Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4438: Fight against the strongest

Gu Ling finally left.

Her exit was shocking. The nine divine phoenixes soared in the sky, and half of the sky was burned red, as if nine rounds of divine sun appeared above the ancestor land of the demon race.

The void burnt by the power of the fire radiating from the nine Divine Phoenixes was all twisting.

The terrifying heat spread, and the big monsters in the entire demon clan's ancestral land seemed to be in a steamer. Some big monsters were roasted and sweaty, and their clothes were soaked.

The heat that erupted from the Nine Deaths Divine Phoenix even penetrated the guardian formation of the Demon Race's ancestral land, and even the strong outside the Demon Race's ancestral land felt the heat.

"Who is this again!"

Someone was surprised.

"Haha, you don't even know her, she's out of date!"

Someone laughed.

"Is she famous?"

"Is it an old antique?"

Some old antiques in the heavens have never seen Gulin, but many people still know the existence of Gulin.

"She is Gu Fei's daughter, Gu Ling."

Someone looked at the figure slowly rising from the ancestral land of the Yao race with a complicated expression.

The ancient spirit sits on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, full of fire and divine light, like a spirit in the fire, floating out of dust.

"Gu Fei's daughter?"

Those old antiques who didn't know Gu Ling couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. Gu Fei had made a big name in the heaven back then, and countless arrogances who had beaten the heaven bowed their heads.

Gu Fei is called a peerless existence.

Even those old antiques who don't care about the world have heard of Gu Fei's name.

"It turned out to be his daughter, she really is a tiger father without a dog girl!"

Someone exclaimed.

The power fluctuations that erupted from Gu Ling's body were too strong, this is a female quasi-supreme.

At this time, the nine divine phoenixes hovered and danced around the ancient spirit, as if worshipping the phoenix lord, which showed that the nine phoenix cauldron had been subdued by the ancient spirit.

The next moment, Gu Ling sitting on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron suddenly opened his eyes, and then, the terrifying aura on her body began to recede like a tide.

The nine fire phoenix flying around her also rushed towards the Nine Phoenix Cauldron at the same time, and fell into the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, as if it had a life.

Outside the demon clan ancestral land, all the strong men who saw this scene were a little confused.

Seeing Gu Ling beckoned, the Nine Phoenix Ding flew up and quickly became smaller, and then fell on her hand. The Nine Fire Phoenix phantoms loomed on Ding's body.

The current Gu Ling, the Quasi-Supreme realm plus the Nine Phoenix Cauldrons, even in the heavens or the human realms, there are probably not a few strong opponents to her.

"Congratulations, niece!"

Laogui and Xiaoqing came over.

"Father hasn't refined the Ten Demon Stars?"

Gu Ling could not help being shocked when he looked at the figure surrounded by demon energy and chaos and majestic energy above the sky.

The Demon Dao aura emanating from the Ten Demon Stars is still extremely powerful, and that Demon Dao power seems to be endless.


Xiaoqing said to Gu Ling, he was very envious. Gu Ling had already cultivated into Quasi-Supreme, but he was still the peak of the Lord. It was really difficult to take that step.

"Uncle Gui, Uncle Qing..."

Gu Ling looked at Laogui and Xiaoqing with a smile.

"Well, yes, the cultivation level seems to have improved a lot."

The old turtle looked at Gu Ling and nodded.

Gu Ling's progress surpassed everyone's expectations. You must know that the cultivation level has reached the quasi-supreme realm, and it is absolutely difficult to go further.

"Would you like to find someone to practice your hands?"

Xiaoqing looked at Gu Ling with a faint smile and said.

"Find someone to practice?"

Gu Ling was a little surprised.

"There are so many people outside, just find one to practice hand skills and see how much your cultivation base and combat power have improved."

Xiaoqing continued.

"Those people outside?"

Gu Ling looked outside the demon clan ancestral land, she had already sensed a lot of powerful aura outside the demon clan ancestral land, she thought it was a master invited by the old turtle.

Now it seems that those people outside are here for trouble!

"Uncle Gui, do you want me to help you drive away those people outside?"

Gu Ling understood.

"My niece, don't get me wrong, I don't mean it!"

The old turtle shook his head quickly.

"It's not bad to find someone to practice hands."

Gu Ling nodded seriously.


The old ancestors outside the Yaozu ancestral land couldn't help changing their colors when they heard the words of Gu Ling, Laogui and others, and some people quickly retreated.

Gu Fei's daughter is too perverted, and with the Jiuhuangding Ding in hand, no one wants to face such a strong person.

Even if he wins, Gu Fei still has Gu Fei behind Gu Ling. Gu Fei is a peerless murderer. He hurt his daughter and the consequences are absolutely serious.

Moreover, if you lose, you will be ashamed.

You must know that all the ancestors present have practiced much longer than Gu Ling. They are all the predecessors of Gu Ling. If they were defeated by Gu Ling, it would be extremely shameful.

Many ancestors did not want to take their own humiliation, so they chose to retreat.

There was a lot of less people outside the Yaozu ancestral land.

It was the Eastern Overlord who frowned.

"If you want to fight, you must fight the strongest."

Gu Ling glanced away and fell directly on Dongtian Overlord's body.


Feeling the fighting spirit from Gu Ling, the blood in the body of the Eastern Heaven Overlord actually showed signs of boiling.

That was the mutual induction between the strong, the blood of Gu Ling also showed signs of burning, and the Eastern Heaven Overlord was a spark that ignited her blood.

"It's you!"

Gu Ling smiled. The next moment, she took a direct step and disappeared in the same place in an instant. When she reappeared, she had already appeared opposite the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

"How do you know that I am the strongest existence here?"

Dongtian Overlord laughed.


Gu Ling was also laughing.

The two quasi-prime females were confronting each other, but they didn't reveal the earth-shaking aura, but because of this, it was the most terrifying and dangerous.

"Unreasonable, how can she be the strongest existence here."

Some old antiques present were not convinced.

"Humph, yes, there are many people who are better than her."

Old Antique sneered.

"Someone seems very upset!"

Gu Ling looked at the Dongtian Overlord opposite with a smile.

"It's just some bugs calling."

Dongtian Overlord said indifferently, she didn't pay attention to the so-called Celestial ancestors at all.


"Said we are bugs?"


The ancestors of the heavens are almost going crazy, but no one dares to take action, they are just playing tricks, and they don't want to be the first bird without practicing.

Dongtian Overlord did not pay attention to these guys at all, only Gu Ling in her eyes.

In Gu Ling's eyes, there was only the Eastern Overlord.

"Hey, can you say that our niece can defeat the Dongtian Overlord and the ladies?"

The figures of Laogui and Xiaoqing appeared nearby.

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