a group of high-level demons sat on both sides of the throne. Xiaoqing stood under the throne, holding a black stick, and looking around.

He is Laogui's precious disciple. Although he only has the cultivation base of the holy ancestors, the existence of the demon ancestors present here dare not underestimate it.

The old uncle of the old turtle, but the ancestor of the Yao clan, in terms of seniority, but the same generation as the Emperor.

The demon ancestors here are afraid to answer, you know, what the old tortoise said is the ancestor that everyone in the demon clan fears!

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